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In the situation where one or more of our international personnel are arrested for participation in illicit activities, Reliant may disavow all knowledge or sanctioning of said illicit activities. International personnel must accept certain inherent risks that come along with working inside creative access countries. Embassy assistance will be sought on behalf of the incarcerated personnel, but Reliant cannot guarantee any direct assistance in country that would tie the company to the illicit activity.

Upon return home to the US, personnel will still receive member care as outlined by the company policy and any other available assistance based on the qualifications of our current insurance policies. In addition, member care will be provided in the US for immediate family members of the incarcerated throughout the crisis.

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  1. Sarah Swann, have we decided what we are going to do with this page?

  2. Tom Mauriello did you want this page to be in the field manual or is this only for CMT eyes only? 

    1. I think it should go in the field manual, but we should delete the info box at top, that could be for CMT, or it would need a rewrite too.