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During your home assignment, the international team would love to connect with you and hear about your most recent term overseas went. The topics will relate mostly to your ministry role, supervision, future goals or ambitions, and your experience with the Reliant Office.

This is a great chance for us to celebrate with you over all that God has done, and to help you find the resources you need for challenges you may have experienced.

Here are some topics to consider in preparation for the call:

Highs and Lows - What has given you the most joy and presented the greatest challenges?

Cross-Cultural Integration - Which aspects of culture have you appreciated and what has been more difficult?

Work/Life Balance - Is your current pace of work and life sustainable for long-term ministry?

Supervision - Do you understand your ministry expectations and feel empowered in them?

Professional Development - Which areas of ministry would you like more training or equipping? 

Member Care - Are there any gaps in your current support systems that need attention? 

Financial - Is your current budget meeting your needs? Do you need any help with MTD?

Reliant Support - What has been your experience with the Reliant Office?

We recommend you schedule the debrief within your first 2-4 weeks of being in the US. This gives you a chance to adjust to being back, but is not too far away from life on the field.

Use the Calendly link below to schedule a time with the International Team.


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