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  • Reliant Review (currently performed by the LT Admin, Caleb)
  • If concerns are identified, it is passed on to the Collegiate Review 
  • If larger concerns are presented, it is passed on to National Review (currently performed by LT National Director (Chad Frank), Collegiate National Board member (Rick Keith), and Mike Swann (Reliant legal), if needed Dave Meldrum-Green and coordinated by Caleb Hayworth). 
    • We will need to keep records of conversations during this phase since it is not documented within Breezy.
  • If serious concerns are listed, it goes to Counselor Review (currently filled out by one of the Collegiate Reviewers after discussion from the local church and then approval from National Review).


LT directors who are interested in what stage their participants are in can use a Collegiate LT - Breezy Reports to query the list. They will need to request permissions from the Reliant LT Admin, Caleb Hayworth.

Collegiate Review

The first step in the LT application process is for a Reliant Reviewer to be the first set of eyes on the application. This may be a Reliant employee or Reliant Central Staff.


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titleCollegiate Reviewer Breezy Instructions

Once you log into Breezy, you will need to select the Position you are reviewing (either Estes Park Leadership Training or Adirondack Leadership Training).

You can then see all the stages as you scroll right and left, but you will want to click the applicant within the Collegiate Review stage. 

Once you click on the applicant's name, you will see their application profile:

Once you are here, you will want to select More > Team Scorecards so you can review the scorecard Reliant submitted. This scorecard will contain the initial concerns. Below some (not all) of the questions, you want to click "+Show Feedback" to read the comments the Reliant Reviewer submitted. 

After reading the Reliant Reviewer scorecard, you will want to select "Questionnaires" and carefully review all the information the applicant submitted.

Lastly, you will want to review the references. To find these, select More > References. You can then click on each reference to see what the reference said concerning the applicant. 

After reviewing all the information, you are ready to write your comments on your own scorecard. To do this, click Scorecard on the right-hand side of the screen. You can even pull up other information on the left side as you follow the Scorecard and make your own comments.

If a follow-up is necessary, then you will need to note who you're following up with and what is/was spoken about. Be sure to click the blue Save Scorecard button often and before you close the application.

Once the follow-up is complete, you can log back in and enter comments in one of the decision areas (Accept With Conditions, National Review, or Decline Acceptance). If you want to do a normal acceptance, you do not need to make any comments in these areas. You will also need to enter your comments at the top of the scorecard in the "Thoughts on this Candidate?" box.

Once you have entered all of your comments and clicked on Save Scorecard, you will be ready to move them to the next stage. To do this, click the blue Change Stage button. You will see a dropdown of stages you can move them to. You will want to select the one that is appropriate. Stages have triggers associated with them, so please make sure you move them to the correct stage. Triggers fire right away and can not be reversed.

After you have selected an option on the Change Stage button, you will see a green "Stage Updated" box at the bottom. You may then click the X in the top right corner to close the application or close the window entirely. 

  • The Collegiate Reviewer will then call or text the local church leadership to discuss the situation.

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titleConversation with the local church leadership

In the Collegiate Review stage, the Collegiate Reviewer(s) will receive an email from Reliant saying they have a participant whose application warrants follow-Breezy saying an applicant has been assigned to them. This is your cue to review the application and prepare to follow up with the local pastor/spiritual reference.    (This means they found a concerned participant that warrants follow-up with the local pastor/spiritual reference and necessitates a meeting one on one with the participant to discuss the concerns.) In those cases, here are the steps that we suggest the Collegiate Reviewer(s) take.In those cases, here are the steps that we suggest the Collegiate Reviewer(s) take.

