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As you navigate the complexities of Crisis Management Planning, you will no doubt have questions along the way. We have tried to compile the answers to some of the most common questions so that they are easily accessible as you work on your contingency planning. Of course, please reach out to us for further clarification or if you have additional questions.

What if I do not have a team?

If you are the only Reliant person on your team, you'll still fill out the "Team" Contingency Plan AND the Individual Checklist.

What if my supervisor is not a Reliant worker?

If you are supervised by someone that is not a Reliant worker, you will still fill out the "Team" Contingency Plan workbook and the Individual Checklist. Your supervisor will be a valuable source of information, so please seek his or her input as you go. If there are other Reliant workers in your location, we encourage you to work on this together.

Do I need to do anything with the "Team Contingency Plan" if I'm not a team leader?

You will need to make sure this is easily accessible on your phone. As a good team member, it'd be awesome if you would help your team leader to finish this up.

I'm not on the field yet, do I need to fill this out?

You will need to start the individual checklist even if you are pre-field. Some of the information you will not be able to finish until you are on the field.

Which messaging app should I use for our team?

You can use whatever app your team uses. Add Mike Easton: 515.520.3778 on What's App, Signal, GroupMe, or iMessage. If you use another app for your team, let Mike know so he can get that app added.

My team already has a contingency plan. Do I need to fill this out?

If your team already has a contingency plan from the organization you are partnering with, great! We will, however, need you to still fill out the contingency plan, team checklist, and individual checklist. Please use the information you can from your team's current contingency plan. Due to our need to follow up quickly and efficiently during a crisis, we will need you to fill ours out.

Why do I need to do this if my location is basically safe?

Even if your location is not known for serious threats, any location can experience natural disasters or unexpected events. Being in a foreign location, no matter how 'safe', makes things immediately more complicated when those events occur. If you are in a basic threat location, you will have a reduced number of requirements, but you will still need to prepare for the most likely scenarios in your locale.

What happens when I call the Reliant hotline?

When you call the Reliant hotline it will be answered by Mike from International Professional Associates. 

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