Grab the results emailed to you after taking the quiz.
Here's what to do with your results:
Drains Me: Consider yourself FREE from having to incorporate these activities into your MTD Cultivation. (Commence happy dance.)
Enjoyable: Expand your Enjoyables below to discover a suggested cultivation activity. *This isn't a conclusive list. Look at these as examples to get you thinking. Feel free to create your own. The point here is to find 3-5 cultivation methods that come easy to you or give you energy vs just doing what you think you "should."
Click on your Enjoyables. Goal: Find 3-5 cultivation activities that are enjoyable, would give you energy or are easy for you.
Texting people
Texting supporters with ministry updates
Texting with prayer requests
Texting a group through an app like Flocknote. *arrives to the recipient as an individual message, not a group text
Analyzing Data / Results
Share interesting data about the needs of your ministry
Use more charts in how you communicate to people
Create infographics to share information
Studying the Bible / Theology
Share devotionals with partners
If you found a source you enjoy reading or listening to, invite your partners to listen
Invite donors/ partners to join you to conferences
Share what the Lord is teaching you at this time
Vision- Casting
Writing prayer letters (paper or email)
Writing blogs
Writing social media posts
Writing emails
Writing text messages
Writing ministry stories
Hand-writing a personal note or card
Talking on the phone
Calling supporters with an update or a thank-you
Scheduling video calls (individual)
Scheduling group virtual hangouts
Texting people
Texting supporters with ministry updates
Texting with prayer requests
Texting a group through an app like Flocknote. *arrives to the recipient as an individual message, not a group text
Sending a book suggestion to a supporter
Texting or emailing a supporter with a link to an article in an area of their interest / or something you feel would encourage them
Reflecting on something you've read and sharing that with supporters in a prayer letter. *Provides content of substance beyond "reporting" on ministry activities.
Hanging out with people
Invite a supporter to coffee
Set up a monthly or quarterly virtual "hang out" that people can pop into to get ministry updates, connect with you and tell you how they're doing.
Invite supporters to volunteer with you/ the ministry
Plan a trip to visit a city where a number of supporters (or potential supporters) live. Get together in person.
Plan a virtual tour where supporters can log in and get a look at a ministry activity or get a tour of your ministry location.
Drawing or Painting
Draw or paint a few cards and snail-mail them to some key supporters
Draw or paint your reflections on a recent season in ministry and include a pic of it in your prayer letter
Draw or paint your photo for your ministry card or prayer magnet and use that instead of a regular picture
Like to journal or do Bible studies with doodles or drawings instead of words? Dedicate a prayer letter each year to teaching your supporters how to utilize this technique.
Listening to Podcasts
Share with your team things you are learning
Pray for your partner team as a podcast prompts you
Ask for podcast recommendations and share yours with others
Studying the Bible / Theology
Share devotionals with partners
If you found a source you enjoy reading or listening to, invite your partners to listen
Invite donors/ partners to join you to conferences
Share what the Lord is teaching you at this time
Taking Photos
Create thank you cards using photos from your ministry
Take and send unique pictures to specific donors
Explain to donors why pictures are spiritual to you
Use photos to share a story without words
Vision- Casting
Create a video sharing the 5 year goal of your ministry
Make an infographic that paints the big picture of the need
Write a blog post that shares your heart and share with the donors
Analyzing Data / Results
Share interesting data about the needs of your ministry
Use more charts in how you communicate to people
Create infographics to share information
We will continue to add more examples here. Reach out to to talk about specific ideas around your passions