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MultiExcerptNameLiaisons Contact (all)



"We're your first point of contact! And would love to help with any questions you may have. Please reach out."


U.S. Churches & Ministries

Internships & Residencies



Kathy Zellinger 



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Becca IssakIsaak



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Leanne Strickland



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Fixed Term Program


Adrienne BridgesLansing



Natalia Perez




Full Central Teams

For more information on all Central workers and how they can help, jump straight to the appropriate Team below.

Table of Contents

General Email Addresses

We have lots of different topical or Team email addresses that may be of help.  Check here to find the one you need!


titleGeneral Email Addresses

Medical and Dental Insurancesbenefits@reliant.org
MTD Coaching Resourcesmtd@reliant.org
MTD Account balance


Gift Services


Payroll and Taxes




Project Fundraising & Grantsprojectfundraising@reliant.org
New Missionary field staff Recruitingfundraising@reliant.org
MTD Training
(New Staff Training and intern trainings) 
Missionary field staff Application & Assessmentgo@reliant.org
International Missionary field staff Needsinternational@reliant.org

Reliant administered events

(ex. Leadership Training/Collegiate Conference)

Hourly Staff Time Card Summary Forms


Prayer Letters (we love to read them!)content@reliant.org
Technology helphelpdesk@reliant.org
Communications and Design helpcommunications@reliant.org
Solomon questionssolomon@reliant.org



Please contact notifyhr@reliant.org for any confidential or sensitive HR issues. 

This email is managed by Julie Thomas, HR Director. You can also reach her directly by phone at 407-490-0141. (For general questions and concerns please reach out to your Program Team Lead or Liaison.) You can also make anonymous reports of misconduct or policy violations via the Employee Reporting Hotline


If you or your donor have general questions, you can refer to the robust help page on our website .


Central Office

General contact information


Main Office Line: 407-671-9700    Donor Line:  877-614-4600 






11002 Lake Hart Dr. Ste 100
Orlando, FL 32832-7106

UI Button
titleVideo Tour of the Central Office

What I Do
  • Oversee the Collegiate Program Team
I Can Help You
  • Assessment, hiring, compensation, and evaluations of Collegiate Program Team (PT) missionaries
  • MTD Coaching, Training, and performance for Collegiate PT
  • Missionary care and crisis for Collegiate PT

Kathy Zellinger

Collegiate Missionary Liaison




What I Do
  • Un-official "mom" of the Collegiate Program Team. I am the first point of contact for Collegiate missionaries and interns, giving "help desk answers", collecting prayer requests, giving care for missionaries, and helping them know their next steps and who to talk to in the Central Team for all their needs.

I Can Help You
  • If you don't know who to call!

  • With any employment questions, Reliant account questions, donor questions, etc.

  • Set your sponsor or sending church

What I Do
  • Monitor MTD health for released college-based churches and missionaries
  • Assist in meeting the needs and answering the questions of college-based MTD coaches
  • Provide training and continuing education for college-based churches and MTD coaches 
I Can Help You
MultiExcerptNameCentral Team

Central Leadership Team 

What I Do
  • Oversee the implementation of our mission to serve partners, missionaries, and donors
  • Chief of Staff to our Executive Director, Manage our Operating Departments and collaborative projects
  • Ensure our Central teams, processes, and operations are working efficiently
    What I Do
    • Oversee Reliant's HR Compliance Program
    • Maintain HR policies, procedures, and training related to compliance
    • Support Reliant Program Teams in HR-related issues
    I Can Help You
    • Answer questions about HR policies or training
    • Navigate employee relations issues/concerns (along with Program Team Lead)
    What I Do
    • Oversee The Employment Services, Accounting, and Gift Services teams
    • File taxes and official tax documents such as W2s and 1095-Cs
    I Can Help You
  • Research escalated tax, payroll or account balance questions
  • Provide resources and consultation on your tax situation as a minister  
  • Obtain a copy of a previous year W2

    Tom Mauriello

    Executive DirectorPresident & CEO



    What I Do
    • Make sure we are meeting our mission to serve missionaries field staff for the gospel

    • Oversee just about everything, directing our Managers and Directors

    • Report to our Board of Directors

    I Can Help You
    • Connect Reliant with a new ministry director or church network that Reliant may be able to serve.
    • To further appeal a decision by other leadership, if needed.
    • Please contact my assistant (sarah.swann@reliant.org) if you would like to schedule a meeting

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    James Kaufman

    Chief Financial Officer


    Kerry Housley

    Director of Operations




    I Can Help You
    • Answer If you have questions about the way our organization and our Central teams operateAnnual Ministry Report
    • If you have questions about the financial integrity or stewardship of Reliant 

