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  1. Who will be doing this Project Fundraising role now, Kerry Housley?

    1. I believe that Laurel Erskine has taken a lot of Beth's ongoing responsibilities related to Project Fundraising. Is that correct, Laurel?

      CC: Barb Seckler Sarah Swann

      1. Kerry HousleyI wonder in light of our new plan if this should not be a contact card anymore and we should say contact the program team liaisons for questions?

        1. Maybe down the road, but that's definitely not the case currently.

      2. That is correct Kerry Housley for the time being. I believe the new senior staff accountant will play a role in it also in the future. 

  2. Kerry Housley Amber BlaisI just reduced this contact card for now to the email and accounting dept and we can evaluate long-term if this should be Laurel or the new hire soon.