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Blog from June, 2020

A Message from Tom Mauriello

I'm sure you've heard the stories of ministries who went through painful times or even closed down because of misconduct by their staff or leadership. I've personally had to walk through this with some of our partner organizations, and I can say with certainty it is the most emotionally draining and difficult part of my job. After reviewing multiple instances of misconduct over the last year, the Board of Directors and I began working on an awareness and prevention plan. Part of that plan was to hire Julie Thomas, our HR Compliance Officer, to give dedicated time toward this effort. Another part is the implementation of new awareness and prevention training and policies that reinforce our beliefs, values, and expectations.

Because we're committed to empowering you to uphold the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior, this summer, we are requiring all Reliant Staff to review Reliant's new and updated policies and complete web-based training courses on child abuse and sexual harassment prevention. These courses are taught from a Biblical perspective and are meant to equip you and your team in healthy ministry. Your supervisor has been made aware of what is included in these courses and policies as well as the expectation that you complete this education by August 7, 2020. Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully work through these steps.

We encourage you to visit the Getting Started and General Questions Solomon page to begin and reach out to Julie Thomas with any questions you may have. Also, watch your Reliant email inbox over the next 24 hours for invitations from Telios Teaches and from Julie with the MinistrySafe links. These are the vendors who host the individual training courses.

Grateful to be partnering with you.

-Tom Mauriello
Executive Director

Visit the Getting Started and General Questions Solomon Page to Begin

Steps to complete by August 7th

  1. Look over the helpful information about the Required Education Courses

  2. Read the updated Workplace Harassment and Discrimination policy.

  3. Complete the appropriate Sexual Harassment Prevention course for your staff level. You'll receive an email invite from Telios Teaches.

  4. Read the new Child and Vulnerable Adult Safety policy.

  5. Complete the appropriate Abuse Awareness course(s) - one course for all staff and an additional course for supervisors or leaders. You'll receive an email invitation for each course you need to complete. The subject line will start with "Here is your link to the..." and will include your unique link to the MinistrySafe course.