    Matt Elkins

    Director of Program Teams



    What I Do
    • Oversee the work and ministry of Reliant's Program Teams
    • Ensure the Program Teams are providing tailored resources and direct service to Reliant's church ministry partners and missionariesfield staff
    • Provide leadership for Reliant's Training, Assessment, Recruiting, and MTD Health and Coaching Teams 
    I Can Help You
    • Answer questions about Reliant's mission and vision in church/ministry partnership and missionary field staff mobilization
    • Provide insight on the philosophies Reliant uses for support raising training, coaching
    • Explore ways Reliant can serve and partner with new churches or ministries 

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    Julie Thomas

    HR Director


    James Kaufman

    Chief Financial Officer



    What I Do
    • Oversee Reliant's HR Compliance Program
    • Maintain HR policies, procedures, and training related to compliance
    • Support Reliant Program Teams in HR-related issues
    I Can Help You
    • X
      • Answer questions about HR policies or training
      • Navigate employee relations issues/concerns (along with Program Team Lead)

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    Kerry Housley

    Director of Operations


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    Dave Meldrum-Green, CPA

    Director of Organizational Affairs & Treasurer



    What I Do
    • Oversee Reliant's ministry grant program
    • Secretary to the Board, work with our Audit Review Committee and Investment & Finance Committee
    • Work with Capin Crouse on our annual audit
    • Review our monthly financial reporting
    • Perform our annual health and dental insurance renewals & all corporate, property, liability and overseas insurances
    • the implementation of our mission to serve partners, field staff, and donors
    • Chief of Staff to our Executive Director, Manage our Operating Departments and collaborative projects
    • Ensure our Central teams, processes, and operations are working efficientlyAddress legal and liability questions and issues, work to help set policy for Reliant.
    I Can Help You
    • If you have questions about the Annual Ministry Report
    • You want to know more about the Board of Directors
    • If you have a legal or policy question
    • If you have a question on Reliant's ministry grant program or if your church is interested in creating a grant request for a project

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    Julie Thomas

    HR Director



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    Barb Seckler

    Director of Finance Teams



    Collegiate Team 

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    Mike Swann

    Director of Collegiate Program Team



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    Chad Frank

    Collegiate MTD Health Lead



    • Answer questions about the way our organization and our Central teams operate

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    Dave Meldrum-Green, CPA

    Director of Organizational Affairs & Treasurer



    What I Do
    • Oversee Reliant's ministry grant program
    • Secretary to the Board, work with our Audit Review Committee and Investment & Finance Committee
    • Work with Capin Crouse on our annual audit
    • Review our monthly financial reporting
    • Perform our annual health and dental insurance renewals & all corporate, property, liability and overseas insurances
    • Address legal and liability questions and issues, work to help set policy for Reliant.
    I Can Help You
    • If you have questions about the Annual Ministry Report
    • You want to know more about the Board of Directors
    • If you have a legal or policy question
    • If you have a question on Reliant's ministry grant program or if your church is interested in creating a grant request for a project

    Image Added

    Barb Seckler

    Director of Finance Teams



    What I Do
    • Oversee The Payroll, Reimbursements, Accounting, and Gift Services teams which we collectively call the Finance teams.
    • File taxes and official tax documents such as W2s 
    • Serve on the 401K fudiciary committee
    I Can Help You
    • Research escalated tax, payroll, 401K, or account balance questions
    • Provide resources and consultation on your tax situation as a minister  
    • Obtain a copy of a previous year W2

    Collegiate Team 

    Image Added

    Mike Swann

    Program Director



    What I Do
    • Oversee the Collegiate Program Team
    I Can Help You
    • Assessment, hiring, compensation, and evaluations of Collegiate Program Team (PT) field staff
    • MTD Coaching, Training, and performance for Collegiate PT
    • field staff care and crisis for Collegiate PT

    Image Added

    Kathy Zellinger

    Program Liaison




    What I Do
    • Un-official "mom" of the Collegiate Program Team. I am the first point of contact for Collegiate field staff and interns, giving "help desk answers", collecting prayer requests, giving care for field staff, and helping them know their next steps and who to talk to in the Central Team for all their needs.

    I Can Help You
    • If you don't know who to call!

    • With any employment questions, Reliant account questions, donor questions, etc.

