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There are times when an international worker wishes to change the ministry with which they serve while remaining assigned overseas with Reliant. It may be an expected transition, such as moving to a long-term team/location after an initial residency or training program. Or it could be unexpected, due to a shift in life circumstances or ministry-related differences with your current supervision or team. Whatever the situation, we want you to have the tools and support to transition well. 

Keep in mind, continued employment past any transitional phase is contingent on a new partnership.

Steps for Transition

  1. Communicate to Reliant and provide the reasons and timeline for the transition.
  2. Communicate to your current leadership and work together to make transition plans.
  3. Reliant will confirm with your current leadership that you are leaving on good terms.
    1. Either a statement from your current ministry
    2. or your most recent Annual Review will be provided to the new ministry.
  4. Connect Reliant to your new ministry. We will go through the New Partnership Process with them.
  5. Communicate the change to your Financial partners.
  6. Finish your time well
  7. Consider taking a brief break (furlough/sabbatical, debrief, etc) before beginning your new role.
  8. Provide Reliant with a new Job Description and Support Goal Worksheet. 

Transition Planning

Here are the key items to think about in planning a ministry transition:

  1. Desired timing of the transition
  2. Discussion of impact on ministry the worker is leaving.
    1. How will this affect people that the worker shepherds? (It should be considered normal that the worker does not bring their network of disciples with them if they move from one congregation to another and remain in the same city as this would trigger a church split.  At the same time, the leadership of the ministry has the right to bless the out-going worker with that discipleship group if they wish and if it is not disruptive.)
    2. Who will assume the worker's responsibilities?
    3. Are there major ministry initiatives or events that need to be considered for timing?
  3. When and how will donors be notified.
  4. Contact information for new supervisor and ministry.
  5. Brief description of role with new ministry.


When it is clear that a transition will take place, but next steps are uncertain, Reliant provides the worker with 90 days of decision and discernment starting the day after their current responsibilities end. This is in addition to any final furlough or sabbatical that may be used in conjunction with a transition. The intention of the decision and discernment period is:

  1. Evaluate your calling to continue in a support-based ministry role.
  2. Seek counsel from your Sending Church and other trusted relationships.
  3. Research different opportunities that are of interest to you.
  4. Network with like-minded workers for potential partnership.
  5. Spend significant time in prayer for the Lord's guidance in your next steps.

Communicating Transition to Donors

  1. Celebrate the time with your current ministry. Highlight one or two significant impacts.
  2. Thank them for their partnership.
  3. Explain that you will be transitioning out of that role.
    1. Provide details about the new role
    2. Or provide details about decision and discernment
  4. Consider giving 1-2 factors that led to your decision. Make sure not to speak negatively of people or ministries in your letter.
  5. Give a timeline of the transition.
  6. Invite their continued partnership for the season of transition and for future ministry.

Send the draft of your letter to international@reliant.org before sending to your ministry team.

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