  • Contact the local pastor or spiritual reference Contact the local pastor or spiritual reference listed on the application to set up a time to discuss the concerns. As a note, we do not involve students or student leaders in these conversations about the applicant.
  • Call and talk through discuss the concerns with the pastor/spiritual reference and explain the expectations below expectations.:
    • Ask them to help you know more about who the person is and what you would be getting into by accepting them into the program.
    • Discuss specific questions that you would want them to ask the participant in regards to the specific concerns.
    • Remind them to take notes and report back via email so that we have written documentation about how we handled the concern.
    • Explain the process to them so that they know what our expectations are:
      • We are asking them to follow up one-on-one with the concerned participant and discuss the concerns in more detail. We want to explain to the participant that we care about them and our heart is to help them have a good experience during the program and we want to figure out the best place for them if that's to attend or not to attend the program.
      • If we feel like the best place is the attend the program, then let them know there will likely be conditions put in place for them to follow (for example meeting with a staff member bi-weekly for accountability and/or asking them to refrain from what they are doing, etc.) and make sure that they are willing to agree to those conditions.
      • Let the participant know that if we decide to move forward with acceptance, they will be receiving a conditional email. The email will sound more formal and perhaps a little intense and will list policies and conditions that we are asking them to agree to follow. The wording on the email has been created for liability reasons so it will sound more legal and less friendly so we just want to let them know so that they are not surprised by the way it is worded.
  • After the call with the local pastor or spiritual reference, send an email to them and CC LT@reliant.org explaining everything that was just discussed over the phone again as a way to remind them in written form what you discussed. Ask them to report back details from the conversation with the participant by replying back all to this the email so that we have it documented in written form writing the student's responses and the pastor/spiritual reference's recommendation of whether or not they feel like we should accept the participant.
  • The Collegiate Reviewer will then email LT@reliant.org along with the local church leader as a written recap of their phone or text conversation and ask the church leader to reply all to that email once they have met with the LT applicant.

  • The local church leader will reply to the email and answer the questions asked with updates from meeting with the LT applicant.

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titleSample Email from Collegiate Reviewer to Local Church Leader including Church Leader Reply

This is a sample email with more case-

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titleSample Email from Collegiate Reviewer to Local Church Leader including Church Leader Reply

This is a sample email with more case-specific info so to speak being italicized for clarity.  Thanks!

Hi [spiritual reference]!

So good to talk to you.  I’m excited for what your time with [applicant] is going to look like and trust that God wants to work in and through that time to hopefully help prepare her for a great summer at LT.  Remember the information that I shared with you is confidential and can only be discussed with [applicant], LT Assessors, and Reliant administrators.

Here’s what we discussed in our call:

  • In your upcoming meeting with [applicant], let her know that you had a conversation with the LT Assessors with the goal of helping her have the best chance to thrive at LT as she pursues Jesus and walks in community there. 

  • Explain that we see these application assessments as an opportunity to partner alongside local church leadership to guide our decision in order to help set students up well for a summer at LT.

  • Let her know that we talked about a discrepancy between what she put on her application and what you put in your reference, specifically in regards to struggles with sexual immorality over the last six months. 

  • Ask her to clarify why the discrepancy may have happened, and as you're doing so, be listening for certain things:

    • Does she seem to be experiencing any shame over her struggles?

    • Is she able to talk about this freely and comfortably with you?

    • Does it seem like she was intentionally hiding something, or was there just a miscommunication?

    • How is she responding overall in the midst of your conversation?

  • Ask her if she has struggled in this area since filling out the assessment. Please thank her for being open and honest!

  • Lastly, let her know that you will be getting back to us in regards to your meeting, reminding her that the goal of this time is to do what we can to help her thrive and give her opportunities to grow in her intimacy with Jesus as we walk through this. 

When you're done with your meeting, please let us know your answers to the above questions by replying all to this email, including informing us of your perception of her overall demeanor throughout the conversation. Thank you so much for partnering alongside us to love and support students well in this process. 

  • Collegiate Reviewer will then reply back to that email stating the next steps that he has chosen (accepting normally, accepting with conditions, moving to national review).
  • If the next step was normal acceptance, then the Collegiate Reviewer will move the applicant to the Acceptance stage within Breezy. The Reliant LT Reviewer will make a PDF of this email chain and upload the email PDF to the application to keep on file to show due diligence in the vetting process.
  • If the next step is to accept with conditions, then the Collegiate Reviewer will move the applicant to the Conditional Acceptance stage


  • , and the LT Admin will email the participant the conditional acceptance email.

titleCommon conditions for Collegiate Review Acceptance include:
  • For those struggling with substance abuse or sexual activity, the typical condition is that they refrain from doing those things beginning from the timing of their acceptance to LT throughout the duration of the program.
  • The most common condition is to also ask them to meet with a staff member weekly for the first 5 weeks of the summer and then reassess (or bi-weekly throughout the summer) to help keep them accountable and to follow up with how they are doing.