    • Set your sponsor or sending church

    Image Added

    Chad Frank

    MTD Health Lead



    What I Do
    • Monitor MTD health for released college-based churches and field staff
    • Assist in meeting the needs and answering the questions of college-based MTD coaches
    • Provide training and continuing education for college-based churches and MTD coaches 
    I Can Help You
    • With your overall MTD strategy as a church or field staff
    • Answer questions about your MTD Health Score and Fundraising Status
    • Get connected with resources to help you obtain or maintain MTD health

    Image Added

    Matthew McClure

    Collegiate Training Support



    What I Do
    • MTD Coaching
    • Communicate with those who have an interest in partnering with Reliant
    • Networking and Building Bridges for Reliant partnerships
    • Assist in being a trainer (New Staff Training, and Collegiate)
    I Can Help You
    • General information about Reliant
    • Understanding what partnering with Reliant looks like
    • Raise support! (If you are assigned to me for coaching)

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    Caleb Hayworth

    Systems Administrator



    What I Do
    • Create and maintain support and care structures for Collegiate field staff
    • Manage projects and provide oversight of implementation of new processes within the Collegiate Program
    • Assist in overseeing & tracking Collegiate applicants moving through the Assessment Hub toward a hiring decision/training
    I Can Help You
    • If you have questions about the Collegiate Systems

    Image Added

    Russell Dietrich

    Program Administrator



    What I Do
    • Assist in New Staff Trainings
    • field staff Support and Care for Collegiate Program Team
    • Coordinate Sabbaticals for Collegiate Program Team
    • MTD Coaching
    I Can Help You
    • If you need someone to discuss various vocational and life transitions
    • If you need encouragement and accountability during the support raising process
    • If you want to discuss the possibility of taking a sabbatical

    U.S. Churches & Ministries Team

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    CJ White

    Program Manager



    What I Do
    • Oversee US Churches and Ministries Program
  • With your overall MTD strategy as a church or missionary
  • Answer questions about your MTD Health Score and Fundraising Status
  • Get connected with resources to help you obtain or maintain MTD health

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    Matthew McClure

    Collegiate Training Support



    What I Do
    • MTD Coaching
    • Communicate with those who have an interest in partnering with Reliant
    • Networking and Building Bridges for Reliant partnerships
    • Assist in being a trainer (New Staff Training, and Collegiate)
    I Can Help You
  • General information about Reliant
  • Understanding what partnering with Reliant looks like
  • Raise support! (If you are assigned to me for coaching)

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    Caleb Hayworth

    Collegiate Processing and Systems Administrator



    What I Do
    • Create and maintain support and care structures for Collegiate missionaries
    • Manage projects and provide oversight of implementation of new processes within the Collegiate Program
    • Assist in overseeing & tracking Collegiate applicants moving through the Assessment Hub toward a hiring decision/training
    I Can Help You
    If you have questions about the Collegiate Systems

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    Russell Dietrich

    Collegiate MTD & Missionary Support 



    What I Do
    • Assist in New Staff Trainings
    • Missionary Support and Care for Collegiate Program Team
    • Coordinate Sabbaticals for Collegiate Program Team
    • MTD Coaching
    I Can Help You
    • If you need someone to discuss various vocational and life transitions
    • If you need encouragement and accountability during the support raising process
    • If you want to discuss the possibility of taking a sabbatical

    U.S. Churches & Ministries Team

    What I Do
    • Oversee US Churches and Ministries Program
    I Can Help You
    • Set up a New Partnership between your ministry and Reliant
    • Guide a ministry, team, or missionary that you are supervising
    • Navigate special circumstances related to any US Church or ministry
    • With any questions, support, or MTD coaching for US Missionaries

    Becca Issak

    U.S. Program Liaison


    What I Do
  • Serve as a system and process developer for U.S. based missionaries
  • Increase partnership opportunities with U.S. based ministries in need of Reliant support offerings
  • Provide strategic support for the U.S. Program TeamNetwork/collaborate with other organizations domestically where mission, vision, purpose, & geography might have alignment U.S. Missionaries

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    CJ White

    U.S. Program Team Lead



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    Liz Svajda

    U.S. Program Administrator



    What I Do
    • X
    I Can Help You
    • X

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    What I Do
    • Serve as the first point of contact for our US Churches and Ministries. 
    • Work with new U.S. based missionaries to set up employment and support them throughout their time with Reliant. 
    • Help answer or point U.S. Missionaries in the right direction with any questions they might have.
    I Can Help You
    • With any employment questions, Reliant account questions, donor questions, etc.

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    Ryan Kozey

    U.S. Systems and Program Developer



    I Can Help You
    • Set up a New Partnership between your ministry and Reliant
    • Guide a ministry, team, or field staff that you are supervising
    • Navigate special circumstances related to any US Church or ministry
    • With any questions, support, or MTD coaching for

    International Team

    • US field staff

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    Liz Svajda

    Program Administrator


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    Mike Easton

    International Program Manager





    ) 270




    What I Do
    • Lead Reliant International towards new vision & initiatives that will serve sending churches, missionaries, and partners.
    • Lead the international team to serve our partners proactively.
      • Develop systems and structures to care for and support local churches, church planters, pastors, field staff, and ministries within the US Program 
      • Internally process and communicate employment information
      • Assist in overseeing & tracking US applicants moving through the assessment process toward a hiring decision/training
      • Oversee MTD Coaching & Health for US Program Team
      I Can Help You
      • With any questions about
      joining Reliant International as a sending church, new missionary or overseas partner.
    • Helping missionaries connect with their sending church.
    • Image Removed

      Julie Thompson

      International Program Administrator



      What I Do
      • Connect with missionaries and partners during special transitions or circumstances.
      • Help lead the International Team on projects and processes
      I Can Help You
      • MTD coaching, the application process, employment onboarding, and/or partnership questions.

