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Questions regarding commissioning, ordination, parsonage, FICA Bonuses?



DepartmentEmployment Services

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  1. Tonya BartelsLet me know if this is what you want for the Employment contact card for this page: Re: Parsonage. I can edit the layout however you would like. Also, if you want to include a phone number we can add that above. 

    1. Hey Amber,

      This is for the Parsonage Page and the Ordination and Commissioning pages and it should have the payroll@reliant.org email on it. Let me chat with Barb and Erin, we are meeting later today, to see the best way to do this. We don't publicize the emplyment.services@reliant.org email. We use payroll@reliant.org for employment things and benefits@reliant.org for benefits things. 

      1. Tonya Bartels Got it. Made that change above. I can add it to those pages whenever you give me the green light. I have Will looking into why Kaitlin's photo isn't populating, we think it's a glitch with Solomon. So her photo should also show next to her name. Let me know of any other edits you guys have. 

        1. Amber BlaisI made some changes, this is what Barb, Erin, and I settled on. It keeps it generic and yet clear of where the communication about the subjects is supposed to go. Let me know if you see any issues. I can't get "Employment Services" to not be in bold. Not sure what I am doing wrong. 

          1. I made some minor format changes but the content is the same. Tonya BartelsI can publish the card if all looks good to you. 

            1. Looks great, go ahead and publish and this is the card we will want on these two Solomon pages:

              Re: Working with Reliant as a Commissioned or Ordained Minister


              I removed the benefits card and I am not 100% sure how to add a contact card but I can take a shot at it.