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Today is your first group coaching call. By now, you should have a time set up for the call, and below is the agenda you can use.

Prepping for the Call (15-30 minutes before the call):

  • Become familiar with the agenda below.

  • Take a look at the MTD activity tracking and PMR’s of each resident in the group coaching call. 

    • You will want to know beforehand who had good/bad weeks. 

  • Pray!

Agenda—Group Discussion:

Small Talk

  • Allow everyone in the group to join the call. We recommend texting a reminder about 20 minutes beforehand.

  • Start promptly at 5 after (or sooner).

Introduction to Group Discussion

  • Begin the call officially by letting everyone know we are going to get started. Ask someone to pray to begin.

  • After prayer, introduce the group (not individual intros yet) and remind them of the frequency of group coaching calls (once a month).

  • Let them know you want to begin with a few guidelines:

    • First, everyone will need to mute the mics on their phones unless they are talking. This is very important and will eliminate background noise. 

    • Second, everyone will share from their own experience (including you coach!). Avoid the “you should…” and stick with “something that worked for me…” statements. We are not here to teach each other but to encourage and learn from one another.

    • Third, do NOT judge your success on how someone else in this group is doing. This is a time to celebrate, encourage, and exhort, but not a time to compare. Everyone has different experiences. Some start fast, others start slow and end with a bang. Everyone’s experience will be different, and we will trust the Lord in that.

  • Provide an overview of the call:

    • Start with a Roll Call

    • Report Numbers 

    • General Update from First 2 Weeks

    • MTD Rich and MTD Poor Discussion

    • Q&A (everyone will need to be ready with a question).

  • Get Started!

Group Discussion

  • Start with a Roll Call:

    • Ask everyone to take a turn and say their name and where they are calling from.

    • TIP: write down the names and order in which they roll call and use this as the order for discussions below.

  • Report Numbers

    • Each person will take turns and report the following from LAST WEEK. Announce the order that you wrote down from the roll call:

      • Connection Attempts

      • Appointments Set Up

      • Follow Up Calls (not attempts)

      • New Monthly Partners, New One Time gifts

      • Finally, share current totals for promised gifts and received gifts

  • General Update from First 2 Weeks

    • In the same order, have everyone share how things have been going since training. How have connections attempts been going? ex. Share wins and share struggles. 

    • Have everyone share here, if someone isn’t engaged, ask them specific questions during their turn.

  • Discussion Topic: MTD Rich and MTD Poor

    • During group coaching calls, the hope is that we are able to minister to each other from our own experiences. Some of us will be strong in areas where others are weak.

    • To better learn more about each other and how we approach MTD, we are going to share about where we are MTD “rich” and MTD “poor” this is essentially strengths and weaknesses or what is natural and what is scary/unnatural for us in MTD.

    • Have everyone go in turn in the same order and share where they are MTD rich and poor. This is a good time to ask, “does anyone else have that issue” if you senses someone is struggling as they talk. It will be good for them to know they are not alone.

  • Q&A

    • Lastly, go around the room and have everyone ask a question for the group. Depending on how the above went, you might not have time for this, but do as much as you can.

    • Let them know that not asking a question is not an option.

    • Encourage them to answer questions from their own experiences. As a coach, share your experiences as well, but feel free to provide answers for questions that you know the answer to.

  • Close with Prayer

    • Everyone share a prayer request for the week. Assign or ask someone to pray for that person daily for the week.

    • Everyone will have someone they are praying for and is praying for them

    • Either do so yourself or have someone close in prayer.

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