      Image Added

      Becca Isaak

      Program Liaison



      What I Do
      • Serve as the first point of contact for our US Churches and Ministries. 
      • Work with new U.S. based field staff to set up employment and support them throughout their time with Reliant. 
      • Help answer or point U.S. field staff in the right direction with any questions they might have.
      I Can Help You
      • With any employment questions, Reliant account questions, donor questions, etc.

      Image Added

      Ryan Kozey

      Systems and Program Developer



      Find the information and resources you need as a Cross-Cultural Missionary

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      Adrienne Bridges

      International Liaison


      What I Do
      • Serve as a system and process developer for U.S. based field staff
      • Increase partnership opportunities with U.S. based ministries in need of Reliant support offerings
      • Provide strategic support for the U.S. Program Team
      I Can Help You
      • Set up a New Partnership between your ministry and Reliant
      • Network/collaborate with other organizations domestically where mission, vision, purpose, & geography might have alignment
      • With any questions, support, or MTD coaching for U.S. field staff

      Image Added

      Demeko Bivens 

      Lead Trainer


      What I Do
      • I train individuals doing ministry team development with US churches and ministry teams. 

      • I make trainings fun and engaging. 

      I Can Help You
      • Learn how to do ministry team development so you can do what God has called you to do. 

      International Team

      our International missionaries as the first point of contact for any questions related to their employment with Reliant.
    • Work with International missionaries during their initial launch to the field and other important transitions.
    • I Can Help You
      • With any question! If I don't know the answer, I'll find it for you.

      Travis Isaak

      International Lead Trainer and MTD Coach



      What I Do
    • Help plan and host Ministry Team Development training events for new International based missionaries
    • Provide ongoing coaching for International based missionaries as they develop their ministry support teams any the MTD process, ongoing coaching needs, or upcoming training events
    • Get connected to any resources you may need during your MTD
    • Image Added

      Mike Easton

      Program Manager


      (407) 270-1922‬

      What I Do
      • Lead Reliant International towards new vision & initiatives that will serve sending churches, field staff, and partners.
      • Lead the international team to serve our partners proactively.

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      Bethany Orys

      International Partners



      What I Do
      • Help new partners join Reliant.
      • Relate to existing partners with Reliant.
      I Can Help You
      • With questions about partnership with Reliant.

      Image Removed

      I Can Help You
      • With
      • questions about

      Internships & Residencies Team

      • joining Reliant International as a sending church, new field staff or overseas partner.
      • Helping field staff connect with their sending church.

      Image Added

      Julie Thompson

      Program Administrator



      What I Do
      • Connect with field staff and partners during special transitions or circumstances.
      • Help lead the International Team on projects and processes

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      Joshua Dull

      Residency & Internship Program Manager



      What I Do
    • Guide and manage our dynamic team that focuses on Residency/Internship/Apprentice/Fellowship programs
    • Work with Church and Program leaders to create and facilitate programs
    • Engage with new potential partners on what it might look like to partner
      I Can Help You
      • If you're a church/ministry leader thinking about partnering with Reliant
      • To navigate next steps with Reliant, whether you're an intern/resident, hopeful one, or leader

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        Carly Erskine

        Residency & Internship Liaison



        What I Do
        • Find the information and resources you need as a Cross-Cultural field staff

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        Adrienne Lansing

        Program Liaison



        What I Do
        • Serve our International field staff as the first point of contact for any questions related to their employment with Reliant.
        • Work with International field staff during their initial launch to the field and other important transitions
      • First point of contact for your ministry or church
      • Work with new staff to set up employment and support them throughout their time with Reliant.
      • Help answer or point staff in the right direction with any questions they might have
        • .
        I Can Help You
        • With any
        employment questions, Reliant account questions, donor questions, etc.
      • Assist HR Administrator with training and onboarding for new Central employees
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        Beka Cashmer

        Residencies Systems & Logistics Coordinator 



        What I Do
        • question! If I don't know the answer, I'll find it for you.

