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Reliant has created two new systems to help field workers pursue and maintain MTD Health.

The first is the MTD Health Score. The MTD Health Score is a metric Reliant and the Collegiate Program Team will be using to succinctly and objectively determine the healthiness of an individual field staff’s MTD. We’ve found that in the past, some have overly focused on their current percentage (at the expense of ignoring their account balance or backpay), while others have overly focused on their account without paying much attention to their current percentage. The MTD Health Score is a metric that we feel appropriately considers both but simplifies it into one number. You can find a more detailed description of what an MTD Health Score is here.

To take a look at your own MTD Health Score, click the button below.

MTD Health Score

The second system being implemented, which is also viewable at the Toolbox link above, is the new Fundraising Statuses. Instead of having just Initial and Sustaining statuses, which only really apply to staff at the very beginning of their ministry careers, the Fundraising Statuses have been expanded to address the various support situations of released field workers. The new statuses are Initial, Sustaining, Growing, Restoring, and Rebuilding. These new statuses are being put in place to help guide and direct released field workers toward MTD health. You can find more details on the new MTD Fundraising statuses here. 

We will use these systems to work together with your local church to implement additional time for MTD for all who need it. A change to your fundraising status does not result in an immediate change in your role. Instead, it should initiate conversations locally with the supervisor about how to prepare for and make changes to your job description to allow for the additional MTD time needed.

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  1. Mike SwannChad FrankI took a stab at adding the info to our new MTD Health section in the field manual. Hopefully saved ya'll a bit a time. Let me know any edits or changes you make. 

    1. Thanks Jenni! I made a few edits and one comment.

  2. Thanks Chad FrankIf you guys are good with these 3 pages, I will publish them. 

  3. This page was checked and revised for the 2023 Language Change Project on 6/22/23 -A.R.