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UI Steps

UI Step

Establish a deadline to transition. This is the date by which all current donors should have their giving transferred to Reliant. 

Answering these questions will help you establish this deadline:

titleAre you currently living off the income from this giving?
  • If so, work with your current leadership and Reliant to determine strategic timing of the gift transition so you do not have an interruption in income. You may need to involve Reliant's payroll team to get accurate take-home pay calculations and payroll deadlines.

titleWhen will current donor gifts end?
  • On what date will recurring gifts be automatically be shut off by your current organization? 
  • If there is no end date, establish one. End date should correspond with your timeline for your first paycheck (see question 1). If that's also not a factor, make up an end date. Recommended end date: 4-6 WEEKS after you complete your training with Reliant. 

titleBy when do you need to report to your ministry assignment?

(We call this being Released to Assignment

  • If you have a reporting date, usually 100% of your recurring support must be raised before that date. Considering this date, establish your deadline for current supporters to transfer their giving at least two months before your reporting date.  
  • Pro tip: The longer you wait to transition current donors, the longer it will take you to raise the rest of your support. We're not sure why this phenomenon happens, but if you'd like to be released to your ministry assignment in the near future, moving your donors over sooner, rather than later, is a sure-fire way to get that momentum going. 

titlePlan for some to miss the deadline. 
Don't make the deadline you communicate to your donors so close to your actual payroll deadline that you're short-checked when some donors miss the deadline. Give your people room to miss a deadline, to be reminded by you a couple times, and for everything to still be ok. 

UI Step

Inform your donors of the deadline and the details.

When sharing transition information with supporters, it is recommended to meet with them face-to-face (that could be in person or via video call). Start with the donors who have supported you the longestThis is a chance to acknowledge their impact, envision them for the next step, introduce Reliant, encourage them to seek the Lord on if now is the time to increase their giving, and ask for their help in connecting you to new people. 

titleSend a general email 
  • Acknowledge their impact - Encourage supporters with what God has been doing in your current ministry assignment and how their giving has made a deep impact. 
  • Envision the next step
  • Introduce Reliant
  • Include your "transition by" date (see Step 1) and step-by-step instructions on how to move their giving. Include how to end their current giving and start giving with Reliant.
  • Let them know you'll personally reach out with a phone call within the next week to answer any questions or walk them through the process. You may want to send out your emails in batches so you don't have to call everyone at once.  
  • See sample emails below

titlePersonally call each donor

This is a follow-up to the email. This is a great time to encourage them to pray about increasing their giving and connecting you with others. These resources will teach you how: 

  • Be prepared to summarize your email's content on this call. Not everyone will have read your letter. 
  • Acknowledge their impact - Encourage supporters with what God has been doing in your current ministry assignment and how their giving has made a deep impact. 
  • Envision the next step
  • "Is the Lord encouraging you to increase your impact?"
  • "Who do you know that I should know?" 
  • "If you have about 7-10 minutes right now, I can walk you through the gift transition process. Then we get to check it off of both of our lists. Can we go ahead and take care of that now?" Offer this assistance any time you get a donor on the phone (ending the giving on one side and starting their giving with Reliant). 
  • See sample call scripts below.

UI Step

Follow up. Then follow up some more. 

It usually takes 7 times for someone to hear a message before they take action. Plan for at least 5 (yes, FIVE) MORE connections/ reminders after your initial email and phone call.  

Sample scripts
