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Although Petty Cash is the Reliant recommended way to make payments for event purchases, some Events (for example Adirondack LT) have chosen to have their staff reimburse event purchases through regular reimbursements using their Event Fund rather than using Petty Cash. This tends to only be helpful if your event has very few purchases made.

If your event did not choose to use petty cash, Reliant employees that made event purchases could submit a reimbursement form for their purchase out of the event fund. They would need to get account signer approval (listed below) for any of those purchases. 

Event interns would not be allowed to make purchases for your event due to the fact that Reliant interns are not permitted to do reimbursements through Reliant. If you expect that your event would need to allow interns to make purchases for your event, then we recommend using Petty Cash instead.



You are only allowed to reimburse approved budgeted expenses through the event fund. Please check with you event finance administrator to make sure you are purchasing an approved item.

The event fund can only reimburse event expenses. Please see Missionary Reimbursements & Per Diem during events to verify what type of expense you are purchasing.

Please read Events Gifts Policy before purchasing any gifts that you want to reimburse using the event fund. 

The event fund is not used to reimburse travel for missionaries or event directors attending the program. (Speaker travel is reimbursable. See Speaker And Church/Ministry Honorariums for Events for more details).

This event fund is not used to reimburse daily food for missionaries or event directors attending the program. Please read Missionary Meals for more information.) Please submit daily food reimbursements using per diem to be reimbursed from the missionary's account.


Submitting your Event Fund Reimbursement

  • Event Fund reimbursements should be submitted by the end of the month (with appropriate approval attached) of which the expenses were incurred, in order for Reliant to accurately report the event's expenses on the appropriate month's financial statement.  
  • All event fund reimbursements must be submitted by the last business day of the month (with appropriate approval attached) in which the event ends, in order for Reliant to be able to close out the finances for that event.
  • All Collegiate Leadership Training (LT) reimbursements must be submitted by the last day of the month of the event.


Event Fund Reimbursements are submitted the same way as normal reimbursements using the same U.S. Missionary Reimbursement form. However, in the box for "different fund to charge" you would put your event fund number. (See list below.)

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You will also need to have the appropriate approval of the account signer for your event fund. You will need to share your google doc with the account signer to get their approval before the reimbursement is submitted to Reliant. See Supervisor Approval for Google forms


Fund to Charge:

Account Signer:
FD 1450 Adirondack LTJoe Testa,


Chris Gentz, John Drage
FD 1420 Estes Park LTJohn Drage, Alan Hable
FD 1422 Winter Park LTKyle and Meghan Winters


, John Drage

FD 1495 Honduras LTDan Luk, Kevin Cody, John Drage
FD 4530 East Asia LTJohn Schmid


The instructions below are written for petty cash (the recommended form of event fund reimbursements,) but the rules still apply for all event fund reimbursements as well.  Please read before submitting an event reimbursement. 


Excerpt Include
Petty Cash During Events
Petty Cash During Events