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Alert Procedures – Readiness Level 3 or 4

Mounting tensions and/or instability in a particular area may lead the CMT or Team Leader to decide to limit operations, increase security measures, and conduct a review of the evacuation plan with all personnel. Work outside the immediate vicinity of the field office may be suspended. Tasks during this stage include the following.

  • Brief all local and international personnel on the situation, if possible.
  • Communication systems for notification of personnel should be finalized and tested. Note: Consider tying into other systems, such as warden systems for UN / NGO networks, Embassies or Consulates.
  • Prepare salaries and other money required by local personnel for pending evacuation.
  • Back up important files onto disks, delete sensitive files, and destroy sensitive documents. Be aware that deleted files still remain on a disk, and can be retrieved by computer specialists.
  • Stage supplies needed for evacuation to include:
    • Hand-held radio, cell phone, and/or satellite phone with extra batteries
    • Contact list, copies of passports and visas for all personnel, pen and paper, and cash
    • 2-4 liters of water and a water purifier for each vehicle
    • Food: Select foods that are compact and require no refrigeration, preparation or cooking with little or no water. Store at least a two-day supply for each person.
    • Clothing, as appropriate: e.g. warm, waterproof jacket that packs small, hat for sun protection for all personnel.
    • First aid kit and any personal prescription drugs as necessary
    • Flashlight with spare batteries, whistle, and alternate signaling devices
    • Toilet paper, soap, tooth brush, sunscreen, and mosquito repellent
    • Maps, compass, and portable GPS
  • Change your stored water supply regularly so it stays fresh. Replace your stored food every six months. Re-think your kit and personal needs according to the operational environment.
  • Stock the assembly area with appropriate supplies, including the following:
    • Food and water
    • Candles and matches
    • Toilet and related supplies
    • Power source and communications equipment
    • Flashlights and batteries
    • Cooking equipment
    • Reading material and toys
    • Spare fuel for vehicles
  • Assign each person to a specific vehicle with a vehicle leader so that anyone missing may be readily identified.
  • Confirm that each vehicle is loaded and ready for an immediate departure.
  • Confirm that the evacuation route is still viable and adjust plans accordingly.

Evacuation is Imminent – Readiness Level 4

Potential evacuees may be relocated to a pre-selected staging or safe area. Remote personnel may be recalled or relocated. This organization’s personnel currently outside the region should remain in a safe place. Non-essential personnel may be evacuated at this time. Tasks during this phase, which may last weeks or only a few hours, include:

  • Keep all personnel fully informed.
  • Coordinate closely with Embassies, other NGOs, the UN, and other agencies as appropriate.
  • Pay salaries to local staff who will not be evacuated with salary advances if possible.
  • Hide high-value property that will remain. Options may include distributing among trusted locals if it will not put them at unacceptable risk, hiding in roof spaces, or burying. Remove logos from vehicles, which may be stolen. Ensure you keep copies of serial numbers of high-value equipment.
  • Give clear instructions regarding responsibilities and leadership roles to any personnel staying behind. Establish a means of continued communication between remaining personnel and those evacuating. If necessary, provide authorization documents to key locally employed personnel.
  • Confirm if evacuation route is still viable and adjust plans accordingly.

Activation – Readiness level 5 or 4

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Evacuation Trigger Points for Action
Evacuation Trigger Points for Action

Once evacuation or relocation has begun, it should take precedence over all other activities. The field office may continue operations through local personnel, or may close completely. Considerations during evacuation may include:

  • For an evacuation where a return is reasonably expected, lock routers and backup devices in a safe. If return is not reasonably expected, prepare to take the router and backup devices with you.
  • If there is a risk of looting, consider disabling radios, equipment, and vehicles. Empty and leave open all safes.
  • Ensure effective communication with local personnel left behind.
  • Move all evacuees move to a pre-designated assembly area.
  • Evacuate by the safest, most direct means possible, maintaining good order and remaining in communication with all groups evacuating.
  • Keep in contact with key local personnel if possible and request on-scene status reports.
  • Once evacuation is complete inform the CMT, relevant Embassies, and key local personnel left behind of status.

If a decision is made to close the office completely, care will be needed to ensure humane and correct termination or reassignment of staff contracts, both local and international, and the disposal of assets.