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  • Josiah: Initially, I was super afraid to ask this amount (magic # of $150). It seemed like too big/ too much to ask for some of the people I was calling (like the guy who is just two years out of school). But, it's gone really well. I've been surprised. Even the people who can't do that amount, they've thanked me for asking them and have said they feel honored. Those positive responses have been really encouraging to me to keep making this ask in this way. (Raised $1,000 in new monthly in 2 months working 1.5-2 days a week on MTD.)

titleClick for additional examples from other missionaries.
  • Doug & Sarah: Our increase ask was a lot of work to connect with that many people. But, it was worth it. We asked them if they'd be willing to pray about increasing to (our magic number). We prayed before the call, asking God to tell us what we should challenge them to increase to. Maybe 1/3 of our donors increased. Our method: We made the ask. Asked them to pray. Then we followed up until we got an answer. Both required guts & time. Looking back, I wish I had been texting supporters regularly asking how I could pray for them. Example of a simple connection text to a supporter: "Hey, we're meeting with this couple tonight who is struggling. Would you pray for this meeting?"

  • Matt: My communication with my supporters before my increase ask had been lacking (meaning I'd only sent out prayer letters every couple months and I hadn't done any personal connection in years). Because of that, it was difficult to start calling donors. I made excuses that I hated the phone or I couldn't find a good time to call without my kids around. But, once I started calling, I found I enjoyed it. I soon realized I needed to block out more time for increase ask calls than I originally thought. Some calls took longer because we had a lot of catching up to do. A little less than half of the people I contacted did some sort of increase. It was definitely worth it. My method: I tried to call people. Then realized no one answered their phone. So, I ended up texting people to let them know when to expect my call. The text would say something like: "Hey, I'm going to give you a call tonight. If that doesn't work, let me know." Once on the phone with the donor, I'd spend a decent amount of time catching up. Toward the end of the call, I let them know about our support need. I’d say something like “Hey, we need to raise about $1,500-$2,00 a month to stay in full-time ministry ...  if you might be in a position to increase, would you prayerfully consider increasing your support?” Then I would discuss a day to follow up (usually 2 days later) and see if that worked for the person. Following up when I said I would was important. There was often multiple follow-ups I had to do. 

  • Sarah B: Using the Magic Number in my increase ask has been helpful in thinking how many supporters I can handle while also maintaining connection with them. I appreciated putting the magic # out there because it gave me the freedom to talk about my reality of wanting relationship and connection with my donors. "The reason I'm asking this amount is for the purpose of building the right team - and the right size team - for seeing this work accomplished." When I put my magic # out there, people consider it! It helps me to share vision and purpose behind the magic number I put in front of them. After Sarah shared this in a cohort, one of the other people on the call expressed concern over offending someone who can only give a small amount. He gave the example of a teacher on a small salary. Here’s how Sarah related: I've worked as a teacher on a very low salary for most of my life. The missionaries I support… well, I wish I had someone help me think through, "who am I investing in and what's the impact of my giving? Am I giving to these people because I feel obligated or out of a joyful heart? Am I really praying over all 8 of these missionaries as frequently as I want to? How can I put my money where my heart is?" As a teacher who made very little, I would have really appreciated having one of the missionaries I supported taking the time to educate me, ask some of those questions and help me be more intentional and prayerful in my financial partnerships.
