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For international employees, we recognize that there is a vast difference in salaries across the international cities where our workers live and minister. We also recognize that workers have varying job roles and responsibilities that are worthy of unique compensation. The following salary structure balances these realities in a way that we believe will ensure all our workers have what they need to thrive in their specific locations and uphold equitable compensation metrics.

The following page will guide you through how we determine your monthly salary. Please note: This is only relating to your actual salary. Your support goal, which includes ministry expenses, benefits, and admin fees, is the total amount per month that you will need to raise.

Determining Your Base Salary

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The first part of your salary is based on your staff level. Reliant and your supervisor will work together to determine your placement. If married, each spouse will be at minimum a staff level 1.

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The second part of your salary is based on the cost of living in your location. This amount starts at your staff level amount and is adjusted based on our cost-of-living metrics. OR do we double the staff level and tell them we multiply half of the amount in step 1 by their cost-of-living adjustment? This might be less confusing.

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The third part of your salary is your actual housing expenses. After talking with your supervisor, you will enter the cost of rent and utilities in your city. This should be as close as possible to actual expenses, although we realize it will be an estimate in the initial MTD phase.


UI Expand
titleA Single Worker Living in Bangkok, Thailand

Staff Level

Cost of Living

Housing Stipend

Base Monthly Salary

Staff Level 2

Ministry Location - Bangkok

Housing and Utility Cost



+125% * 1,000 = $1250


 = $2150

UI Expand
titleA Married Couple living in Jakarta, Indonesia

Employee 1 Staff LevelEmployee 2 Staff LevelCost of LivingHousing StipendEmp. 1 SalaryEmp. 2 Salary
Staff Level 1Staff Level 2Jakarta, IndoHousing and Utilities$750+962.50+575$1000+962.50+575
$750$1000+110*$1750 = $1925$1150$2287.50$2537.50

Adding Auxiliary Monthly Expenses

UI Steps

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Children's Education/Childcare - You may take a stipend equal to the actual cost of enrolling your children in school, homeschooling your children overseas, or obtaining childcare in order for both spouses to fulfill ministry responsibilities.

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Special Medical Allowance - For ongoing medical or mental health needs, you may include a monthly amount to offset the cost, especially if costs are increased as a result of an overseas assignment.

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Student Loan Payments - Because many of our workers have obtained professional degrees, yet have sacrificed a more profitable career to serve overseas, you may receive an additional amount per month to cover outstanding student loan payments.

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Local Health Insurance Premium - For workers who serve in a country that offers a national health insurance plan, you may include the premium cost as an additional salary item. This is only for national health plans and does not include private plans. For those on Reliant's health insurance, this premium will be added to your monthly support goal later in the worksheet.

UI Step

Taxes in Country of Service - While most international workers will be exempt from federal income tax, many will owe taxes in the country where they are living an working. You should work with your supervisor to estimate taxes you might owe. If they will be quarterly or annual payments, estimate the cost per month for budgeting purposes.

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Ministry Expense Bonus - On the second tab of the Support Goal Worksheet, you will be asked to calculate monthly ministry expenses. You will have an option of taking a portion of those as salary, rather than reimbursing items individually. This cell will auto-fill based on  your selections on that tab.

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Social Security Adjustment - This will auto-calculate 7.6% (the employee portion of social security taxes) of the auxiliary expenses, so that taxes owed on this additional salary will not take away from your base salary.

UI Expand
titleA Single Worker living in Bangkok, Thailand

Base SalaryChildren EdMedicalStudent LoansLocal HealthTaxesMinistry ExpenseSocial SecurityGross Monthly Salary
$2150NA$100$150NA$300$200750*7.6% = $200$3100

UI Expand
titleMarried Couple living in Jakarta, Indonesia

Total Base SalaryChildren EdMedicalStudent LoansLocal HealthTaxesMinistry ExpenseSocial SecurityEmp. 1 Gross SalaryEmp. 2 Gross Salary

Accepting Your Salary

This worksheet calculates the salary that we believe will allow you to thrive on the field, be adequately compensated for your job role, and make provisions for the future. Because all international workers are support-based, we offer you the freedom of accepting a lower salary. The support goal worksheet will default to accepting the total salary. If you want to take a lower salary, please choose that from the dropdown menu and enter a new amount below.