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Import data from MPDx

Fee-based: $3/month or $30/year

*Can be reimbursed

The platform is very similar (if not identical) to what you are used to with MPDx
iOS & Android apps

Integrates with ChalkLine, MailChimp & PrayerLetters.com
Can upgrade to get access to the software support team

30-day free trial available. *Select the 'Global Workers: DIY Option' 


titleHow to import MPDx data into TNT

As of January 30, 2024, MPDX.org will no longer be available to non-Cru missionaries. Thankfully, Cru and TntWare worked together to provide a way for non-Cru MPDX users to export all of their data and transition it (in its entirety) to TntConnect. This includes, names, addresses, birthdays, notes, tasks, history, tags, and more.

TntConnect runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and even Chromebooks.  This past year, the Lord opened up a way for TntConnect to run on Mac for free again via a product called Wineskin.  It's not officially supported like CrossOver is, but most users have been successful with it.

TntConnect continues to be 100% FREE, and will continue to be available to any missionary with any organization.  I'm passionate about providing effective tools to missionaries and helping them with such an important facet of their ministry.  I believe God entrusted this to me as my calling.  I believe He made me for this very purpose.  As the originator and still the sole developer of TntConnect, I will never discontinue providing it to missionaries around the world as long as God allows me to do so.  This is why I'm so passionate about providing prompt and helpful tech support when problems arise.  All this to say: I really want you to be successful with fully funding your ministry, and I believe TntConnect can help you with this!

When you're ready to make the transition back to TntConnect:  Click here for instructions on how to make this transition from MPDX to TntConnect.

After you make this transition, you can connect your new TntConnect database with your organization to download new gifts. Just click the “Gift Input” button on the left, select your organization, and follow the prompts. Then to check for new gifts a few days later, just click the Gift Input button again. TntConnect requires you to check for new gifts manually, which is a little different than with MPDX.  This is intentional as it helps you to see the new gifts coming in each day and be a better steward of your ministry partners.

If your organization is not in the list, please reach out to me and ask how you can be added. Our cloud service for making this possible is called DonorHub. Recently we cut prices on DonorHub for small organizations that use our preferred donation systems.  So please check with us about pricing in case that was a concern in the past.

Blessings in Christ,

P.S. New this year:

  • TntConnect now syncs with Dropbox conflict files automatically.

This makes sharing your database with your spouse super easy with Dropbox!

  • You can right-click on a contact's picture to rotate right it in-place.
  • Despite many breaking changes to the Google Maps and MailChimp API over the years, TntConnect continues to adapt and work with Google Maps and MailChimp, which are two very helpful features.


Created by former Reliant field staffer, Karl Masterheim, SupportGoal 

Receive alerts on problems with givingNo app. Web-based only. 

Fee-based: $24/ month

*Can be reimbursed

Web-based, unlike TNT

No app. Web-based only. 

How to import MPDx data into SupportGoal