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        Meredith Evans

        International MTD Coordinator


        What I Do
        • Help plan Ministry Team Development training events for new International field staff
        • Provide ongoing MTD coaching for International field workers
      • Provide informational support and financial analysis with resident support raising goals
      • Internally process and communicate employment information
        I Can Help You
        • See your support raising progress and trajectory
        • Answer and help determine the current financial standing of the account you are responsible for 
        • Image Removed

          Karl Koemmpel

          Residencies Coaching Administrator



          What I Do
          • Serve coaches connected to the Fixed Term Team
          • Internally process and communicate employment information
          I Can Help You
          • See your support raising progress and trajectory
          • With any coaching related questions or concerns

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          Matt Mott

          Systems Administrator 



          What I Do
          • Communications with church leaders and residents about MTD and Employment
          • Support and Development of internal processes and procedures for the Fixed Term Team
          • Provide informational support and financial analysis with resident support raising goals
          I Can Help You
          • Answer and help determine the current financial standing of the account you are responsible for 
          • With any employment-related adjustments or changes
          • With creative problem solving for situational resident/program issues

          Program Support Team

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          Jenni Saniuk

          Program Support Team Manager



          What I Do
          • Provide leadership for the members of the program support teams
          • Provide direction and oversight for the functions of each program support team
          • Work with Program Team Leaders to foster a healthy environment for collaboration between support teams and programs teams
          I Can Help You
          Connect with Program Leads about specific problems involving training, assessment, MTD health, and product development within Reliant's structures

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          Hannah De Oliveira

          Events Administrator



          What I Do
          • Oversee the logistics, planning, and implementation of Reliant's MTD Trainings, Mission Trips, and Events. 
          I Can Help You
          • Register or pay for a Reliant event
          • Answer questions about MTD trainings
          • Help you set up a Reliant Mission Trip

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          Jon Crawford

          Product Development and Recruiting Specialist 



          What I Do
          • Develop our products towards their best to serve all who partner with Reliant.
          • Help new partners learn about and then connect with Reliant!
          I Can Help You
          • Help you understand more about Reliant, what it might look like to partner, and then connect you with the right folks!
          • Resource you towards building and imagining within LEARN.
          • Guide you in creating great Breezy applications.

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          Keva Ambre

          MTD Health Specialist



          What I Do
          • Individual MTD coaching.
          • Group coaching cohorts for seasoned missionaries who need a quick boost to their MTD. 
          I Can Help You
          • With questions about the MTD process, your particular MTD situation, or ongoing coaching needs

          Internships & Residencies Team

          Image Added

          Joshua Dull

          Residency & Internship Program Manager



          What I Do
          • Guide and manage our dynamic team that focuses on Residency/Internship/Apprentice/Fellowship programs
          • Work with Church and Program leaders to create and facilitate programs
          • Engage with new potential partners on what it might look like to partner
          I Can Help You
          • If you're a church/ministry leader thinking about partnering with Reliant
          • To navigate next steps with Reliant, whether you're an intern/resident, hopeful one, or leader

          Image Added

          Leanne Strickland

          Residency & Internship Liaison



          What I Do
          • First point of contact for your ministry or church
          • Work with new staff to set up employment and support them throughout their time with Reliant.
          • Help answer or point staff in the right direction with any questions they might have.
          I Can Help You
          • With any employment questions, Reliant account questions, donor questions, etc.

          Image Added

          Beka Cashmer

          Systems Administrator



          What I Do
          • Provide informational support and financial analysis with resident support raising goals
          • Internally process and communicate employment information
          I Can Help You
          • See your support raising progress and trajectory
          • Answer and help determine the current financial standing of the account you are responsible for 

          Image Added

          Karl Koemmpel

          Residencies Coaching Administrator



          What I Do
          • Serve coaches connected to the Fixed Term Team
          • Internally process and communicate employment information
          I Can Help You
          • See your support raising progress and trajectory
          • With any coaching related questions or concerns

          Program Support Team

          Image Added

          Jenni Saniuk

          Program Support Team Manager



          What I Do
          • Provide leadership for the members of the program support teams
          • Provide direction and oversight for the functions of each program support team
          • Work with Program Team Leaders to foster a healthy environment for collaboration between support teams and programs teams
          I Can Help You
          • Connect with Program Leads about specific problems involving training, assessment, MTD health, and product development within Reliant's structures

          Image Added

          Hannah De Oliveira

          Events Administrator



          What I Do
          • Oversee the logistics, planning, and implementation of Reliant's MTD Trainings, Mission Trips, and Events. 
          I Can Help You
          • Register or pay for a Reliant event
          • Answer questions about MTD trainings
          • Help you set up a Reliant Mission Trip

          Image Added

          Jon Crawford

          Product Development and Recruiting Specialist 



          What I Do
          • Develop our products towards their best to serve all who partner with Reliant.
          • Help new partners learn about and then connect with Reliant!
          I Can Help You
          • Help you understand more about Reliant, what it might look like to partner, and then connect you with the right folks!
          • Resource you towards building and imagining within LEARN.
          • Guide you in creating great Breezy applications.

