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Risk Priorities

We will consider risk responsibilities, and then priorities, based on our role and relationship with the various organizations involved. We will act in good faith to assist others where we are able and consider the effect of our decisions on all involved.


  • Reliant Staff and their Families
  • Reliant STM Participants
  • Reliant
  • Official Partner Organization (MOU)
  • Secondary Partner Organization(s)

Safety Priority

  • Minors and Vulnerable Adults
  • Participants and Visitors
  • Reliant Staff
  • Reliant Staff Leadership


In the event of a crisis, Reliant must prioritize the safety and wellbeing of the various constituents involved. The following list is meant to serve as an overview and is not meant as an exhaustive list. The list is split up into three sections: first is an ordered list for those that Reliant will prioritize responsibility, second is an ordered list for those that Reliant will prioritize safety, and lastly is an ordered list that Reliant will seek to assist in the event of a crisis. 


These are the individuals and organizations for which Reliant prioritizes responsibility in the event of a crisis.  

  1. Reliant Team Members and their Families: Reliant employees, associate volunteers, and all members of their families. 
  2. Reliant Mission Trip Participants: Any member of an official Reliant approved (and facilitated) mission trip that is in the location during a crisis event. 
  3. Reliant: The responsibility to the organization's liability and well-being. How will response to a crisis impact Reliant organization wide, particularly to the agency platform that provides employment to the rest of Reliant's field staff. 
  4. Official Partner Organization: This is the church or ministry in which Reliant is officially in partnership, as agreed upon in a signed Memo of Understanding (MOU).  
  5. Secondary Partner Organization(s): These are any approved, third-party authorities that are actively involved in the strategic mission of the team. These could be Sending Networks (100 UPG, Salt Network, GCE, etc) or Sending Churches. 

Safety Priority

In the event of a crisis, these are the individuals that Reliant will prioritize the safety and well-being.

  1. Minors and Vulnerable Adults: In the event of a crisis, Reliant will first and foremost prioritize the safety and physical well-being of any minors and vulnerable adults. Team members with children, and vulnerable adults will be the first to be removed. It is possible that parental units could be split, with one parent leaving with the children, while the other stay in country. 
  2. Participants and Visitors: Next, Reliant will make sure that all mission trip participants and any visitors of Reliant team members (family, friends, etc) are safely removed from the situation. 
  3. Reliant Team Members: After minors, vulnerable adults, and visitors Reliant will prioritize the safety and well-being of any remaining Reliant team members. 
  4. Reliant Field Leadership: Lastly, Reliant will prioritize the safety and well-being of Reliant employed Field Leaders. Oftentimes in the event of a crisis, Field Leaders are the last to be removed as they provide ground-level (real-time) leadership for everyone on the team. 


For those that Reliant is not responsible for but are actively involved in the team's ministry, Reliant will do whatever it can to assist well-being and safety. This will depend on available bandwidth while (or after) prioritizing the safety of those listed above. 

  1. Tertiary Organizations: Any non-Reliant partners or approved secondary partner organizations that are involved in the team's ministry. These could be local organizations, US based ministries or churches that are actively working with the team.
  2. Expat Staff of Other Organizations: Some Reliant team members are on teams with staff from different sending organizations. 
  3. Local Church Staff: The pastoral or ministry staff of local (indigenous) churches in the location that the team is actively partnered or working with. 
  4. Local Believers: First, the local (indigenous) believers that are a part of the ministry network the team is working with. Secondarily, all impacted local believers in the area. 
