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We are excited that you are partnering with Reliant for your International Internships. If you have any questions regarding MTD, please contact your MTD Coach or email international@reliant.org.

We wanted to provide you with all the information you might need for raising support.  

Below is a step-by-step overview of MTD for an international internship.

Align your heart

Some Christians feel uneasy about fundraising. "I don't want to impose on others" or "Everyone struggles with money, why should they give to me?" are common objections. Here are a few key reflections to set our minds right:

Fundraising is modeled in Scripture that (God's) workers are worthy of (God's) their wages. 

72 disciples sent out are to depend on the hospitality of others while on mission. (Matt 10:5-15)

Corinthian Christians give generously towards missionary work in Jerusalem. (2 Cor 8:6-15)

Apostle Paul thanks the Philippians for sending money towards his missionary work. (Phil. 4:14-20)

1/10 of all was given to Levites, full-time workers in the temple. (Num.18:21)

Fundraising is on behalf of others.

Even when we are directly involved in the ministry, the funds are given towards the work of God through us. It is not for selfish gain. It is a privilege to ask boldly on behalf of others.

Fundraising teaches us dependence on God.

We learn to trust God to provide the needs of the mission project. Donors learn to trust God as they give generously. This can challenge our overemphasis on "self-reliance."

Fundraising involved the whole body of Christ in the mission.

Not all can go, but all can participate. The opportunity to give can be a blessing to those who become true "partners" from a distance.

Ask Specifically. 

In Nehemiah 2:1-8, after spending much time in prayer, Nehemiah asks for very specific things to support the rebuilding of the walls in Jerusalem. 

In Matthew 7:7-10, we are told to ask, to see, and to knock. 

The goal of developing a ministry team is to meet a genuine need in God's kingdom by actively challenging people to heartfelt, generous, and cheerful giving. 

"And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." Colossians 3:17

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." Colossians 3:23

"Name-Storm" a List of Potential Ministry Partners

Begin with an open mind and an open sheet of paper or spreadsheet.

Pray that the Lord will bring your attention to names of individuals whom you should contact.

Start by developing an initial list of potential ministry partners. MTD is built on people connecting to people. Most of us already know a great number of people: friends and family, co-workers, Christians at church. All of these are candidates to contact.

Brainstorming rules

  • No name is disqualified!
  • Do not limit based on who might be able to give.
  • Do not limit based on who might have specific interest.
  • No need to add contact information - that comes later. It will slow you down now.
  • No need to sort or prioritize - that comes later. It will slow you down now.
  • Let it sit. Throughout each day, as names come to mind, write them down.


Name-Storming Guide.

MTD Partner Tracking Spreadsheet

Make First Contact

Before sending information about your ministry, connect with potential partners via phone, text, or social media (in that order!)


  • People partner with people. Making first contact emphasizes one-on-one connection. Mass mailings do not. 
  • People partner with those who are passionate. Making first contact shows initiative. 
  • People partner with causes they know about. Making first contact begins the learning process. 
  • People partner with causes that stand out. Making first contact will highlight your letter in a sea of information. 

Phone Call

Download a sample phone call script here to have a template to follow. 

Always identify yourself. Acknowledge how you know them as needed. 

Ask if you have called them at a convenient time. Wait for their response. 

Explain why you are calling briefly and clearly in just 1-2 sentences. 

Ask directly: I would like to send you some information that would explain more and give you the chance to get involved. Would that be okay? 


If they hesitate or say "no," assure them there is no obligation and ask again. Be sensitive but bold. 

If they say "yes," thank them. 

Confirm contact information, including: 

  • email address
  • postal mailing address
  • phone number ("Was this the best number to reach you?")
  • Confirm how they would like to receive the information. Email or Post Mail

Confirm your final actions: 

  • You will send that in the next day or two.
  • You'll plan to get back in touch. 

Save "catch-up" or other topics for the end of the conversation.


If no one answers your call, it may be because they do not recognize your number. You can immediately send a text to quickly explain why you were calling. 

Maybe something like this...

Social Media

A Facebook message can also work as a first contact before sending your letter (instead of making a phone call).  

Many of us know that people are busy, and we have to talk to people multiple times before they hear our whole message. The "phone-letter-phone" (distance) strategy does exactly that. The first phone call is simply to introduce a letter — "I'd love to send you some information about our ministry…" The letter is the informational piece, and the follow-up phone call gives us a place to ask for a decision. In the process, we get three connections with a potential partner before a decision is made.