Those conditions will be shared with the LT director through the LT Shepherding Document. The Shepherding google doc is used by Reliant and the LT directors to continue to review and receive updates on those that had concerns found on their LT assessment. The Shepherding google doc lists those that had conditions for acceptance and usually required staff follow-up throughout the summer. The director would then assign a staff accountability person to meet with the participant and hold the participant accountable during the program to the conditions that have been put in place. We suggest finding someone who has a shepherd's heart and also clearly identifies this as part of the role prior to the beginning of the program. If possible, have the staff member reach out to the participant before they arrive at the program to begin discussions and gain trust. The directors are responsible for assigning someone to update the shepherding google doc with how the follow-up is going to keep Reliant and Collegiate in the loop.

Concerns decided on a collegiate Collegiate level: 

Those scenarios include, but are not limited to:


We want to leave the final acceptance decision of these concerns in the hands of the Collegiate Reviewer and local pastor and LT director that who will be with the participant all summer.

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titleApplicant Lies on their Assessment

titleWhat happens if an applicant lies on their assessment?

For reference, there was an applicant who lied on their application and was caught due to a discrepancy between what the LT applicant said and what the spiritual reference said.

It was agreed upon that if an LT participant lies on their application (and there weren't extenuating circumstances), the result will be that they can not attend LT the program. But this must be talked through with the spiritual reference and/or the local leadership.

What happens if an applicant does not want to list their struggles on the assessment?

There have been instances where participants did not feel comfortable sharing all of their struggles online in the assessment. We will then work with the local church to gather that information in person with the applicant. Here is a section of an email that was sent to an applicant who sent an email to Reliant saying that they did not feel comfortable with sharing online and requested just to tell their local church pastor and not Reliant.

...The LT program is an event administrated by both Reliant and Collegiate. Your church pastor is both a pastor for the Collegiate network and is employed by Reliant and his role this summer is Collegiate LT director. Reliant does a lot of the administrative work for the Collegiate missionaries Field Staff and we run the behind-the-scenes admin for the LT programs. In order for Reliant to be able to provide liability insurance for the LT programs we have to have an assessment and a review vetting process for all of our applicants that help us make sure the Leadership Training program (the summer ministry designed to help train leaders for our local churches) is the best fit for those applying.

I can understand the concern about putting your struggles online in this day and age. So, Reliant would be fine with you meeting with a local church leader to share your answers in person if that would make you feel more comfortable with sharing. However, because Reliant is the administrator for the event, that local church leader will then need to share what you tell him with Reliant before we could move forward with the assessment process. He can speak in generalities (we do not need specific details), but we do need to know for insurance and liability reasons if there are any concerns. So, I wanted to make sure that you understood and knew that your church leader would still be sharing that information with Reliant after you share it with him.


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titleAcceptance of a Minor

There have been times when a participant under 18 desires to attend the program. LT@reliant.org will be notified during the assessment process and will reach out to the LT director to let them know. 

In the case of the Collegiate LT program, this happens often with children of Reliant missionaries Field Staff who are also attending the program with their parents wanting to be participants. The YMCA has been known to hire participants under the age of 18 for the Collegiate LT participants. However, the YMCA is not legally allowed to let them live in their provided employee housing. In the case of a Reliant missionary Field Staff son/daughter, the participant can live outside of the dorms on the YMCA property with their parents. 

If the applicant is not a child of a Reliant missionary Field Staff that is also a part of the LT program if a director wants the minor to attend the program they will need to find separate housing for that participant. The director will need to discuss the living situation options for the minor with Reliant before moving forward with finding housing off the YMCA property as this is a higher liability for all. 

Here is an example of a liability form created for a minor staying off-site. It will need to be modified for each specific situation. This special waiver will need to be created with specifics of location, dates, transportation expected to and from,  etc. for each one of these unique circumstances that will need to be signed by both parent and minor.

 Sample waiver for off-site housing of a minor: Reliant Release and Liab Waiver for Minor Example



In general, we say that all self-harm concerns need to be brought to national review. When reviewing suicidal concerns, we ask that you inquire about 1) the date(s) of occurrence (if not already stated) and frequency of suicidal thoughts, and 2) whether have they had any suicidal thoughts since filling out the assessment.  The heart behind this is related to how severe the past self-harm struggle was, how close to 6 months ago it occurred, do they still have suicidal thoughts, etc., and to show that we did our due diligence by having multiple eyes on it before acceptance.

