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LT Director

LT Program Directors Subsidy Policy

The responsibilities associated with the role of LT Director are evaluated each year when determining salary ranges offered by Reliant to an employee for their overall Reliant ministry role. Therefore, since the approved annual salary range is intended to compensate the employee for their work throughout the year, in their various ministry roles, there is not an additional salary bonus offered to Directors for their service during the Summer LT Program. However, there is compensation for an LT Director. It is a subsidy transfer into their MTD account at Reliant. First year directors, please talk to supervisors about how salary with Reliant will change the following year as roles change. This was determined by Collegiate.

Collegiate does allow two separate subsidies to be transferred to a Director’s MTD account.

The first subsidy is called the Director Travel Subsidy Transfer. It is intended to help offset expenses incurred by the Director for relocating for the summer. Once the May Budget is approved, this travel transfer can be put into the director’s MTD account once the requested amount and approval have been sent to Reliant. Accounting would need to complete the transfer the month prior to when the funds should be seen in the MTD account. 

 The second subsidy is the Director Subsidy and is transferred out at the end of the program after the program’s final expenses have been accounted for and any outstanding petty cash advances resolved.  This process may take about a month to complete after the LT finances have been closed. Failure to meet budget and other submission deadlines, or to accomplish the duties in a timely manner, may result in losing a portion of the subsidy. This is determined by the Collegiate Executive director or member of the ED.  However, if a budget is worked through in April with the National LT director and a good faith effort to create a balanced budget is paired with a good faith effort of sticking to the budget, a director can receive their full budgeted subsidy even if the program is over budget.

Director Travel Subsidy Transfer overview

Each LT director or co-director can have their travel to LT supplemented by a transfer from the program. The amount for travel both ways is pre-approved as a budget line item for the program from the May NB approved budget. This amount (for both directions of travel) can be submitted for transfer to the MTD account you’re responsible for upon arrival to your LT. This amount can be transferred regardless of the final budget balance at the end of the program. In order to receive this money, the director would make a reimbursement request from the Reliant account they are responsible for.

The travel subsidies must be noted on the respective LT budget they are responsible for. This total amount may only be for the amount of mileage from their home to the program site or less. For example, if the director lives 802 miles from their LT, they may get $.58 * 802 = $429.07 each way maximum. Regardless of the transportation used to get there, the maximum amount of the travel subsidy can not exceed the amount it would cost to drive to and from the program. 

The travel subsidy for an international LT is determined by the cost of the flight for the LT program.  In that situation, the flights are directly budgeted into the program budget as part of the cost of the program for the participants. 

Director Subsidy Transfer overview

Each LT director/director team is also eligible for a $3000 subsidy to be distributed to the directors. After a complete year of service, an additional $600 subsidy per year of experience as an LT Director is added up to a maximum of an additional $3,000. This means for a director/director team, the first year directing an LT is eligible for a subsidy of $3000 (total per program), and the second year is eligible for $3600 and so forth up to a maximum of $6000 (total per program).

  • One year as an assistant director is considered the same experience as one year as a director in calculating the amount of subsidy a director is eligible for.  
  • Three years attending an LT (as a staffer) is considered the same experience as one year as a director in calculating the amount of subsidy a director is eligible for.
  • If a program has two project directors (ordained or commissioned ministers) with different levels of experience as a director, the amount of total eligible subsidy will coincide with the amount the director with the most experience is eligible for; Again, the maximum total program salary subsidy is $6,000.
  • If a project director desires to share their portion of the designated salary subsidy with another staff member who contributed significantly to the leadership of the program, they may do so. This can be worked out with Reliant and payroll as they plan to pay out the subsidy.

LT National Roles

National LT Director subsidy

The National LT director should send a reminder of the total subsidy amount to Joel Vanderschel by the first week of January, which will be added to the yearly Collegiate transfer requests given to Reliant by the end of January. It will be transferred out of 0950 (Collegiate Church fund) in one lump sum at the beginning of the year. The current amount of the subsidy is $6,000.

The National LT Director is responsible for sending additional requests directly to Reliant for stipends each year to be given for other national LT roles (such as LT website development, LT assessor, etc.).

National Application Assessor subsidy

A $4,000 stipend is budgeted (in the National LT fund) for LT Application Assessment. The amount given to a specific individual(s) will be determined by the number of hours worked, the responsibility taken, and the number of assessors in that given year.

How to Submit a Subsidy Request

Each individual LT director will need to email lt@reliant.org and the National LT director, their LT director stipend transfer requested amount. That amount must have previously been approved by the Collegiate NB including the total that is allowed for the LT director team and the amounts given to each co-director (or if they requested other staff members to also receive a portion of the director subsidy).

The National LT Director will then review the requested amount and create a department transfer request to share with both lt@reliant.org and accounting@reliant.org. 

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How to View A Subsidy Received

For those Reliant Staff members who have unpaid backpay, the subsidy transfer will increase the available funds to be used for their payroll expenses, including any unpaid backpay.

The subsidy is a transfer, not a bonus. The transfer for each subsidy will come from the local LT fund from which the director has directed. The National LT director must approve the transfer request. The director's stipend does not depend on whether or not their LT budget ended positively or negatively. 

You can view this transaction on ToolBox. You will not see the transfer show up on your pay stub. It will be under MTD and then under Account Statements. The month it has been transferred out will show the transfer under MTD Subsidies, but it typically does not show up until mid-month (usually after the payroll has been received for the month). 

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 See also the Collegiate LT Project Directors Manual provided by the NEB for more details on these LT-specific subsidies.