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This page concerns release to assignment for international workers. If you're a U.S. worker, see Release to Assignment.

Your primary job when you are on-boarded with Reliant is to raise the funds needed for your ministry. This means that you will likely need to step back from some of your local ministry responsibilities in order to concentrate on developing your ministry team. We use the term "Release to Assignment" to indicate that you have finished your initial Ministry Team Development responsibilities and are ready to enter your ministry role. Or in other words, you get to purchase your plane tickets and launch! Below are the requirements for being Released to Assignment.

Long-Term Goers

These are workers who are headed to the field for 2 or more years and have a monthly support goal.

  1. 100% of your monthly support goal. This means all of your partners have signed up. We won't count gifts that have just been promised.
  2. At least 3x your month support goal accumulated in the MTD account you are responsible to maintain OR you have raised the pre-launch goal on your Support Goal Worksheet. This ensures you have enough to launch to your destination, set-up a new home overseas, and get back to the US if needed!

Fixed-Term Goers

These are workers who are headed to the field for a fixed length of 1-2 years and have one large goal for their entire term.

100% of the total funding needed for the duration of the ministry assignment through any combination of:

  • current recurring gifts (promised to be given regularly), according to Reliant's records
  • special gifts already given in the MTD account the goer is responsible for


  1. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org) Should a completed international Release to Assignment get sent to hr@reliant.org or international@reliant.org?

    1. Unknown User (kate.pendola@reliant.org)

      I believe we want international missionaries sending that form to international@reliant.org (since I am the one that will follow up with them to do their hallelujah call, not KZ). The form does say to send the form to hr@reliant.org, and if that happens its not the end of the world (we don't need to change the form), but it would be good if the instructions on this page to say send to international@reliant.org (since this page is only for international missionaries).

  2. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    user-1a794 I see this page is waiting for your approval after changes Kate made.

  3. user-a88de

    user-1a794Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) I have made updates to include the new intl RTA. Please let me know if there are other changes to be made before this is ready to be published!