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Blog from November, 2019

Postmarked Envelopes Required for 2019 checks received in 2020

If a donor mails an end-of-year check directly to you, you must save the envelope and send it in with the check. The December 2019 postmark on the envelope serves as proof that it is a 2019 donation. If a check is dated in 2019, but the postmark on the envelope is 2020, that will not count as a 2019 gift.

Please check your mailboxes early in the new year for these types of gifts and immediately send them to Reliant. They must be received by January 13, 2020, to be included with 2019 gifts.

For more information and to see all of the important dates for gift processing, please see the Solomon page 2019 End of Year Important Dates.

We are here to serve you, 

Reliant Employment Services and Gift Services teams

An End-of-Year Ask is an important element of a Sustaining Missionary’s MTD strategy. It is a good annual rhythm for connecting with and cultivating your ministry team. Please consider sending a special ask to your ministry partners as this calendar year closes.

This End of Year Ask could be for a tangible and current need (rising health insurance costs, increase in monthly rent, needing a vehicle, baby on the way, etc) or it could be a call to the action of generosity (which allows you to build in times of strength to help in the lean times). It is an important part of your MTD lifestyle to give your ministry partners opportunities to be engaged in your ministry through opportunities to give.

Statistics indicate:

  • 31% of all charitable giving happens at year end.
  • 12% of all giving happens in the last three days of the year.  

Not sure how to do an End of the Year Ask? We have a new section on Solomon to guide you.

  • Pray and renew your donor list. – Identify how to approach your various donors.
  • Relational connect – Who do you need to connect with on a personal level before sending out the ask?
  • The Ask – What should it look like and contain? Add some personal touches for those to whom you are sending the ask.
  • Personal Reminders – Other communications surrounding the End of Year Ask.

Click the button below to read up on the End of the Year Ask.

Click Here

NOTE: If you are still raising your initial support, this might not be for you. Discuss with your MTD Coach first.