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All contracts (ex. hotels, banquets, etc.)  for a Reliant administered event, where the participant registration is run by Reliant, must be sent to Reliant for to the Director of Organizational Affairs and Treasurer, David Meldrum-Green at dave.meldrum-green@reliant.org for review and signature by Dave, on behalf of Reliant.  Please do not sign a Reliant event contract unless Dave Meldrum-Green has authorized you to do so.  In general, the contract will be signed by Dave. 

Please make sure the contract has Reliant's name listed as the organization that the contract will be made with.  Reliant can make deposits and payments either by credit card or the company can send an invoice. Please list in your email what the contract is for and how much payment is due with your approval for the deposit/payment to be withdrawn from your event fund.  Reliant will automatically make payment for all deposits as they are due according to the lease. Your initial signature on the least will serve as approval to move forward with all payments. 

Housing Contracts

For LT programs, there are no housing contracts signed with the YMCA by Reliant. These event housing contracts are only for houses being leased off YMCA property.

For housing on the YMCA property, the LT director works with the YMCA to reserve the correct amount and types of housing for all LT staff. The YMCA then gives the LT director an invoice at the end of the summer for the cost. The LT director will send Reliant the invoice and Reliant will divide the invoice into the correct payment types (food, copies, rent (for rooms), rental housing). The LT director needs to inform Reliant if housing should be divided into other departments (such as charging the Collegiate Mentoring Program for part of the housing costs).

Also, the additional insurance purchased is only for houses that are with housing contracts for off-site of the YMCA properties. 

All housing contracts should be emailed to events@reliant.org (or lt@reliant.org for LT programs) for review and then it will be signed by Dave Meldrum-Green, on behalf of Reliant.  Please do not sign a Reliant event contract unless Dave Meldrum-Green has authorized you to do so.  The contract should be reviewed and signed by Dave first, then the event (example LT) director will be sent the lease back to sign as well, and finally, it should be sent back to the homeowner to sign. Please also make sure to note in the email request if you would like to just pay the initial deposit or the whole housing payment upfront.  Please inform Reliant of any changes to leases that may happen along the way.

You will also need to collect a W-9 from the owner/company in order for Reliant to pay the least payments on the contract.  Please have them fill out the W9 and send it with the contract to Reliant.  


It is also the responsibility of the event to also pay the additional housing liability insurance for any houses being leased for the event. Reliant will purchase the insurance and charge the event for the cost. 

Once Reliant receives a copy of the lease with all three signatures and has a W9, Reliant will submit the request for payment and buy insurance. 

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