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Some of you have asked just to break things down into simple steps. Well, this is the Solomon page for you! Below you will find some basic questions to ask with a few options to consider, and then a sample timeline that really explains each step for each season.  Additionally, we have some sample letters and scripts for you to look at to get an idea of how best to make the ask. We are hoping to make this as easy as possible for you! Any questions? Email Jenni.saniuk@reliant.org


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titleHow To Ask

There are many options on how to make the Ask for an end of year gift. However, this is the process we recommend and have seen a lot of fruit from. 

  • Card: Send a Thanksgiving card to each person on your list. Include a hand-written, personal note reflecting why you're thankful for them in this season. Also include a picture or magnet with your smiling face. Drop it in the mail before Thanksgiving. This puts you ahead of the other Christmas-card and year-end-giving appeals. Here are some holiday card examples. Additional examples.

  • Phone: Call each person on your list and make the EOY ask voice-to-voice (or face-to-face). The point is for you to make a very personal ask. If your donor only texts, then make the ask over text. But don't let that be the default for everyone. Put in the effort to make the ask voice-to-voice or face-to-face. 

  • Letter: After the ask, let them know you'll send an email with a letter. This email has details about the ministry vision for the coming year as well as how to give (mailing address for check donors, link for online and instructions for EFT/Lifelink). Let them know you'll be praying the Lord makes it clear on how much He's challenging them to generously give. Also let them know you'll call back to see how God is leading them. 

  • Phone: Anticipate you'll have to make about 3 follow-up calls/texts/emails before a decision is made. Don't let this surprise or discourage you. It's normal. Use the end of the year as a motivator. Calendar out and batch your follow-up calls. Sample:  One follow-up each week of December. 


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titleWhat to Say

To do an End of Year Ask well, we recommend making this ask separate from your monthly update letter. Here are some sample letters/phone call asks and below are some good tips on how to best craft the ask:

  1. Look back and celebrate what God has done this past year.  
    Lift people’s eyes to what the Lord has done. Celebrate His accomplishments. This has been a tough year, but that has not stopped God from moving in people’s lives. Ask others on your team about what they have seen God do. You can use each other’s stories. Anything God is doing in the ministry you are a part of is okay for you to write about.

  2. What you are trusting God to do in the coming year?  
    Take time to dream and ask God what He wants to do in your ministry in 2022. Invite the Lord to show you what He wants to do through your team. Your partners will be encouraged as they read what you are trusting God to do next year.

  3. Invite people to give to the vision of what you are trusting the Lord to do in the coming year.  
    Ask people to give to your vision, not to your need. Invite people to be a part of what God is doing. THAT is exciting. See the the sample letter  for a great example of how to ask. Be specific. Challenging people to give a specific amount is helpful for them.

  4. Keep it concise but clear
    Be sure that your celebration, vision, and ask are all on one page or able to fit on one screen. Most people take in things within 30 seconds, and may not read a 2 page letter, no matter how compelling it may be!


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titleThe Basics Broken Down
  • Stop and pray. Then plan. 
    The old adage is true; We don't plan to fail, we fail to plan. December can be a very valuable time for fundraising, if it's approached thoughtfully and in a way that helps your messaging stand out. If you're going to do an end of the year ask, take the time to ask the Lord for His wisdom on whom to contact. Then plan it out. 

  • If you need the funds, plan to follow-up voice-to-voice or face-to-face. 
    People have great intentions, but tasks get lost in the shuffle of life; especially around the holidays! A follow-up plan will greatly increase follow-through from those who desire to give. Effective asks include written communication (letter, card, email, etc), followed up by a phone call or face-to-face meeting. This can be done in small batches over a number of weeks. 

  • Determine your distribution list. 
    Who will receive this ask? Definitely send to those who don't give on a regular basis. Don't send to anyone who has been recently asked (either for an increase or special gift) or those who just started giving monthly within the last 6 months.

  • Consider snail-mail, including a hand-written a note. 
    Printed mail has far more staying power than electronic and it allows you to add a personal, hand-written note. These notes build relationship and show you care. We've found this to be true especially for donors who primarily receive correspondence electronically throughout the year because it stands out!

  • Determine timing.
    Plan to have it hit mailboxes the weekend after Thanksgiving. You’ll want to beat the deluge of Christmas cards (and Christmas spending). Some recommend putting the letter in the mail on Black Friday. 

  • Affirm the relationship & your donor’s generosity. 
    This is where that hand-written note comes into play. This small gesture helps build relationship. 

  • Anchor your ask in vision. 
    Show them the impact they're making and invite them to go deeper. Tell them how the Lord is moving within your ministry then invite the donor to come alongside that work through leveraging their finances. When following up your ask with a call or a meeting, your ask is more about learning how God is challenging the donor toward radical giving. It is less about you and your ministry. Your ministry is the vehicle by which the Lord is discipling your donor into a deeper relationship with Him through the leveraging of their finite resources to build an infinite and lasting Kingdom. You're the mouthpiece God uses to deliver this message. Yes, lives within your ministry will be impacted as a result of this gift. But, if the donor's life and heart is not being impacted for Christ as well, then you've missed out Then, paint a picture of your ask; why it's important and how lives will be changed as a result. Avoid these terms: need, shortfall, lack of funding, low support, backpay, deficit. Those are not compelling reasons for people to give. Your ask should be vision-driven, not need or crisis-driven.  Remember, people give to people, justified by the cause.

  • List your financial need and what those finances will help accomplish. 

  • Make a clear ask.

  • Include how to donate
     Not everyone gives online. Provide a way for people to easily send a check in the mail (include the How to Start Giving Form and a self-addressed envelope in your mailing). 

  • Follow up 
    Phone call, email, or texting is all appropriate ways to follow up on the ask. Consider following up 3 times per donor. 
