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Blog from April, 2022

April 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to the Reliant Newsletter!

We hope and pray that this Holy Week has been a time of reflection for you and your ministry as we remember all that God has done through His Son, Jesus, and as we celebrate His glorious resurrection! In this newsletter, you will find some important HR updates, exciting development opportunities, and a request for you to contribute your stories and testimonies so that Reliant can share what God is doing in and through your ministry. Keep up to date with all that's going on around Reliant by checking out each item below. And don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

As always, we are thankful to partner with you in the ministry God has given you.

Amber Blais
Communications Administrator

Testimonies & Stories

We love hearing what God is doing through you and your ministry! We are always looking to share missionary testimonies and updates in our communication pieces like the Annual Ministry Report, quarterly email newsletters to Reliant staff (like this one), and social media channels. Would you consider submitting a story or testimony about what God is doing in and through you and your ministry? Just click the button below to fill out our brief form.

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 COVID-19 Policies & Updates

Since March 2020, we have all been trying to figure out how to live and work amid a global pandemic. For Reliant, our top priority is to support our missionaries as they do ministry in this ever-changing environment. Until recently, we had asked Reliant employees to inform us if they had been exposed to or have contracted COVID-19. We have adjusted that policy and no longer require that notification. However, if you or a member of your household exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms, please 1) refer to the CDC's Guidelines for COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation, 2) abide by local health guidelines, and 3) confer with your local supervisor on work arrangements, precautions (i.e., testing and masking), and timing for when you can return to in-person work. More about this and other COVID-19-related information can be found on Solomon at COVID-19 Policies & Updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to HR@reliant.org.

 Ministry Leaders - Join us for our Spring Leadership Learning Series live webinar on Wednesday, April 20th at 3:00 pm ET/2:00 pm CT as we learn how to care well for stressed and anxious ministry staff members. You can learn more about the Speaker and Panelists and register for the webinar here.

Also, save the date for our Summer Leadership Learning Series webinar with Dr. Chuck DeGroat, author of various books, including When Narcissism Comes to Church, named an Outreach magazine Resource of the Year. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, June 15th, at 3:00 pm ET/2:00 pm CT. More details to come soon.

 MTD Cohort
Support raising is an ongoing journey that doesn't end when you hit 100%. Sustaining your support may take just as much effort as raising it in the first place and can be a new and daunting responsibility. Our MTD Health Team is launching the second season of coaching cohorts to support you in this experience. These cohorts are an hour once a week for eight weeks and include other missionaries in the field working to sustain their support. These groups are voluntary and at no cost to you. We have found that they can be incredibly helpful in creating new goals, providing weekly accountability and encouragement, and an opportunity to ask questions. If interested, click here to get signed up, and we will reach out to you. If you have any questions, please email Jenni.Saniuk@reliant.org.

 RightNow Media Access

Did you know that you have access to the entire library of resources at RightNow Media, as a Reliant Missionary, including thousands of Bible study videos and hundreds of Leadership training courses? If you haven't requested access yet, email kathy.zellinger@reliant.org from your Reliant email address and let her know you need a membership. You will receive an email invitation to create your own RightNow Media account and then have instant access to thousands of biblically-based resources. You can find more information on the RightNow Media Access page on Solomon.

Reliant Central is hiring for two open positions: Gift Services Manager and Payroll & Reimbursement Specialist. If you know of anyone looking for a job, please share this information with them. You can find more details on both roles and how to apply by visiting our Employment page on our website.