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Group coaching is another important part of MTD coaching. This is a chance for the resident to connect with other residents going through the same process. Group coaching should provide encouragement and accountability for each of your residents. It will hopefully be an encouraging time as the residents express questions/concerns, discovering others that who have had the same experience or even had an experience that answers a question. Having a group coaching call will provide an extra measure of accountability because each resident will report their numbers verbally to the rest of the group (connection attempts, hours worked, appointmentappointments, new partners, etc.).

Group Coaching Meeting Tools:

There are several options for facilitating a group call.  You are welcome to utilize one that works well for you and for your coachees.  Please try to find something that fits everyone. Here are a few options that  work well:

  • Google HangoutsChat: Since Reliant uses google Google to host email services, every reliant Reliant email is a google Google-connected account.  If you set up a video call, you can invite each person into it. This can be good for creating a more intimate feel and increases accountability, as you’ll be able to see one another. Here is how to set up a hangoutchat with other people.

  • Zoom Video:  another great accessible video tool that can be used by anyone for free.  The main limitation is that you can only host a 40 minutes -minute meeting before you would need a second one. 

    • Pros: with With a free account, it is easy to make and send meetings with the link embedded

    • Cons: only Only 40 minutes before you would need to begin a new meeting
      • by By being creative, you could create two meetings 40 minutes apart. Once one ends, everyonw everyone would need to click the new link and pick back up where you left off
  • Skype: One of the more familiar online video tools. 
    • Pros: free, no time limitation
    • Con: everyone Everyone would need to have an account and add people as friends in order to use this successfully. Can be done but would require up front upfront prep.

The Role of the Coach in Group Coaching:

  • Facilitator: You will create an outline for the call and facilitate discussion. This will be important to keep the call flowing and not have a lot of people talk at the same time. As you facilitate, keep in mind that you will not be the one to answer every question. Give time and space for the residents to encourage each other, and only step in when necessary.

  • Moderator: Allow the residents to answer each other, but there will be times you will need to moderate the discussion. This could be bringing the discussion back on point if it veers off-topic, correcting false statements, or just providing a good closing statement.

  • Encourager: Be ready to encourage and then step back. If discussion begins to slow and nobody is speaking up, it will be good for you to call on a specific resident and encourage them to share. You will know a lot more about each resident than anyone else on the call. One of the residents might be having trouble with the names ask, and nobody responds to his question about that topic. You know Ronda Resident is very good at asking for names, but since she is not speaking up, you will step in and encourage Ronda Resident. “Hey guys, I know Ronda has done an incredible job at asking for names. She has gone from 100 names to 150 in just one month. Ronda, would you mind sharing your experience with names asking?”


  • It is good to have an agenda that you prepare and send out to each of the residents before the call. It will be good to send a reminder email a couple of days before the call.
  • The only tool used (besides the conference call service) for group coaching is the MTD Activity Tracking on Toolbox.  They are going to announce their numbers to the group, but this will allow you to be ready to know who to encourage during this time.


Once again, it will be important for you to create an agenda for each of the group coaching calls. Most calls will follow a basic agenda:

2 minutes after the start - time, I ask someone to open us in prayer, then we get started. Don’t wait for people to arrive late. That will just encourage them to be late in the future.

Give the agenda for today’s meeting: Today, we will… 

Around the Room” Numbers

  • Everyone gives their numbers for the week: # of Connection Attempts, # of Appointments Kept, # of follow-up calls,  % to goal on Toolbox, and an MTD activity you did this week that you’re proud of.

  • Once “Around the room Room - Numbers” is over, celebrate the Superstars of the Week: Focus on performance numbers, not results.  So highlight the person that had the most connection attempts, kept the most appointments, etc.)

“Around the Room” Q&A

  • Go around the circle again and, one - by one, let each person ask a question about MTD. Encourage each person to bring a question to the group and encourage the group to answer each other’s questions. You’re there to add to their answers (if needed) and facilitate the conversation. Be sure to ask your own questions! You’re raising support too. Remind them to come to the call ready with a question to ask! 


  • This is a chance to ask how each person is doing/what they’re wrestling with this week. Some people will thrive from in this time of vulnerability.


So, each call will begin with reporting numbers, Q&A, and then a group discussion topic. Like As we noted above, you will begin by providing the topic and facilitating group discussion, but the hope is that some of your residents will have a chance to do this as well. Here are some good discussion topics topic ideas:

  • What are the loopholes you’ve been using to give yourself a pass on MTD work you don’t want to do?
  • What are some healthy habits to keep us filled - up while raising support?
  • Training time: Sharpening our ask for connections
  • Training time: How to follow-up (how often, what to say, etc.)
  • Training time: Discuss group presentation strategy
  • Training time: Discuss letter-writing strategy
  • Biblical References to Common Challenges in Support Raising 
  • Discuss a chapter in Henri Nouwen’s Spirituality of Fundraising
  • Tell our God-stories: big things the Lord has done on our behalf in MTD.