Coverage information and many other resources regarding Guidestone medical coverage are available on the Highmark website. Other resources are available on the Guidestone website. See this Solomon page for details on using that website: MyGuideStone.

Which website should I use?

Claim details

Deductible information

Set up and monitor your HSA

Find a provider

Access discounts and cost-savings benefits

1095-B Tax Documents

Detailed Plan Documents

Set up your Highmark account: 

Follow this link for the registration page:

Enter the required information so that Highmark can locate your account.

  • If you have not received your ID card yet, you can use your Social Security number.

Answer the following questions to verify your identity.

If the address on your driver's license does not match what is registered with Guidestone, you will not pass the security check.
If this occurs, you will receive an e-mail and a letter in the mail with instructions you must follow to open your account in order to receive HSA contributions and use your debit card.

Set up your log-in information in order to access your account in the future.  

Make sure you are logged in, then go to the "Claims and Spending" tab

If it prompts you, follow the on-screen instructions to Open your HSA.

You may see a page that says, "Check Back Later To View Your HSA."
If you see this, then you'll want to check back in a few days-- usually by the end of the week. Then you will see the Access Spending Account button needed for step 6.

Select Access Spending Account ( this will open a new window )

If you don't see the "Access Spending Account" button, then you may need to reload the page at another date.

Look on the left side to see "Your Account."

If your account requires additional steps to open, then look for Alerts, and submit additional documentation as needed.

If you have no additional alerts, then the account is ready to receive funds. 

Screenshot this entire screen with no alerts and send it to, so we know the account is active and ready to receive funds.