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This document is intended to be supported by Risk Policies and Risk Management Standards (Concilium wording here- inside reliant we need the title of whatever we call our crisis/risk management realm.) 


Definition of Parties



  • Reliant is the employer, partnering with local churches and ministries to support ministry on the ground, rather than initiate or guide those works. Reliant holds fiduciary responsibility and a duty of care for our missionaries/staff, and associate volunteers.
  • Local Field Leader guides the strategy and day-to-day work of the ministries where Reliant workers serve.  The capacities of Local leaders vary; they may be a pastor, a church plant leader, a leader of a network of churches, or the team leader of a ministry. The local leader may or may not be employed by Reliant. The local leader(ship) has agreed to a partnership with Reliant according to the  Memo of Understanding. One of the responsibilities assigned to the local leader is Crisis Response management and preparation. The local leader will relate to Reliant’s Crisis Management team and structure in the management of crises. 
  • Reliant WorkerStaff is the employee or associate volunteer, who is raising support for their mission, employed by Reliant, volunteering for Reliant,  and is responsible to report to Local Leadership for guidance in ministry. 


The following represent various phases of Risk Preparation and Management. Phase 1:

Placement of a team in a location with probable risk:

Local Leader:  In order to enter a ministry setting where risk is present or probable, the leadership of the church / team / partner ministry needs to be confident that the potential risk carries kingdom value, and aligned with stewardship of kingdom resources. The Local leader initiates the ministry choices and invites a team (or team members) to join in the strategic endeavor. 


Reliant Worker: Individually needs to feel called to take the risk and accept the invitation. There is not to be pressure or coercion. 

Sending Church : Releases, prays for and supports the individual workers as they are guided by the local leadership and Reliant.  If the Sending Church has concerns about the preparedness of a Reliant Worker, that concern needs to be addressed during the assessment process. 

 Phase 2:

Preparing for Risk Management


Local Leaders:  Are responsible to prepare crisis management (contingency) plans and ensure that team members are informed of how to engage with those plans. Contingency plans shall be reviewed and updated on an annual basis (or more often if that serves the Local ministry).


  • Any team serving in locations where US State Dept security is level 2 or higher may be required by Reliant to secure consultants for risk management and expected to bear the cost of these services. 
  • Individuals on teams should realize that team contingency plans may not fully address personal contingency planning which may be needed for individuals or family units.  Individuals need to have robust lines of communication and cooperation if there are personal issues that might require their departure from the field.


Managing Occurrences of Crisis - Decision-Making Authority


Local Leader: is the primary party responsible to manage risks as they develop. The Local leader may delegate management to another responsible party, as outlined in the contingency plan.  Risk management should follow the principles outlined in contingency plans. The local leader is responsible to balance the local priorities of the ministry with kingdom values and stewardship of personnel. That person should ensure the safety of the team according to contingency plan principles, while informing Reliant and other church network supervisors as it is safe and possible to do so. (Is informing Reliant enough? Probably yes in a low-risk setting, probably not so much in a high-risk situation.) 
