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  • Rooted in deep connection. The reason you're asking this amount is for the purpose of building the right team - and the right size team - to see the mission work accomplished. Example: My goal with this is to be able to invest deeply in those who are investing deeply in the ministry. And I want you to be one of those people. Would you take the next 24-hours to ask the Lord if He would have you increase your giving to this ministry to $amount$Intentional Gift, or some other amount?
  • As your commitment increases, invite your supporters to come alongside and deepen their impact as well. As your current team increases their investment, your ability to invest more deeply into them increases as well, vs spreading yourself thin among a lot of people. 

  • Make it a regular conversation. Just like our corporate investors' example, it's normal to make a habit of regularly connecting with your supporters about their Kingdom investment. (See Sarah B's story below) "It's that time of the year where we get to connect and talk about your giving and the impact it has made. I also want to pray over you and seek the Lord together on how He might have you deepen your impact. (ministry update & personal conversation. Increase ask, if led) ...How about you seek the Lord over the next 24 hours about this and I'll pray over you during that time as well? We'll reconnect tomorrow around the same time and see what the Lord brought up. Sound ok?" Using "it's that time of the year..." or "it's the season to..." language sets the table for this to be a normal conversation that's expected to also happen again in the future.  

  • Expect slight attrition. About 1% of those you ask to increase will reveal they need to decrease or end their engagement. That’s normal and still something to rejoice over. Take the time to honor and celebrate your supporter for the work they've done in partnership with you. Share a few stories of people they've impacted with the Gospel because of their giving. And let them know how much you've appreciated their faithfulness to the work. Then give them an opportunity to connect you with one or two others who may be interested to hear how the Lord is working through your ministry. 

  • Be Bold. Don't be shy about letting your supporters know you'll be talking about giving. Don't beat around the bush and pretend this is just a friendly catch-up call. If you're feeling some guilt because you haven't done a great job keeping in touch with your supporters, either take some time to re-establish that connection before you do an increase ask, or own it during the call. (See Matt's story below) 

  • Personally connect. "Prayer letters are important, but they pale in comparison to one-on-one connections." - Greg, Reliant pastor for over 20 years. Greg has held a regular rhythm of texting or calling supporters throughout the year to see how they are doing, update them on something that recently happened in ministry, and pray with them. It's no wonder his financial support is consistently strong, even though he has a very large goal. No matter where you are in the timeline of an increase ask, make the one-on-one connection with your supporters a priority. Some choose to take a season of reconnecting before calling for increases. Others choose to use the increase ask call as a way to reconnect. Below are a few examples from missionaries on how they structured their increase ask process, whether internationally or stateside.

  • Faithfully follow up. Organize your MTD with automatic reminders to follow up with those who are making a decision (DOH) or have said yes but haven't increased their giving yet. 

  • Thank personally. Thank those who increase. The general standard is a hand-written thank-you card and a phone call. (Other ideas HERE.) 


titleThe increase ask

My goal with this is to be able to invest deeply in those who are investing deeply in the ministry. And I want you to be one of those people. Would you take the next 24-hours to ask the Lord if He would have you increase your giving to this ministry to $amount?to $Intentional Gift, or some other amount? (wait for a response)

I will pray over you in the meantime. Let's see... it's 1:30 now... how about I call you tomorrow at 1:30 to reconnect and see what the Lord has done? Is that a good time for you? 

titleClick for more scripts.

titleThe Increase ask

I have some good news! The Lord is leading me to take the next step in ministry. I’ll be working with students and sharing the gospel. As my commitment to ministry increases, it feels natural to reach out to my support team - those who are taking this journey with me -to ask you to pray about also increasing your investment in this Kingdom work. I have $300 monthly or $3,600 annually left to raise. I’ve seen God work so clearly over the last month – the people of God are giving out of faith and not fear. It’s been incredible to experience, and now I’m almost across the finish line! So, I’d like to ask: Would you take the next 24 hours to ask the Lord if He is desiring for you to increase your commitment of giving toward ministry? (wait for a response) Great! I will commit to pray for you over the next 24 hours as well. I'll reach back out with a phone call this same time tomorrow. Does that work for you? 

titleVoicemail Script

Hi ____I was just calling like I said I would--I wanted to see how it was going in seeking the Lord on that challenge to increase your support. Feel free to give me a call back whenever it's convenient, otherwise I will try calling you again on (day). Have a wonderful day!

titleJoin the Team Script
  1. When building a team, it is important to have the right number of people. Too few, and we can not participate. Too many, and the majority are left out getting no playing time. As you know, this ministry is made possible because of the generosity of others. In building my team, I am praying for the right number of members so the financial need is met AND I am able to stay personally connected. What that would mean is each of my partners contributes an average of $150 a month.  Would you prayerfully consider increasing your gift?

  2. I'm seeking 12 people who would partner with me in this ministry at $100/mo. Would you consider locking arms with me and being one of those 12 that helps me cross the finish line? 

titleSpecial Gift/Annual Donors Ask

Encourage those who gave under $3K annually to become a monthly, regular giver. 
Those who gave special gifts or annual gifts totaling to $3K or more last year, put forward another large gift challenge. Take their last year’s gift and increase it a bit. Then ask them to take the next two days to seek the Lord on how much He wants them to invest in this ministry in the coming 12 months. Set a day to follow-up with them.

titleIncrease Ask + Names Ask

We know we aren’t meant to do this alone. Ministry is sustained through community – through MANY people offering their gifts – that's what makes it happen. You've been one of those vital people on my team for the last X years and I want to thank you for your partnership and remind you that you're building the Kingdom through your giving. My goal with this is to be able to invest deeply in those who are investing deeply in the ministry. And I want you to be one of those people.

Would you take the next 24-hours to ask the Lord if He would have you increase to an intentional gift of $150 a month?

(Yes, I'll pray)

Great, I'll pray for you as well during that time. Does it work for you if I give you a call tomorrow around this same time - to see what the Lord said to you? If they ask for more time, that's fine. But, keep the timeframes short; under a week, if possible. This avoids the task going into the "do later" pile in someone's brain.

You know there are many ways to support this work: prayer coverage, coming and serving alongside me, faithful financial giving, and connecting me with people who might be encouraged to hear about this ministry. As I was talking earlier about what I'll be doing, was there anyone the Lord maybe brought to your mind? pause for response

I'd love to connect with them. Could you put us in touch?
