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In the Christian community, we often talk about the biblical principle of stewardship related to how we use our gifts and resources.  But have you ever thought about stewardship as it relates to your health and healthcare resources?  After all, health is a resource - like time, money, or any other resource that God gives us to survive, thrive, and do the good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

The purpose of stewardship is to honor God by leveraging our resources for maximum value in serving others and expanding the kingdom of God.  At Reliant, we encourage all employees and missionaries to make the most of their personal health and healthcare resources so that we can stay well to serve well!

Here are a few tips for the effective stewardship of personal health and health resources:

Understand your health benefits – carefully review open enrollment materials and take some time to really read through all the services and options that have been made available to help you stay healthy. Also, become familiar with how and when to access services and what services require preauthorization by the insurance company.

Schedule preventive care screening visit/tests – preventive care is a hallmark of both personal health management and wise stewardship of healthcare resources. Participating in recommended annual screening visits/tests is important as health conditions that are caught and acted upon early have a greater likelihood of treatment success at lower cost.  It is a good idea to pull out a 2021 calendar and identify target dates for recommended screening visits/tests (by gender, age, and health history), such as blood pressure, well child visits, mammography, colonoscopy, etc…

Don’t neglect your mental/emotional health – when we think of our health, we often only think of the physical. But the connection between mental/emotional and physical health has been well documented.  Don’t ignore mental/emotional health struggles or hesitate to seek help.  The EAP program is available to help employees and missionaries talk through short-term mental/emotional health struggles and find resources to help. 

Don’t ignore symptoms – attending to the messages our bodies send us by the experience of symptoms should not be ignored. If you are unsure about a non-urgent symptom, contacting your healthcare provider by email or a telehealth visit is an easy, convenient, and low-cost way to discuss your symptoms and obtain guidance on how to manage them.

Make cost-effective healthcare decisions - using healthcare providers that are “in network” and using generic medications results in significant healthcare cost savings. Appropriate use of emergency services is another important cost-effective strategy. Emergency services are best used for life threatening situations or for times when standard medical services are not available for urgent issues.   

Take responsibility for your own health and healthcare expenditures - in addition to living a healthy lifestyle, here are few other important ways to be a good health manager:

  • Keep a file with all of your health records. This will help you to manage your overall health and avoid unnecessary tests and procedures
  • Make the most of each medical visit by creating a list of concerns and questions to address with the healthcare provider
  • Review all of your medical bills and appeal any errors

Don’t go it alone – trying to understand and properly utilize the healthcare system is not easy, especially when overseas. The Global Emergency Assistance Program is a great resource for help and guidance when trying to manage an urgent or difficult medical situation. 


Reliant encourages all employees and missionaries to proactively attend to their physical, mental, and emotional health as we work within our God-given assignment to advance God’s kingdom.  



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  1. user-1a794 Julie Thomas Matt Elkins Ginger sent these tips to us. This was Cori's idea to make a page on tips for being good stewards of health to have for the international program team, but I actually think it might be good to have for everyone to view. Maybe we make 2 copies of the same page and put one in international with taking out the missionary/Christian language and keep one in US with the more spiritual wording?

  2. Sarah Swannuser-1a794--I really like this page and think it is well worded. Only minor changes need to be made for security purposes. I actually think there can be one page as the Christian verbiage isn't as much an issue as the word missionary. user-1a794, what are your thoughts? If we remove missionary from this, does the rest sound OK for your folks serving in secure locations?   

    1. Based on my convo with Cori, I am going to create a separate page for International that she can add some other thoughts that she had as well and I'll publish this page in the U.S. section as is.

  3. Matt Elkins did you want to link this to any of the OE pages or just have this be in Solomon as a resource? 

  4. Sarah Swann, I think having it on Solomon as a resource is good, no need to link it on OE pages in my opinion. 

  5. Tonya Bartels I think this page can be moved to be under the insurance drop-down list rather than on it's own way down under the How-to articles as it's probably not seen down here. 

    1. Sarah SwannI am not familiar with this page. user-2ce9f it looks like you updated it most recently, Sarah is suggesting that we move this page un the insurance drop-down list. I think you are the Solomon person in this section. Can you take care of that?