However, if the Collegiate reviewer finds out after discussing with the local church leader that there are no current self-harm thoughts and a normal acceptance is recommended, then we do not need to present this concern to the National Reviewers. This would be only for those that Collegiate Reviews recommend as normal acceptance (no conditions at all for acceptance) because the self-harm (thoughts or actions) is no longer happening.

If self-harm is still somewhat still in the picture and they are recommending conditions, it would still need to come to a national review for more eyes to view the situation.

National Review

If the next step is a


National Review, then the Collegiate Reviewer will first reach out to discuss the concerned applicant with the LT director(s). If they want to move forward, then the Collegiate Reviewer will tell them to make a note on their Breezy scorecard to move forward with National Review (see below).


National Review

Concerns decided on a national National level:


In general, we say that all self-harm concerns need to be brought to national review. However, we have had a few national reviews where we uncover that they have struggled with suicidal concerns prior to 6 months ago. As a formality, we had said that all of those still needed a national review before moving forward. The heart behind that was related to how severe the past self-harm struggle was, how close to 6 months ago it occurred, do they still have suicidal thoughts, etc., and to show that we did our due diligence by having multiple eyes on it before acceptance.

However, if the Collegiate reviewer finds out after discussing with the local church leader that there are no current self-harm thoughts and a normal acceptance is recommended, then we do not need to present this concern to the National Reviewers. This would be only for those that the Collegiate Reviewer(s) recommend as normal acceptance (no conditions at all for acceptance) because the self-harm (thoughts or actions) is no longer happening.

If self-harm is still somewhat in the picture and they are recommending conditions, it would still need to come to a national review for more eyes to view the situation.


  • The Reliant LT National Reviewer will move the applicant to Counselor Review in Breezy, and Breezy will notify the Collegiate Reviewer that a counselor "recommendation" is needed. (We use the word recommendation, but the counselor is not allowed to make an actual recommendation due to liability on their end. They can however assess how the applicant is doing, which will help us determine the next steps.) It will also email both the Collegiate Reviewer and the local church pastor with instructions asking them to let the participant know we would like them to receive a counselor review.the next steps.) It will also email both the Collegiate Reviewer and the local church pastor with instructions asking them to let the participant know we would like them to receive a counselor review.

To Mike and Jason Wilkins

Subject: Counselor Review needed: {{ applicant.full_name }}


This applicant needs a Counselor Review before moving forward. A separate email has been sent both to you and to the local church leadership explaining the need to talk with the participant about seeing a counselor along with the next steps.  Once the counselor review has been received, please fill out the counselor review section in Breezy and email lt@reliant.org a copy of the safety plan. The LT Admin will share the safety plan with the LT directors.  

Reminder info below if needed:

Applicant's information



Phone number:   

Program Applying For: 

  • Have you previously applied for a Collegiate LT? 
  • Have you previously attended a Collegiate LT?  
    • Which LT location(s) and date(s) did you attend?

Reliant reviewer's thoughts if they had applied before:

Which collegiate church do you attend?


  • Spiritual Reference Name:
  • Spiritual Reference Phone Number: 
  • Spiritual Reference email:

Concerns found: Reliant Review

Spiritual health:  

Emotional health:  

Moral health:

Parental concern:

Reference concern:



Concerns found: Collegiate Review

Spiritual health: 

Emotional health:   

Moral health:

Parental concern:

Reference concern:


Local leadership Name: 

Local Leadership Email

Follow-up from local leadership:

Suggested conditions for acceptance (prior to National Review.) 

National Review

Comments from National Reliant Review:

Comments from National Collegiate Review: 

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titleEmail 1
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titleCounselor Review Email 2Template

To Mike and Jason the Collegiate Reviewer and the local church pastor

Subject: Counselor Review Instructions: {{ applicant.full_name }}


The National LT Program Reviewers have requested a counselor review for  {{ applicant.full_name }}  due to the nature of the concerns on their assessment.  

