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Remaining Any remaining funds are handled differently for ongoing missionaries and those that are part of the specific programs listed below. Please review the eligibility criteria to submit an Exiting MTD Transfer Request based on your status as outlined below.


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titleCollegiate/GCC Intern/Residency Programs

If the exiting missionary is involved in Collegiate/GCC Program Team and is completing an internship or residency, excess funds will be distributed as follows:

  • If a missionary is exiting a summer-long project Collegiate project, such as LT, and is listed as a Collegiate Intern, excess funds will be transferred to the Collegiate Church Network fund.
  • If a missionary is exiting after a residency or internship where they are serving at a Collegiate or GCC church, the excess funds will be transferred to their church's residency fund within Reliant.
  • Residents are not eligible for the fund transfer process, as any remaining balance will be distributed as listed above.


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titleOngoing US, Collegiate, & International Missionaries

When a Reliant missionary exits with a balance remaining in the MTD account they’re responsible for after all other expenses have been paid, the following policy will automatically apply toward the treatment of any remaining funds in the closed MTD account. The Exiting MTD Transfer policy is a different policy than the annual allowed MTD Transfer Request policy, and the one transfer per year rule does not apply to exiting transfers,

  1. The missionary may request an Exiting MTD Transfer
    1. The first $13,000 can be transferred to Reliant MTD and/or Project accounts based on the wishes of the missionary
      1. A maximum of $5,000 can be transferred to other MTD accounts
      2. A maximum of $8,000 can be transferred to project accounts
    2. The next $2,000 will be transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund (SMF)
    3. Any remaining amount after the Exiting MTD Transfer and the $2,000 will be transferred to the project fund most closely related to the missionary's ministry role. 
  2. If an Exiting MTD Transfer is not requested
    1. The first $2,000 will be transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund
    2. Any remaining amount after the $2,000 will be transferred to the project fund most closely related to the missionary's ministry role. 
    3. In the event If there is no project fund most closely related to the missionary's ministry role, the remaining funds will be fully transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund


$16,000Remaining final balance in MTD account of College Church Ministry/Ken Jones
($5,000)Ken Jones' request for MTD fund transfer to another Reliant staff MTD account, approved by Reliant management
($8,000)Ken Jones' request for MTD fund transfer to Reliant project/church/ministry fund FD####, approved by Reliant management
($2,000)Transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund

Total remaining amount transferred to the project fund most closely related to the missionary's role upon final closure of MTD account.

titleDeadline for Transfer Requests

Exiting missionaries must submit an Exiting MTD Transfer Request by the 16th day in the month of their exit. If a transfer request is not received by this deadline, an appeal may be submitted to payroll@reliant.org within 3 months of the missionary's exit for a late transfer request to be considered. Appeals that are submitted more than 3 months from the missionary's exit date will not be eligible for consideration. 

Fill out the Exiting MTD Fund Transfer request form below and email the completed form to payroll@reliant.org. 

UI Button
titleExiting Missionary Transfer Request Form

Unique Situations:

titleReliant Missionaries transferring into a 100% support based role with another 501(c)(3) ministry

It is Reliant's desire to be generous when the missionary's exit is to a formal support-based deputized mission agency role (like Reliant). 

The Reliant missionary should contact payroll@reliant.org by the 16th day of the month of exit to discuss the process of transferring employment to another ministry or church and the process of contributing any remaining MTD fund balance to the new 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry or church.  

Reliant will generally allow for the contribution of any remaining MTD missionary account funds to be contributed to the new ministry, mission agency, or church if the Reliant missionary is exiting and:

  1. Will be transferring their ministry employment to another 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry, mission agency, or church that is using a dedicated 100% support-based deputized fundraising model (like Reliant). 
  2. The exiting Reliant missionary will be responsible for raising 100% ministry support for their new role.
  3. Anticipates that there will be an MTD account balance remaining upon their exit from Reliant
  4. The ministry, mission agency, or church provides adequate substantiation that they are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. 
  5. The Missionary must be eligible to request an Exiting MTD Transfer  - see criteria above based on the missionary's status. 

Please contact your Program team Liaison with help with this process. 

titleReliant Missionaries transferring into a partially support-based role at another 501(c)(3) ministry

It is Reliant's desire to be generous when the missionary's exit is to a formal support-based deputized mission agency role (like Reliant). However, if the missionary is not transferring to a fully support-based position, then the first $15,000 of the exiting MTD account balance must be distributed to other accounts within Reliant. The Missionary must also be eligible to request an Exiting MTD Transfer  (see criteria above based on the missionary's status to request a transfer of funds to another 501(c) 3 organization. 

Please see the parameters below for transferring funds to other MTD and project funds within Reliant.  

The Reliant missionary should contact payroll@reliant.org by the 16th day of the month of exit to discuss the process of transferring employment to another ministry or church and the process of contributing any remaining MTD fund balance to the new 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry or church.  

  1. Request The missionary may request an Exiting MTD Transfer
    1. Up to The first $13,000 can be transferred to Reliant MTD and/or Project accounts based on the wishes of the missionary.
      1. If any amount of the first $13,000 is not requested via an exiting MTD transfer, that amount will automatically be transferred to the project fund most closely related to the missionary's ministry role.
        1. A maximum of $5,000 can be transferred to other MTD accounts
        2. A maximum of $8,000 can be transferred to project accounts
      2. The next $2,000 Any remaining funds of the first $15,000 in the exiting MTD account balance (up to a maximum of $2,000) will be transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund .If there is no project (SMF)
      3. Any remaining amount after the Exiting MTD Transfer and the $2,000 will be transferred to the project fund most closely related to the missionary's ministry role, any remaining funds of the first $15,000 in the exiting MTD account balance will be fully transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund.
    2. If Do not request an Exiting MTD Transfer is not requested
      1. The first $2,000 will be transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund
      2. Any remaining funds of the first $15amount after the $2,000 in the exiting MTD account balance will be transferred to the project fund most closely related to the missionary's ministry role. 
      3. If there is no project fund most closely related to the missionary's ministry role, any remaining funds of the first $15,000 in the exiting MTD account balance the remaining funds will be fully transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund.
    3. After the above transfer process is followed, Reliant will generally contribute the remaining funds to the missionary's new ministry, mission agency, or church.  

    Example for when the receiving 501(c)(3) does NOT use a dedicated 100% support-based deputized fundraising model:

    $18,000Remaining final balance in the MTD account of College Church Ministry/Sue Smith
    ($5,000)Sue Smith's request for MTD funds transferred to another Reliant Staff MTD Account, approved by Reliant management.
    ($8,000)Sue Smith's request for MTD funds transferred to a Reliant Church/Project Fund FD####, approved by Reliant management.
    ($2,000)Transferred to the Reliant Staff Ministries Fund.
    $3,000 Excess contributed to outside ministry, mission agency, or church.