          Image Added

          Keva Ambre

          MTD Health Specialist



          What I Do
          • Individual MTD coaching.
          • Group coaching cohorts for seasoned field staff who need a quick boost to their MTD. 
          I Can Help You
          • Raise support within a cohort of your peers. 
          • Reach your support goals in a timely manner. 
          • Learn how to cultivate and steward higher-capacity donors. 

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          Amber Blais

          Communications Administrator



          What I Do
          • Works to promote streamlined communications processes as well as developing creative elements for Reliant such as our Annual Ministry Report.
          • Communication pieces to our field staff and Central employees
          I Can Help You 
          • With ordering materials on Chalk Line
          • With your profile and cover photo on your Reliant.org profile
          • Any Reliant branding questions

          Payroll & Reimbursements

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          Sarah Swann

          Payroll Supervisor



          What I Do
          • Perform monthly payroll processes
          • Oversee other payroll functions such as taxes and 401K
          I Can Help You
          • If you have a question about your paystub

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          Clif Turner

          AP & Reimbursements Administrator



          What I Do
          • Oversee Reliant's Accountable Reimbursement Plan for all field field staff
          I Can Help You
          • Figure out if that weird ministry expense is reimbursable
          • Understand why a reimbursement was rejected
          • Obtain a salary advance

          Image Added

          Liz Worthey

          Reimbursement Coordinator 



          What I Do
          • Process submitted reimbursements
          • Process payroll tax withholding payments
          I Can Help You
          • Track a reimbursement
          • Get clarity about Reliant's reimbursement policies
          • Fill out a new tax form when you move or have a life change

          Image Added

          Deborah Kennedy

          Payroll & Taxes Administrator

          What I Do
          • Perform monthly payroll processes
          • Assist in other payroll functions such as taxes and 401K
          I Can Help You
          • With questions about your paystub

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          Bethany Hutchison

          Payroll Coordinator


          What I Do
          I Can Help You

          Human Resources

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          Tonya Bartels

          Employment and Benefits Manager



          What I Do
          • Provide oversight and support to the benefits and employment processing team
          • As apart of the HR Team, I work with leadership here at Reliant to create and implement efficient and supportive processes to meet the employment and benefits needs for our staff
          I Can Help You
          • My Team are the ones you will engage with, but I am here for escalated issues and advocacy with our insurance providers
          • By researching and assisting with complex insurance situations

          Image Added

          Kaitlin Hughes

          Employment and Benefits Coordinator



          What I Do
          • Process employment and life insurance benefits for new and current employees
          I Can Help You
          • Employment paperwork and changes
          • Getting your support goals processed
          • Answering questions about the commissioning and ordination processes and procedures 

          Image Added

          Kristina Lilly

          HR Coordinator



          What I Do
          • Assignment and tracking of required education for new and existing staff
          • Maintain policies and procedures related to HR standards and compliance
          I Can Help You
          • Answer questions about HR policies or training

          Image Added

          Jennifer Greening

          Benefits Coordinator



          What I Do
          • Process benefits for new and current employees
          I Can Help You
          • Enroll or change your insurance coverages or plans
          • Understand the different benefits options and how they apply to you
          • Make changes to your coverage when you experience major life events
          • Make sure you and all your dependents are covered


          Image Added

          Miriam Torres

          Senior Accountant


          407-789 2167

          What I Do
          • Prepare financial statements 
          • Prepare Audit documentation
          • Accounting functions across all of Reliant's operations
          I Can Help You
          • Answer escalated questions about Fund balances for departments

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          Laurel Erskine

          Accounting Generalist


          What I Do
          • Daily accounting functions
          • Grant/project fundraising
          • Accounts payable
          I Can Help You
          • I help field staff best by supporting Central Staff Accountants pay the bills and help keep accounting running.

          Image Added

          Jenna Clemens

          Accounting Analyst



          What I Do
          • Accounts Payable - receive, process, and manage invoices for payment
          • Financial Planning and Analysis - collect, organize, analyze, and report monthly Program Team data in monthly dashboard (revenue, admin fees, and other MTD health-related data)
          I Can Help You
          • Pay a vendor or answer questions about payments
          • Assign a FD # to new field staff
          • Develop systems to collect, organize, and analyze data, especially spreadsheets

          Gift Services

          Image Added

          Danielle Martin

          Donor Processing Manager



          What I Do
          • Provide vision and oversight for gift processing and donor relations at Reliant
          • Ensure top-notch communication with all Reliant donors
          • Ensure best practices are followed in all areas of handling and receipting gifts
          I Can Help You
          • I can assist with escalated donor and field staff needs, providing care and specialized solutions

          Image Added

          Natalia Perez

          Donor Liaison



           What I Do
          • Answers donor and field staff phone calls and e-mails. Helps donors with basic website issues. 
          • Assist with processing donor gifts received through the mail.
          I Can Help You
          • Fix a gift that looks wrong on Toolbox or online giving
          • Correct a discredited gift
          • Update donor information and giving

          Image Added

          Dezirae Noriega

          Gift Services Administrator



           What I Do
          • Oversee the daily operations and training of team members of the Gift Services Department. 
          I Can Help You
          • Answer questions on the types and process of giving donations. 
          • Update donor information and giving, as well as correct discredited gifts. 

