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Procedure Name:Employee Reporting Hotline
Scope:All Staff
Effective Date:March 15, 2023
Last Review Date:March 15, 2023

There may be times when a Reliant employee desires to report suspected violations of Reliant’s Code of Conduct and/or Standards of Conduct to Reliant leadership anonymously. If you would like to make an anonymous report, you can utilize Reliant's Employee Reporting Hotline via one of the following ways:

  • Website: www.lighthouse-services.com/reliant
  • Toll-Free Telephone
    • Direct Dial

      • English speaking USA and Canada: 844-544-1444
      • Spanish speaking USA and Canada: 800-216-1288
      • French speaking Canada: 855-725-0002
      • Spanish speaking Mexico: 01-800-681-5340

      AT&T USA Direct

      • All other countries: 800-603-2869 (must dial country access code first; click here for access codes and dialing instructions)
  • E-mail: reports@lighthouse-services.com (must include organization name with report)
  • Fax: 215-689-3885 (must include organization name with report)

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some FAQs. You may also reach out to the HR Director, with any questions.

When should I use the Employee Reporting Hotline?

This reporting site and telephone numbers are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for anonymous reports of misconduct, fraud, abuse, harassment, discrimination, and other violations of Reliant’s Code of Conduct. If you do not require anonymity, you may make a confidential report by emailing notifyHR@reliant.org or calling 407-490-0141.

See Employee Reporting Flow Chart for a helpful graphic with the types of employee reporting.

When should I not use the Employee Reporting Hotline?

If your concerns have to do with regular ministry and employment matters, they should be directed to your supervisor or to your Reliant Program Team Lead. For Reliant's formal grievance procedures, see Grievance System.

Or, if your report does not require anonymity, you may make a confidential report by emailing notifyHR@reliant.org or calling 407-490-0141.

See Employee Reporting Flow Chart for a helpful graphic with the types of employee reporting.

Does Reliant run the hotline?

No, the Employee Reporting Hotline is administered by a third-party, Lighthouse Services. They are a leader in providing reporting services to over 4,000 clients worldwide and take security and customer service very seriously. 

Is it really anonymous?

Yes, this Employee Reporting Hotline, administered through Lighthouse Services, provides you the opportunity to maintain anonymity. You even have a couple of levels of anonymity that you may use when making a report via the website or phone:

  1. Not provide any of your contact information to Lighthouse.
  2. Provide your contact information to Lighthouse, but Lighthouse does not pass it along to Reliant. They act as an intermediary in further anonymous communication between you and Reliant.

You will be able to create a PIN that you can use to follow-up on your report.

I want to make a report, but I don't need to be anonymous. How do I do that?

You can send a confidential message to notifyHR@reliant.org or call 407-490-0141. 

Who should use the Employee Reporting Hotline?

The hotline is meant to be used by Reliant employees and associate staff.

What happens after I make the report?

Reliant leadership will be notified by Lighthouse of a report and will begin investigating promptly. The more details and information that you can provide in your report, the more helpful it will be for an investigation.

Reliant will protect those who make a report in good faith and not tolerate any retaliation against staff members or volunteers who raise genuine concerns. Such retaliation is cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. (See policy on Suspected Misconduct and/or Fraud, and Whistleblower Protection.)

How do I call the Reporting Hotline if I'm outside of the U.S.?

Depending on where you are, you will use one of the following numbers:

  • For English-speaking Canada: 844-544-1444
  • For French-speaking Canada: 855-725-0002
  • For Mexico: 01-800-681-5340
  • For all other countries via AT&T USA Direct: 800-603-2869 (must dial country access code first; see below for access codes and dialing instructions)

International Toll-free Hotline Access Instructions


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