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Blog from September, 2017

Dear Missionary,

By now you have heard news about Hurricane Irma coming to Florida.  We expect our office to be affected, and want you to know where to find information or help that you might need.  

Where can you get updates about office closures and changes in communication?

We will provide updates to Reliant Missionaries here on the “Reliant Missionaries” private Facebook group.

If power is out, or if our building has to be closed, we not likely be able to answer to or respond to phone calls immediately.  We have contact information below.

What about my paycheck?  

The finance team is busy completing the internal processes related to your September 15 paycheck and it will be transmitted to the bank before the office closes this week.  The paycheck deposits will be made to your bank account as scheduled on September 15th.

How will the hurricane situation affect me? 

 By and large, the vast majority of services you receive from Reliant will not be affected.  

The situation where it’s possible for you to experience interruption may be New Gifts which are given online through reliant.org. That process may be interrupted during power outages at the Reliant office. For those of you who are actively raising support, we ask for your patience.  It may help you to keep track of which donors were not able to give online during a power outage and contact them when the website is back up.

Our internal support sites - Solomon, StaffNet, CoachNet and Toolbox - will all be down if we lose power for an extended period of time at the office.  

Will the Reliant Office Close?

Based on current predictions we will close at noon on Friday the 8th and be closed all day Monday the 11th.  It is entirely possible we will be closed for longer than that into the week, yet it’s too early to make that call.  We will follow along with Government recommendations and school closings. For the latest information, follow the situation on the private Facebook Group.

How can I contact you while the office is closed? 

While the office is closed email and phone systems will continue to operate, with email being the best option.  If you need to reach us during a power outage our regular email will continue to function, but our phone system will not.  We have special phone number for you to call to leave a voicemail if needed: 407-986-5530.

We appreciate you prayers for Florida and the team here in the office!  It’s a privilege to partner with you,

Tom, on behalf of the whole Reliant team.