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Blog from May, 2018

I’m writing today to highlight updates in two of our guiding documents. These updates came as a result of our Board making regularevaluation of these documents: the Code of Conduct and the Sexual (and other unlawful) Harassment Policies. Reliant does occasional evaluations on documents like these to keep them up-to-date. There have been shifts in our culture that caused us to take a deeper look at what is needed from a minister of the gospel and address some common questions that we face.

In the coming months, you will be asked to reaffirm that you have read the new documents and agree with them.

Here are summaries of what is new:

Code of Conduct

(formerly called Code of Ethics) 
  • First, we have adjusted the name away from “Code of Ethics” to “Code of Conduct.” This reflects the reality that these statements guide our behavior. 
  • Secondly, we have added Bible verses to support all items in the Code of Conduct. 
  • Addition to the codes: 
    • Item #17 — We speak to the unchristian nature of Racism, White Supremacy and Nationalism. Engagement with these groups and promotion of these ideas is not allowed. 
  • Adjustments to specific points: 
    • Item #15 — Not act upon any disagreement with one’s biological sex. 
    • Item #18 — Treat all persons with respect and compassion, regardless of…

Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment Policy

  • This policy is expanded to address other unlawful harassment. 
  • The process for notification has been clarified. It starts with the MR department for field missionaries. 
  • Mike Swann, as Missionary Resources Director, is the first point of contact. 
  • Cori Crawford Van Oss, as Missionary Resources Manager, is a secondary point of contact. She is available when Mike is not. Additionally, she may be contacted by anyone who is more comfortable with a woman as their point of contact.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cori Crawford Van Oss or Mike Swann.

Thank you so much for your Kingdom work, as we all seek to follow Jesus through the work of the Spirit in our lives.

Cori and Mike