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titleSHOW how their gift made an impact. 

Your donors need to know they made a difference. 

We accomplish this through donor-centered reporting - If I'm your donor, I've already decided what YOU do matters. Now I need you to reinforce why what I DO matters. Tell me a story of one changed life - make it personal and heartfelt and real - and remind me how I played a part in that person's transformation. These crucial reminders never get old - they tell me that I (the donor) matter and I'm making an impact in the world through my giving. For example: You-centered reporting sounds something like, "We had an outreach last week and three people accepted Christ." A donor-centered way of reporting this would sound like, "I just had to call and tell you the impact you're having. Because of your faithfulness to invest in Kingdom work, three people came to Christ last week! Let me tell you what happened..."  

If you're in the SHOW process because a donor gave their first gift, please remember the first gift is usually a "testing gift." They're looking to discover what their ROI (Return on Investment) will be before they invest any more into your ministry. This is why it's crucial to SHOW the impact their gift made and eventually offer them another opportunity to give. 

titleWays to SHOW the impact of a gift: 
  • A recent ministry story of an individual being impacted by the Gospel. 
  • Progress on things that are foundational to the ministry/church; such as recruitment, training or outreach. 

  • Ways their gift created a "ripple effect."
  • Share a story of something that's making an impact in the Kingdom.
  • The impact the gift had on you personally (encouragement, empowerment, afforded you to get some help, etc) 
  • "Because of your generosity and faithfulness to the Lord, we were able to.... "

Do not include a financial ask or additional giving opportunity in your SHOW process. 
