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When you launched to the field, you invested significant energy preparing for the work ahead. As with any profession, ongoing development is equally important. Furthermore, as cross-cultural workers doing ministry in some of the most unreached and difficult soils of the world, you will face seasons that may benefit from specialized support.

A number of our Reliant international workers were called to the field to minister to other workers, and their services are available to all International staff, team members and team leaders alike.

Your engagement will vary based on your needs, though these relationships are generally short-term to help you navigate a decision or season.  Consider this person a temporary addition to your existing care network to help you process circumstances and/or develop tools for thriving. Some reasons you might want to reach out to someone independent include, but are not limited to: debriefing, feeling stuck, marriage tuneup or conflict, parenting questions, team dynamics, questions of calling, and skill-specific coaching such as language learning, cultural adjustment or leadership development.


There are a lot of terms associated with Member Care and it is important to identify what type of help you are seeking. Below are some general distinctions in different types of services. While this is a great starting place, it is up to you and your provider to set expectations. 

Professional Development

Staff Care - Support for present challenges and equipping for long-term thriving.

Debrief - Processing a past event or season of ministry in order to move forward in a healthy way.

CoachingGuidance for setting and achieving specific goals.

Group Coaching - For teams to gain skills and tools for healthy team dynamics or navigating transition.

Language Coaching - Setting goals and addressing challenges related to language learning.

Personal Development

Mentorship - A relationship with a mature believer (or couple) for the purpose of growing in life with God and others.

Spiritual Direction - Being present with someone in their spiritual journey and helping them discern the Lord's leading.

Marriage and Family - For couples navigating marriage and/or family challenges.

TCK Care - Care and debriefing for children of cross-cultural workers.

Biblical Counseling - Conversations in which the Bible is used as the primary means to counsel those who are struggling under the weight of sin and/or suffering. Counselors may or may not hold certification.

Licensed Counseling - Services given by a licensed professional counselor to work through challenges or mental health concerns.

Some of our staff may offer Biblical Counseling. If you are looking for a licensed counselor or mental health professional, see International Counseling Resources

Some expenses related to Coaching, Counseling, and Spiritual Direction may now be recovered on the Intl Expense Recovery Form. See the Expense Recovery Standard for more information.


The following staff are Reliant employees but operate under the supervision of their partner ministry. They have unique areas of ministry and will have different approaches to the member care relationship. Each will have an intake process and may charge a fee for their services. Fees will be paid through an internal transfer between MTD accounts, meaning no upfront costs to you!

*While we encourage every International worker to seek routine coaching, counseling, or member care, these services are optional and you are free to choose any provider of your choice. If at any point you feel uncomfortable with a care provider, you have the freedom to pursue other options. It is your responsibility to discern counsel according to your own biblical convictions. Though we strive to recommend resources that we believe will be beneficial, the views of an individual coach may not reflect the views of Reliant.

For more information see Guidelines For Ministers & Staff Who Are Not Licensed Counselors In Spiritual Care Situations 

To get started, fill out this brief interest form.  Interest Form

Celeste Allen




Spiritual Accompaniment


Region: United States


  • Le Rucher debriefing as well as basic debriefing
  • Cerny-Smith Assessment
  • Trained in mentoring, coaching, and spiritual accompaniment and 15+ years of experience (formally and informally)


Celeste Allen is a writer and leader in ministry care. She spent many years hosting a retreat center in Italy and now trains others to do the same. A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Celeste has been involved in international Christian work for more than thirty years. Her passion is to help people connect with God through all their senses.

Chris and Katie


One-time Consultations to assess where you are at in your mental and spiritual health, in order to provide resources and direction for next steps in care.


  • Debriefing - Le Rucher
  • TCK Debriefing - TCK Training
  • MA Biblical Counseling - Westminster Theological Seminary (Katie)
  • Standards of Care - Fieldstone Counseling (Chris)


Chris & Katie partner with Barnabas International to provide professional and pastoral care to under-resourced global workers, national ministers, and children in the unreached MENA region.  They desire to see more and more encountering the love of Jesus in this region and believe the health of ministers and their families is a critical piece for maintaining and stewarding sincere and faithful missional efforts in this context.  They have around 15 years of ministry experience and will soon open and operate a respite ministry in Cyprus to provide counseling, debriefing (intensives), workshops, and on-location care within the MENA region.  

Cori Crawford Van Oss


Personal & Ministry Coaching:

  • Personal & Spiritual Development
  • Transitions
  • Leadership Development
  • Clarity of Calling
  • Sabbatical Coaching/Advising

Group Workshops: 

  • Team Dynamics 
  • Deepening Emotional Intelligence
  • Deepening Your Grit - Group Coaching


  • ICF Professional Coach, ACTP Coach U
  • Commissioned missionary (Cru), minister (Collegiate Church Network)
  • Western Theological Seminary, MA program, Christian Ministry

If you have never experienced coaching, please ask for my complimentary 20 min session. 


Cori has dedicated the last 4 decades to raising up laborers for the harvest - from the front lines of Eastern Europe, to the sending agency, to her current ministry of equipping & supporting cross-cultural leaders through coaching, consulting & pastoral care. By nature she is a Teacher, Equipper, Strategist. She sees the gifting/passion mix that God has woven into HIs laborers & the opportunities in front of them - helping ministry leaders clear the fog & deepen their impact, while experiencing God & their community more joyfully. 

David and Suzanne


  • General Staff Care
  • Marriage and Family
  • In-Person Debriefing (Individual, Couple and Family)
  • TCK Care and debriefing
  • Biblical Mentoring
  • “Team Parents”

Region(s) supported: Europe, Middle East, Africa, AsiaTime zone: GMT +3



  • Level 1 Certificate in Biblical Counseling (Association of Biblical Counselors)
  • Le Rucher debrief training
  • TCK debriefing certificate
  • Deacon - Austin Stone (pre-field)


  • Le Rucher debrief training
  • Elder - Amman International Church (current), Austin Stone (pre-field)


Married in 1989, Suzanne and David spent many years working in the US and serving in their local church. They now live overseas with a passion to care for global workers, describing themselves as “team parents”. They have a wealth of wisdom to offer from years of faithful service. They have two grown children and two grandchildren.

Katie K


General Staff Care


TCK Consultations

TCK Debriefing

Region: GMT +7


  • Le Rucher debrief training
  • TCK debriefing certificate


Katie worked in the Mid-east region for 3 years, during which time she experienced crisis, evacuation, and unplanned transitions. Through that she has felt a call to care for cross-cultural workers and in particular families and children living abroad. She recently moved to South Asia where she will be invested in this work full-time.

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