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Re-entry can be one of the most challenging times in the life of an international worker. You have worked hard to learn an entirely new way of doing life and returning to the US, to your "old life", can mimic the same grief process as the death of a loved one. Without healthy processing and support, returning workers can be susceptible to depression and bitterness. HOWEVER, do not be discouraged! With healthy processing and support, you can enter into an exciting new season of ministry and purpose. Your cross-cultural perspective and experience can be a huge blessing to the new community you are entering. Just as we equipped you during your initial support-raising and launch to the field, we want to equip you with the best resources available during this transition.

As you look toward re-entry, here are some of our go-to resources:

  1. Get connected with International Counseling Resources to do some re-entry sessions with a counselor.
  2. Attend a debrief with CIT or MTI. These sessions fill up quickly, so try to plan well in advance to attend one of these debriefs.
    1. CIT's (Center for Intercultural Training) Debrief Retreat in North Carolina (https://cit-online.org). 
    2. DAR (Debrief and Renewal) program with Missionary Training Institute (www.mti.org) in Colorado.

Debrief counseling and Debrief programs (including travel expenses) are all reimbursable from the ministry fund you are responsible for.

Recommended reading

Reliant recommends all international workers consider reading (as time provides) some of the following books when preparing to return to the U.S. after living abroad. 

  • The Art of Coming Home by Storti
  • Re-Entry by Jordan
  • Crossing Cultures by Burt & Farthing
  • Coming Home by Lisech
  • What Missionaries Need to Know About Burnout and Depression by Schubert
  • Weary Warriors by Coffman
  • Honorably Wounded by Foyle
  • Third Culture Kid by Pollock & VanReken

For Supervisors and Sending Churches:

  • Serving As Senders by Pirolo
  • Too Valuable to Lose by Taylor
  • The Re-Entry Team by Pirolo
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