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If you have a retirement account that you'd like to roll into your Reliant 403(b)(9) account with Principal Financial, log on to Principal.com.  Select the Rollovers Section and choose from the options to either "Explore Rollover Options" or "Start Your Rollover." 


Email: payroll@reliant.org

Phone: 407-720-5481

Department: Payroll


  1. Sarah Swann - I added the form to this page but we can also link to Staffnet.  Could you assist with that please?

  2. Sure! Are you asking me to just add a link on this page that will send them back to staffnet or are you asking me to add a PDF of this page onto staffnet? 

  3. The first - can you add a "button" to click that links them back to staffnet to the form that I have posted? Thanks!

  4. I linked to the form to download from staffnet and linked back to the staffnet page. Eventually we are going to start taking things down from staffnet, so we may not want to link them to the staffnet webpage very often. But, the forms to download will keep their url that was on staffnet.   If they've found it here on Solomon, then they've come to the place we wanted them to come for the future. (smile)

  5. Barb SecklerSarah Swann - I deleted the button that was created to remove the connection to the Staffnet form. FYI.