          Image Added

          Cody Phipps

          Gift Services Coordinator I



           What I Do
          • Process donations for field staff.
          I Can Help You
          • Answer questions on the types and process of giving donations.
          • Update donor information and giving, as well as correct discredited gifts. 

          Central Operations

          Image Added

          Kelly Bapka

          Office HR Administrator



          What I Do
          • Oversee the office payroll
          I Can Help You
          • With insurance for office employees
          • With other office employee HR related issues and concerns

          Image Added

          Kristen Hill

          Executive Assistant 


          What I Do
          • Provide administrative support to the President/CEO and CFO
          I Can Help You
          • If you would like to set up an appointment with Tom Mauriello or James Kaufman

          Technology Services

          Image Added

          John Abassian

          IT Director 

        • Raise support within a cohort of your peers. 
        • Reach your support goals in a timely manner. 
        • Learn how to cultivate and steward higher-capacity donors. 

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          Ashley Ramirez

          MTD Health & Coaching Coordinator



          What I Do
          • Coach missionaries as they raise support to enter their mission field
          • Train missionaries to give MTD presentations
          • Assess missionary applications
          • Encourage missionaries already on the field to maintain their financial supporters
          I Can Help You
          • Persevere through the amazing and challenging support raising season!
          • Engage with your supporters in meaningful ways.

          Payroll & Reimbursements

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          Clif Turner

          AP & Reimbursements Administrator



          What I Do
          • Oversee Reliant's Accountable Reimbursement Plan for all field missionaries
          I Can Help You
          • Figure out if that weird ministry expense is reimbursable
          • Understand why a reimbursement was rejected
          • Obtain a salary advance

          Image Removed

          Monique Maharaj

          Payroll, Taxes & Reimbursements Coordinator



          What I Do
          • Process submitted reimbursements
          • Process payroll tax withholding payments
          I Can Help You
          • Track a reimbursement
          • Get clarity about Reliant's reimbursement policies
          • Fill out a new tax form when you move or have a life change

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          Jacob Pierce

          Payroll Specialist 



          What I Do
          • Process payroll
          • 401K changes for staff
          I Can Help You
          • Answer questions about your paystubs
          • Provide a copy of your W2

          Employment and Benefits

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          Tonya Bartels

          Employment and Benefits Manager



          What I Do
          • Provide oversight and support to the benefits and employment processing team
          I Can Help You
          • By researching and assisting with complex insurance situations
          • Answering questions about the commissioning and ordination processes and procedures 

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          Kaitlin Hughes

          Employment and Benefits Coordinator



          What I Do
          • Process employment and benefits for new and current missionaries
          I Can Help You
          • Employment paperwork and changes
          • Getting your support goals processed

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          Jennifer Greening

          Benefits Coordinator



          What I Do
          • Process benefits for new and current missionaries
          I Can Help You
          • Understand insurance paperwork and policies
          • Enroll or change plans


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          Miriam Torres

          Senior Accountant


          407-789 2167

          What I Do
          • Process payroll
          I Can Help You
          • Submit an MTD Transfer Request
          • Update your 401(k) deductions
          • Submit your timecard correctly

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          Chanda Simmons

          Accounting Manager


          What I Do
          • Manage and oversee the accounting team
          I Can Help You
          • Accounting team related issues in general and support the team with research, analysis, and approvals.

          Image Removed

          Laurel Erskine

          Accounting Coordinator


          What I Do
          • Daily accounting functions
          I Can Help You
          • I help missionaries best by supporting Central Staff Accountants pay the bills and help keep accounting running.

          Gift Services

          Image Removed

          Danielle Martin

          Donor Processing Manager



          What I Do
          • Provide vision and oversight for gift processing and donor relations at Reliant
          • Ensure top-notch communication with all Reliant donors
          • Ensure best practices are followed in all areas of handling and receipting gifts
          I Can Help You
          • I can assist with escalated donor and missionary needs, providing care and specialized solutions

          Image Removed

          Natalia Perez

          Donor Liaison



           What I Do
          • Answers donor and missionary phone calls and e-mails. Helps donors with basic website issues. 
          • Assist with processing donor gifts received through the mail.
          I Can Help You
          • Fix a gift that looks wrong on Staffnet or online giving
          • Correct a discredited gift
          • Update donor information and giving

          Image Removed

          Dezirae Noriega

          Gift Services Administrator



           What I Do
          • Oversee the daily operations and training of team members of the Gift Services Department. 
          I Can Help You
          • Answer questions on the types and process of giving donations. 
          • Update donor information and giving, as well as correct discredited gifts. 

