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A Reliant employee has some choices regarding his or her employment status and hiring date while beginning the initial support-raising process (Initial MTD). The following information is to help you understand your options, but you do not need to make any decisions before arriving at training. We will talk through your options more at training as well.

Typical scenario (Full-time, 40 hours/week)

Most of our U.S.-based employees start out raising support as full-time employees at 40 hours per week with a hiring date of the first day of their training. Under this option, the employee:

  • Begins receiving a paycheck (even if not a full one) right away, dependent upon the amount of money raised so far
  • Begins receiving benefits coverage through Reliant right away
  • Is able to receive backpay in the future for the hours worked during support raising. For a more detailed explanation, please see Backpay.

Other scenarios

Associate Staff (Volunteer) option

Employees can choose to start the initial fundraising season as an Associate Staff. Being an Associate means they are an official volunteer with Reliant while they begin support raising. Under this option, the employee:

  • Can build up a balance of funds in the MTD account the employee is responsible for before pulling money out for a paycheck. This is a common choice for international employees who need funds to accrue to cover their moving expenses and one-time needs.
  • Is not benefits eligible
  • Does not yet receive a paycheck. The employee chooses when in the future he or she wants to receive a hire date and start getting paid. 

Part-time options

Some employees want the benefits of being hired by Reliant right away but will not be working 40 hours per week. The following options are available for them:

  • Part-Time 30 (hours/week)
  • Part-Time 25 or 20 (hours/week)

Keep in mind that an employee's benefits eligibility may change depending on the status chosen. Your employment status should match the amount of hours you are working (raising support) unless you are fully a volunteer. You cannot volunteer for some of your hours and be paid for other hours.

Hire date

Provisionally Accepted employees can receive a hire date once they've attended a training (if required) and completed the necessary employment paperwork.

  • Hire Date depends on:
    • Completing training requirements (listed on the offer of employment)
    • Completing necessary employment paperwork (at training or remotely if not attending training)
    • No other disqualifying factors come up before the hire date. Potentially disqualifying factors include (but are not limited to):
      • The employee or church feels led in a different direction
      • There is a change in the employee's moral conduct or background check
  • Hire Date can be as early as the first day of the training attended (or 10 business days after accepting the offer if not required to attend training).

Related pages


 Kathy Zellinger

Email: kathy.zellinger@reliant.org

Phone: 407-502-0995

Title: Collegiate Program Liaison

Department: Collegiate Program Team


 Becca Isaak

Email: becca.isaak@reliant.org

Phone: 407-743-0076

Title: US Liaison

Department: U.S. Churches & Ministries Team

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  1. Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org) - go back and link to definitions vs having a dictionary. 

  2. Keva AmbreUnknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org) and user-1a794...

    I think this is great for our full-time staff. However, I do not think this is necessary for an automated offer call in the Associate/Intern app. Almost everyone in the associate/intern starts associate for fundraising because they are in a program that has not started yet. And it is also not their choice, since the program parameters is what makes the choice for them.

    Does that make sense?

    1. Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org)

      That is an excellent point Mike! My only reservation in removing this info completely is that we are trying to build this process for the Assoc/Intern track so that it can accommodate all the varying types of applications and "french exceptions" that come through this track.

      So the question is, are there any people that we know could apply on the Assoc/Inter track that would benefit from seeing this info? Maybe hourly <20 hr/wk employees? Some Refresh applicants would use this track, but they would have already been employed with Reliant at some capacity so this information may not be as helpful/necessary.

      That's my 2 cents! (smile)

  3. There are a few, but most of the less than 20 hour/week people already have a spouse working for Reliant. I'd rather not put it in, so as not to confuse the majority

  4. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) - we have a link to this page in the Offer Letter section of the Offer of Employment form for those in the US/Intl track. Once it's moved over to the field manual, you'll want to update that link here: https://go.reliant.org/forms/136829/edit/?task=210861


  5. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    Mike Swann We had talked about a new draft for this page that would be linked to from the Automatic Offer on the U.S./Intl track. We can look at it in our meeting but wanted you to know it's here.

    1. Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org)

      I like the edits you made to this page Ed! 

  6. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    Hannah De Oliveira Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org) This page is live in the Field Manual now and will be linked from the Offer Letter tab of the Auto Offer for US/Intl once we launch that. Hopefully this keeps us from needing to talk much about this during the welcome call.

  7. Jenni Saniuk Would you still like to be the contact here?

    1. This should probably be program teams

      1. Mike Swann Jenni Saniuk Is there a particular program teams tile I can add here or should I just remove the current tile and do the page include for the liaisons?

          1. LOL Jenni Saniuk - Kristina Lilly Let's go with US and Collegiate PT liaisons.