The applicant may or may not have been asked this question based on their responses in the assessment (so the below answer may be blank), but here are their responses on their assessment regarding counseling: 

  • Are you currently seeking a counselor for your suicidal concerns?:
  • Have you discussed your participation in this program with your counselor?: 
  • If accepted into the Program, would you plan to continue seeing a counselor during the Program?: 
  • If needed, would you be willing to consent to sign a release with your counselor asking them to fill out a current assessment and stabilization plan to share with our national LT assessor to assess readiness for your attendance for this Program?:

Please follow up with the applicant to confirm that they are willing to ask their counselor for a current assessment and stabilization plan and share the information below on how to receive a current assessment and stabilization plan.  Mike Klunke can assist you with any questions. There may have also been other conditions requested for this applicant that Mike will share with you as well when he follows up. 

It is a standard procedure for a counselor to talk to someone about their client if the applicant is willing to sign a release form. The counselor is then able to share their current assessment and stabilization plan. Please ask the applicant to sign a release form with their counselor (the release form would be given to them by the counselor upon their request) giving the counselor permission to share their current assessment and stabilization plan for Program attendance with Mike Klunke (National LT Assessor) as the receiver. Mike Klunke's email is mike.klunke@reliant.org

Here is a sample letter template that you can share with the applicant to fill out together with their counselor to receive their current assessment and stabilization plan for their attendance to the Program.  Sample Letter from Counselor

We also require all applicants needing a counselor review to create a safety plan.  A copy of this plan will be shared with the Program Directors, the Program leader assigned to meet with the participant, and Reliant. Please ask the applicant to fill out this safety plan (we recommend local leadership review it with them) and please send a completed plan to Mike Klunke (mike.klunke@reliantLT@reliant.org). Safety Plan Template

Most counselors will not be able to continue meeting remotely during the summer due to the fact that the applicant will be in a different state. If needed, you can ask the applicant if they would potentially be willing to meet with a local counselor during the Program.  Reliant missionaries Reliant Field Staff can view Counseling for Event Acceptance on Solomon for more details on options for counseling at the different Programs to discuss the options with the applicant.   

Please also inform the applicant so that they are aware that if they are accepted, it is always recommended that an applicant needing a counselor review to be assigned an LT Program leader to meet with on a regular basis during the Program for accountability. If possible, we suggest that the LT Program Director reach out to the applicant prior to the beginning of LT to follow up and see how things are currently going (in case things have changed between now and the beginning of LT) and also to let them know the name of the leader that will be meeting with them over the summer. 

Recommended Steps for talking with the applicant: 

The local church leadership would set up a meeting with the applicant and explain the following:

  • Share with the applicant that we are excited for him/her to have this opportunity.
  • Discuss that we want to make the program a success for them.
  • Explain that there are some condition(s) that he/she needs to meet in order to be accepted.
  • Explain to him/her the needed current assessment and stabilization plan from his/her counselor/therapist and how to obtain that as outlined above
  • We will also need a filled-out safety plan 
  • Explain that we will need to wait for National Directors to review the counselor's current assessment and stabilization plan before we move forward.
  • Explain to them that if he/she is conditionally accepted, one of the conditions is generally to meet with a staff member for # of weekly meetings for check-in, accountability, and to care for him/her and ask if they would be willing to do that. And let them know that they may also be contacted a few weeks before LT begins by a Program leader begins to follow up. 
  • Discuss the possibility of pursuing counseling over the summer with a local counselor (if necessary.)
  • After the meeting, respond back to Mike Klunke with how the meeting went, and if he/she agrees to those condition(s).


  • The local church pastor will talk with the participant and give them the counselor review information, requesting the participant to ask a counselor for their recommendation and to send that recommendation to the Collegiate Reviewer.
  • Once the Collegiate Reviewer has heard back from the counselor :If and the green light is given:
    • Then the Collegiate Reviewer will make a note on the scorecard in the "Accept with Conditions" box and assign the applicant to Leadership Training.
    • LT@reliant.org will be notified the applicant has been assigned and will send the conditional acceptance email.
    • A safety plan (see below) is required for anyone accepted in a counselor review stage.
  • If Collegiate Reviewer receives a reason to be concerned, you have the approval to decline the applicant.
    • Move the applicant to the Declined stage and Breezy will send the applicant a declination email.