          Image Removed

          Natassia Zinicola

          Gift Services Coordinator II



           What I Do
          • Process donations for Missionaries.
          I Can Help You
          • Answer questions on the types and process of giving donations.
          • Update donor information and giving, as well as correct discredited gifts. 

          Image Removed

          Judi Major

          Donor Liaison



          What I Do
          • Answers donor and missionary e-mails and assists with phone calls. Helps donors with basic website issues.
          I Can Help You
          • Fix a gift that looks wrong on Staffnet or online giving
          • Update donor information and giving, misdirected gifts, merge duplicate records
          • If a donor wants to give a gift of stock or securities or has questions about matching gifts

          Image Removed

          Javonte Lilly

          Gift Services Coordinator I



           What I Do
          • Process donations for Missionaries.
          I Can Help You
          • Answer questions on the types and process of giving donations.
          • Update donor information and giving, as well as correct discredited gifts. 

          Central Operations

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          Kelly Bapka

          Office HR Administrator



          What I Do
          • Oversee the office payroll
          I Can Help You
          • With insurance for office employees
          • With other office employee HR related issues and concerns

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          Sarah Swann

          Assistant to the President and CFO and Special Projects Administrator



          What I Do
          • Assist Reliant's President
          • Works alongside to organize and manage executive-level special projects
          I Can Help You
          • If you would like to set up an appointment with Tom Mauriello

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          Amber Blais

          Communications Administrator



          What I Do
          • Works to promote streamlined communications processes as well as developing creative elements for Reliant such as our Annual Ministry Report.
          • Communication pieces to our field staff and Central employees
          I Can Help You 
          • With ordering materials on CopyCat
          • With your profile and cover photo on your Reliant.org profile
          • Any Reliant branding questions

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          Kristina Lilly

          HR Compliance Coordinator



          What I Do
          • Assignment and tracking of required education for new and existing staff
          • Maintain policies and procedures related to HR standards and compliance
          I Can Help You
          • Answer questions about HR policies or training

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          Carly Erskine

          Office Coordinator



          What I Do
          • First point of contact for our office space in the Lake Nona area of Orlando, FL
          • Help build and maintain office culture and environment for all Central employees
          • Assist HR Administrator with training and onboarding for new Central employees
          I Can Help You
          • If you need to know any logistical things about the Central office

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          Ashley Lynn Brady Brown

          Projects Administrator



          What I Do
          • Help the Reliant Central team navigate through internal processes and projects. 
          I Can Help You
          • Understand how the central team works together through collaboration and project management. 

          Technology Services

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          John Abassian

          Software Engineer


          What I Do
          • Develops and maintains Reliant's applications, services, websites and more.
          I Can Help You 
          • I help missionaries best when implementing new features and fixes.
          • The best way to reach me about issues with (or suggestions for improving) the Reliant websites is through the "Help" section.

          Image Removed

          Ben Wilkinson

          Software Engineer


          What I Do
          • Develops and maintains Reliant's software applications, services, websites and more.
          I Can Help You 
          • I help missionaries best help field staff best when implementing new features and fixes.
          • The best way to reach me about issues with (or suggestions for improving) the Reliant websites is through the "Help" section.

          Image Removed Image Added

          Will Lafferty

          Ben Wilkinson

          Principal Software Support AdministratorArchitect


          What I Do
          • Develops and maintains Reliant's software applications, services, websites and more.
          I Can Help
          • I help missionaries best help field staff best when implementing new features and fixes.
          • The best way to reach me about issues with (or suggestions for improving) the Reliant websites is through the "Help" section.

          Image Removed Image Added

          Sarah Schulteis

          Will Lafferty

          Junior Software EngineerSupport Administrator


          What I Do
          • Develops and maintains Reliant's software applications, services, websites and more.
          I Can Help You
          • I help missionaries best help field staff best when implementing new features and fixes.
          • The best way to reach me about issues with (or suggestions for improving) the Reliant websites is through the "Help" section.

          Image Removed Image Added

          David Lim

          Sarah Schulteis

          Junior Software Engineer


          What I Do
          • Develops and maintains Reliant's software applications, services, websites and more.
          I Can Help You
          • I help missionaries best help field staff best when implementing new features and fixes.
          • The best way to reach me about issues with (or suggestions for improving) the Reliant websites is through the "Help" section.

          Bill Erskine

          Network Administrator



          What I Do
          •  I maintain Reliant's servers and network as well as maintain and troubleshoot the office staff's computing needs.
          I Can Help You
          • Sorry! Unfortunately, I can’t help you with your local computer problems