Facebook is particularly good at the first part of the "phone-letter phone" strategy, making it "Facebook-letter-phone." A private Facebook message: "Hey – it's been a long time! I'm raising support for an internship in ___, and I was wondering if I could drop you some information about what we're doing. What's your best email address?" can be quick and simple.

For a more detailed guide on using social media for support raising see - Facebook strategy

Send a Ministry Letter

You can send this either in the mail or via email, depending on which they mentioned was the best way to send the information. 

This is a personal letter from you representing your internship. Use the template letter provided (for either a mission trip or an international summer program) below to edit as your own. Please use the highlighted portions at the bottom of the template Word doc in your own letter. 

Download the Mission Trip Support Letter Template Here.

Download the extended summer-long program Ministry Team Letter Template Here.

When writing a ministry team letter, the personal segments in the sample letter obviously must be rewritten. However, the body of the letter should always include: 

  • A specific date (ex., do not say this summer, but use your event's exact dates).
  • Your greeting must be a specific person (not "dear friend").
  • Acknowledge your relationship with the reader. What can you say that will help the person identify with you? 
  • Briefly bring your reader up to date on what you're doing. 
  • Tell your part. Explain what the internship is, why you have decided to participate, and what you hope to see God accomplish.
  • Explain the financial need. The purpose of your letter is to give your reader an opportunity to help. Make sure you explain exactly what is needed. You need to raise funds (in partnership with Reliant) to participate in this Kingdom work. Use specific dollar amounts. 
  • Then, involve your reader by inviting them to take specific action. "Would you prayerfully consider giving $100, $250, or $500 towards ____?" Give the deadline for when the funds are needed.
  • Acknowledge your relationship again with an emphasis on thanks, appreciation, gratitude, partnership, and commitment. This ties your opening acknowledgment to your request. 
  • Close the letter, and if it is on paper, sign each one personally.
  • Add a "P.S." Commit yourself to a specific action you will be taking. Ex. "I'd like to call you next week so I can answer any questions you might have." If you are sending this in the mail, you should handwrite your P.S. to make the letter more personal. 
  • Do not delete (or change) the statement at the bottom about gifts being tax-deductible, etc., provided by Reliant.
  • Highlight a few key parts of the text that are the most important parts of your letter. However, use these sparingly. 
  • Add a picture especially if you have one that shows you doing similar ministry work in the past. Smiling is best!
  • Your contact information should be somewhere in the letter. Many people put it in the footer. 
  • Enclose the instructions for online giving or sending their gift in the mail with the HOW TO GIVE pdf/link that was emailed to you.
  • If you mail out a letter, it is very helpful to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the donor to mail back their Reliant contribution to you.

Follow Up

Give your letter 1-2 weeks to arrive in the mail and then make a phone call (not text or Facebook).

Make sure they received your letter in the mail

  1. Yes - keep going
  2. No - Offer to tell them about your ministry over the phone

Ask if they had any questions. Avoid yes or no, instead say "What questions do you have?"

Invite them to partnership - Say "As I mentioned in my letter, I am dependent on the generous gifts of others. I am looking for partners who will give $___, $___ or $____. Would you join my team at one of those amounts"

Where to go from there:

  1. YES! - Thank them and make sure they understand how to give on the website.
  2. Maybe - Set a date (2-3 days in the future), when you can call back for a decision
  3. No - Thank them for their time. You can also ask if they would like to receive your newsletter and partner in prayer.


How does a donor give?

  • The easiest way is to give online, through your giving link. If you are going to a secure location, your name will not be searchable and donors will need the direct link.
  • Donors can also give by check. Make sure they include your fund number on any physical checks.
  • You should not accept personal contributions for your ministry internship.

Tracking Gifts

  • You can view donations using Toolbox.reliant.org
  • Your login info is the same as Reliant.org
  • After receiving your Reliant e-mail address, your username will change to that.

Say Thank you!

Thank you note contents

  • Acknowledge the gift, its amount, and its purpose
  • Express appreciation; "....impossible without you..."
  • Achievement because of their support

Stay in touch

Keep your partners in the loop as you launch, serve, and conclude your internship.

See Prayer Letter Tips & Resources for more info!

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