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With concerns regarding suicidal thoughts or attempts Reliant typically will require (depending on the situation) an additional condition of counselor recommendation before acceptance if the event director and Reliant are still in favor of moving forward.    

The potential condition for acceptance is that we would like the participant to sign a waiver with their counselor that allows the program director (or program director and local pastor) to be able to call the counselor and get their recommendation on whether they think the participant should attend the program or not.  We want the program director to be on the waiver because we want to have the ability to contact the counselor to keep the lines of communication open over the summer if a follow up conversation becomes necessary. However, we would be open to allowing a local pastor to be that person as well if the local pastor is also attending the program with them to continue following up. The participant’s acceptance is conditional on them signing the waiver and the director/local pastor being able to talk with the counselor.  If they do not want to sign the waiver then that shows (an unwillingness to co-operate instead of that they are potentially hiding something) and Reliant may decided that it is not willing to accept them due to liability. If the counselor does not recommend them attending the program then in general Reliant will not accept them. If after talking to the counselor, the program director is now not convinced that they should be accepted,  even if the counselor says it’s fine then we will not accept them.

In most cases, the participant is already seeing a counselor. This is standard procedure for the counselor to talk to someone (we recommend the program director or if need be the local pastor) about their client. Once the participant signs the release the counselor is able to communicate with that person  as to whether or not they recommend their client attend the program over the summer. 

If the participant is not seeing a counselor, then we may ask that they go see a licensed counselor in order to move forward with our conditions for acceptance. But,  we also understand that a counselor may not want to make a recommendation after just one session and we will need to take that into consideration on how to move forward from there. 

These types of scenarios will be discussed on a case by case basis. Reliant is potentially ok moving forward with accepting a participant prior to the conditional acceptance being completed with the caveat that we could still potentially withdraw the participant after initial acceptance if after this condition is met we still feel like they should not move forward with actually attending.  We suggest that the director at least have the participant say they are willing to move forward, with understanding this condition, before we accept them. The final decision is left in the directors hands to say if they would prefer we wait until the conditions have been fully met and discussed before moving forward or if they feel comfortable, we can move forward knowing we could potentially retract our acceptance.

Asking for Counselor's Recommendation

Here an example of  how to ask the participant for a counselor's recommendation for a Reliant summer program: This would typically be sent to a representative from the local church leadership that the program participant is from that would then meet with the participant and give them this information to give to the counselor. 

The local leadership would set up a meeting with the participant and explain the following:

  • Share with them that we are excited for him/her to have this opportunity.
  • Discuss that we want to make this summer a success for them.
  • Explain that there are a couple of conditions that he/she needs to meet in order to be accepted.
  • Explain to him/her the needed recommendation from her counselor and how to get that (instructions below).
  • Explain that we would wait for the program director to review the counselor's recommendation before we move forward.
  • Explain to her that if he/she is conditionally accepted, one of the conditions is to meet with a staff member for # of weekly meetings to check in and care for him/her.
  • After the meeting, respond back to the program director with how the meeting went and if he/she accepts those conditions.



Reliant needs a recommendation by the counselor stating whether or not they recommend that their client attend our program over the summer. (Then, write a quick explanation of the program they will be attending. For example:  LT is an 11-week program that focuses on building godly habits, take steps of openly sharing life in community through 11 experiential project days focused on equipping and character growth, work 40 hours/week at the YMCA and where participants learn and are active in sharing their faith,)

The participant, as the client, would need to sign a release with her counselor for the program director.   Once the he/she signs the release the counselor is able to communicate with the program director  via email with their recommendation.  Email would be best in order for the director to have the recommendation in writing.  If we can get this ASAP that would be great!  We do not need to know any information about what he/she is discussing in counseling.  Just whether or not the counselor would recommend the client attending the program.  Let them know that they can also contact the program director with questions.

 Program Director Email:

 In addition: if he/she is conditionally accepted, he/she needs to agree to meet with a staff member for (5) weekly, 1/2 hour - 45 minutes meetings, so that we can offer any help or guidance for the participant while he/she is with us.  The motivation is to care for the participant and establish someone who he/she might be able to go to if he/ she feels it’s necessary.  This person will also report to program director about how the meetings have gone. 


Letter from Counselor

If the counselor does not say this may not be forwarded, then Reliant would like to have a copy of the recommendation to keep for their records. If the counselor notes that this may only be shared with the program director, then Reliant will put the decision in the program director's hands to make the call as to whether or not they recommend based on the counselor's recommendation as not to break the confidentiality agreement. If the director sees any reason based on this recommendation not to accept the participant then the program director would need to make the decision to not accept the participant. 


This is a sample letter of support from a counselor. It was written and discussed together with the program participant needing a counselor's recommendation to show that the participant also agrees with the content within the letter.


 Dear [Name of Summer Program Director],

 [Participant Name] has participated in [#] of mental health therapy sessions with me since [start date]. [Participant Name] attends weekly therapy to address managing [list of concerns: anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc.] During [Participant Name] time in therapy he/she has worked on developing healthy coping skills such as, journaling, positive imagery, challenging irrational thought patterns, setting boundaries, assertive communication, mindfulness calming/relaxation techniques, and healthy emotional awareness and expression. [Participant Name] plans to attend weekly therapy for the remainder of the spring semester [year] with [Name of Counselor and Counseling Group].

 At this time, [Participant Name] denies active suicidal ideations and denies active thoughts to self-harm. He/she agrees to seek help and communicate with support systems if thoughts of suicide or self-harm arise.

The following is a list of support people to contact:

[Name of friend]

[Name of family member]

[Participant Name] agrees to practice daily self-care for him/her mental health by engaging in the following activities: journaling, prayer, listening to music, being around friends, be outdoors-taking walks. [Participant Name] also plans to meet with program staff during the summer program to check-in.

[Participant Name] was provided with crisis contact information: 1-800-273-TALK (the national suicide prevention lifeline), where she/he can access local crisis counselors. [Participant Name] agrees to contact crisis counselors and/or go to the nearest emergency room if needed during the summer program if she/he presents with a mental health crisis.



[Name of Counselor and Participant Name]


Download sample letter here to send to counselor/participant needing counselor's recommendation.

View file
namesample letter of support from a counselor.docx


Counseling during the program

Many counselors can not continue meeting with their client during the program if they are  attending a summer program out of state because when they cross state lines they do not have a license to practice counseling in that state. However, there are some counselors do allow for FaceTime meetings or phone calls. If the participant can continue meetings with their counselor over the summer we highly recommend that they continue meeting.  



YMCA of the Rockies

Some program locations, such as the YMCA of the Rockies (Reliant's LT summer program in Winter Park Colorado) offer counseling services available to their staff (all LT program participants are hired by the YMCA so would all have this resource in this program location).   

For this summer program, any participant could access Mind Springs Health Granby during their Open Access hours to initial treatment/therapy. 


Reliant's usual condition for emotional concerns is to ask the participant to meet with a summer program leadership for a certain number of weeks over the summer to check in and see how they are doing.   Typically the summer program leadership meeting with the participants are not licensed counselors. Because of this, Reliant recommends the local summer program leadership review the information below to become familiar with what constitutes an involuntary commitment/mandatory treatment for a person to receive emergency psychiatric care (often resulting in hospitalization) if necessary. This is only if the person themselves does not voluntarily admit themselves and is deemed a danger to themselves (typically in the case of thoughts of suicide.) We want to make sure the program leadership is aware of when they would need to contact law enforcement if ever such an occasion should arise. 



Here is the link for Colorado: https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/browse-by-state/colorado

Here is the link for New York State: https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/browse-by-state/new-york

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK to access local crisis counselors.