You are now the Owner of this new Google Form and can edit it. The Google Form will automatically be saved in your Google Drive.
UI Step
Review the entire survey. If the Personnel Committee wants to make edits (remove questions, add questions, change wording, etc.), you can do that.
If you would like to add other members of the Personnel Committee to the Google Form as Collaborators/Editors, click the three dots in the upper righthand corner of the screen, select "Add collaborators," enter their email addresses, and click Done.
UI Step
Add the name of the feedback recipient (e.g., the pastor or church board member) to the title of the Google Form.
You can find the title of the Google Form in the upper lefthand corner of the screen.
UI Step
In the first text box, replace the blank lines with the name of the feedback recipient and the deadline.
UI Text Box
Name of Feedback Recipient: Joe Pastor
Please complete the feedback form by April 24, 2022.
UI Step
In the Instructions text box at the end of Section 1, enter the name and contact information of the person whom the respondents can contact with questions.
UI Step
Once you are ready to send the survey out to evaluators, click the Send button in the upper righthand corner of the screen.
There are several options on how to send out the survey. The easiest is to send it via a link and email the link to the people whom you are asking to provide feedback. Don't forget to send it to the feedback recipient.
UI Step
If you have additional Pastors or Board Members that you need to make a survey for, click the three dots in the upper righthand corner of the screen and select "Make a copy." Rename the survey with the next feedback recipient, and check "Share it with the same people" (if you want the same Collaborators for this survey). Then repeat steps 4 to 7.