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 Jennifer Greening

Email:   benefits@reliant.org

Phone: 407-630-5904

Title: Benefits Coordinator

Department: Employment Services

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  1. Hey Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org), I'm going to take Emmanuel's name off here. Also, wasn't sure if this should be updated with different names Barb SecklerTonya Bartels?

  2. Kerry Housley - thanks for catching this.  We want to keep it dual Kathy and Tonya for now.  Tonya Bartels thinks that's best.  FYI Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

  3. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org)

    Tonya Bartels Barb Seckler Cori asked me to create an MR contact and remove KZ from this one. Do you still want to use this or should I get rid of it? I'll be switching it out for the MR contact in the places it makes sense.

    1. Unknown User (ed.courtney@reliant.org) This will eventually go away but Barb Seckler would be the one to say exactly when that happens.