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Getting Started with Google Slides

About Google Slides

Slides is a presentation "slide deck" program from Google.


to Google Using Your Reliant Google Account

Visit http://slides.google.com


Visit your Reliant Google Drive, which will show your Google Slides, Google Docs (documents) and Google Sheets (spreadsheets)

Sign in using your Reliant Google Account. 


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titleMore Instructions

Template Files Appear in Preview Mode.

  • If there are other Reliant missionaries at your church or ministry, you may have a specific starter template found in the Church Templates Folder
  • If not, click a generic starter template that most closely fits your role 

Use Open In Drive to move them to your Reliant Google Drive.

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Find the Starter Template.
  • Open the presentation that most resembles your ministry.
    • Reach out if you have questions as to which is the best template
  • You'll need to Make a Copy to begin editing your own copy. (You can view but not edit these)
    • Rename your copy something to distinguish from others (e.g. "MyName MTD Presentation Album
May 2015
    • ")

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Did you get a "You Need Permission


" error?

  • This is mostly likely when you are already signed in with a personal gmail account.
  • You need to login with your @reliant.org account to access this file.
  • You may switch accounts to log in with your other account.
  • Request Access will not give you access to the file. It will send us an email request, and we will reply saying you need to switch to your Reliant account! (smile)

Share with Communications@reliant.org

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Basics of Editing


How to Edit your Google Slides


Widget Connector

How to add your own photo

To begin you will need to search for photos to customize your presentation.  

Check your photo quality

Low resolutions images will appear grainy or pixelated when printed. Check to see that you are using the highest quality image available. See Photo Resolution Help.

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titleFinding the Right Photos


It's important that you have high-quality digital photos. For help understanding photo quality, see Photo Resolution Help.

You’ll want to find 15-20 high-quality photos that include:

  • A picture for the cover of your presentation album. This is usually a general picture that represents your location (a famous spot on campus, in your city, etc.)

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  • A picture of you (and your family)

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  • Pictures that illustrate the ministry (people you minister with, physical locations you minister at, etc.)

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  • Pictures of people (individuals and groups) you’ve ministered to that help illustrate the needs of your ministry location

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  • Other pictures that help illustrate the needs of your ministry location, including photos of your ministry location (photos of a college campus, for example).  You can potentially find specific photos used by others in your same ministry location in the Reliant google templates specific church ministry templates. 

The Google Help Center can provide some basics on how to create slides, use text boxes, add images, and more. Here are a few key highlights as it applies to your MTD Presentation Album: Starter Template.

First thing's first!

There are a couple slides that have things that are easily forgotten... Before doing anything else, go ahead and make the following changes:

Slide 3:   LOCATION has # of people. Replace LOCATION with your actual location

Slide 5: For WHO WE ARE REACHING. Replace WHO WE ARE REACHING with who you are actually reaching.

Slide 7: The only hope for PEOPLE/PLACE. Replace PEOPLE/PLACE with the people you are reaching in your location.

Slide 19 LEFT SIDE: Our work with people. Replace people with who you're working with.

Slide 19 RIGHT SIDE: Missionary Name and Fund #. Replace with your info.

Slide 25: Reliant.org/first.last Replace with your URL.

How to add your own photo

Replace Image 

Use Replace image when the photos already on the slide are already arranged as you would like. This is the easiest way to stick with a layout we might have provided in a template.


Some slides are set up with fully editable parts, so text and images can be modified or completely removed. Other slides, such as the About Reliant slide, is a fixed image and is not editable.

There are a couple slides that have things that are easily forgotten... Go ahead and make these changes...

  • Slide 3: LOCATION has # of people. Replace LOCATION with your actual location
  • Slide 5: For WHO WE ARE REACHING. Replace WHO WE ARE REACHING with who you are actually reaching.
  • Slide 7: The only hope for PEOPLE/PLACE. Replace PEOPLE/PLACE with the people you are reaching in your location.
  • Slide 19- Here's How You Can Help Slide: LEFT SIDE: Our work with people. Replace people with who you're working with.
  • Slide 19- Here's How You Can Help Slide: RIGHT SIDE: Missionary Name and Fund #. Replace with your info.
  • Slide 25- How to Give: Reliant.org/first.last Replace with your URL.

Provided Layouts & Additional Slides


More from Google Help: View and Create a presentation on iPad and iPhone

Converting Slide Deck to a Printed Photo Book

Use these steps to convert your finished google slide deck to a printed photo book.

Make sure that when you begin editing your google slides for the printed presentation album that you begin with a template that has the correct dimensions. If you are using a Reliant template it should already be the correct template, but for example if you were sent a template from another Reliant employee because you wanted to borrow their slides from the same location, etc. make sure that before you begin adding your own photos that it is in the correct dimensions in order to be able to print correctly. It should be 8.5 x 5.5. You can view the picture below to see that you can confirm the dimensions both by looking at the measuring grid along the edges of the slide (8.5 on top and 5.5 on the side) or going to FILE and then selecting PAGE SETUP to view the dimensions.

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Sometimes you will have to adjust the dimensions of your slides for electronic presentation viewing (such as switching it to widescreen for a projector presentation at a church, etc.) This is why we suggest making a copy of your presentation slides that is specifically just for printing.  We also will usually have added pages that are filler slides for printing that are not used during an electronic presentation so we highly encourage having a separate google slide document specifically just for the purpose of printing.

Check Your Work

Arranging the Pages for a Hardcover Photo Book

If you intend to export your slide deck to a hardcover photo album, you will need to pay attention to the number of pages.

  • Each slide corresponds to a page in the book.
  • Notice you do not need a separate slide for the inside front cover, and the inside back cover, which are already blank when printed.
  • Slides work in pairs to create facing pages in the book. If you decide to add one single slide beyond what is provided in the template, it will make all the subsequent pages in the book jump a page forward, making many of the matching page pairs out of sync. Instead, replace a current slide with your new slide, or add your new slides in pairs.  (This does not matter for a digital presentation, and you may choose to do one version for print and then create a different version for digital where you can be a little more free).

For more on this see Layout & Pages Help for MTD Presentation Album.

Check your photo quality

Low resolutions images will appear grainy or pixelated when printed. Check to see that you are using the highest quality image available. See Photo Resolution Help.

Key areas to edit

Slide 5: Who are we reaching

Slide 7: People/Place

Slide 17: [people] and your info on the right

Silde 23: (reliant.org/first.last) 

Our style for writing the Reliant website is "Reliant.org"


Export to PDF

  1. Export to PDF. Use File > Download As... > PDF Document. It will save to your computer.
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    This file
  2. Open the PDF and view each page to ensure it looks right.
    1. Looks good? You're ready to order
    2. Find an "X" on a page? This can be due to an image that had a technical problem.
      1. Try the export again.
      2. Find the offending page and see if the image size can can be reduced. Very large images can break the export. Export again.
      3. Contact us for help

Order Your Book from Reliant "CopyCat"


On CopyCatComplete an Order for the MTD Presentation Album. Use steps to Add to Cart and "checkout." including adding your shipping information.

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Share with Communications@reliant.org

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Click on the blue "Share" button on the top right and share with Communications@reliant.org. They will be the ones that will be able to look over your work and by sharing your slides they can leave comments directly on each page. 
