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Procedure Name:Release to Assignment
Scope:All US Based Field Staff
Revision Date:April 26, 2021
Last Review Date:June 8, 2023


Reliant staff must receive "release to assignment" approval from their Program Team in order to engage in duties beyond those identified in the Initial MTD job description. Release to assignment approval is based upon staff meeting or exceeding 100% of the support goal that has been approved by Reliant and submitting a supervisor-approved job description to their Program Team (collegiate.program@reliant.org or us@reliant.org). The support goal is measured by Reliant using current gifts as reported on Toolbox.


If you are an International staff member, please visit International Timeline in order to request Release to Assignment.

Steps for Release to Assignment

1. Submit updated Job Description to collegiate.program@reliant.org or us@reliant.org

Details: In order to be released, you need to submit an updated Job Description if you have not done so in the past 90 days. Your job description must be approved by your supervisor.


2. Submit Release to Assignment form

Details: The Release to Assignment form (found below) should be completed when the staff member believes the support goal has been met.

3. Wait for release from Program Team

Details: The Program Team makes the final determination of the staff members' eligibility to be released to assignment. Staff will be notified once a determination has been made.


Reliant staff should continue raising support at their primary job responsibility until they have received approval from their Program Team. This will allow for finishing up with potential donors you have started reaching out to, as well as hopefully moving the staff member over 100%.

Release to Assignment form

  • If you do not see the form below, make sure you are logged in to your reliant.org Google Account on this browser. You can do this at mail.reliant.org or drive.reliant.org. Refresh this page after you sign in.
  • If you are on a mobile device or using Internet Explorer and have trouble reading the form, you can use this alternate link.
  • If you do not have access to Google, you can use this PDF.

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/a/reliant.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhYmR43-DWUjfYWJcU1ekrOpciOjm-Cte8kj04FU2bf3wfRA/viewform?embedded=true" width="600" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>


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Related pages

Missionaries must receive release to assignment” approval from Missionary Resources in order to engage in duties beyond those identified in the Initial MTD job description. Release to assignment approval is based upon the missionary meeting or exceeding the support goal that has been approved by Reliant. The support goal is measured by Reliant using current gifts, as reported on Staffnet.


Steps to take 

When a missionary believes they have met their support goal, they should complete this form and send or fax it to Reliant. The Missionary Resources team will make the final determination of the missionarys eligibility to be released to assignment. Missionaries will be notified once a determination has been made.



Missionaries must not discontinue raising support as their primary job responsibility until they have received release to assignment approval.

UPDATED 5/11/2016

Release to Assignment Form


Missionaries must receive release to assignment” approval from Reliant Missionary Resources in order to engage in duties beyond those identified in the Initial MTD job description. Release to assignment approval is based upon the missionary meeting or exceeding the support goal that has been approved by Reliant. The support goal is measured by Reliant using current gifts, as reported on Staffnet.


When a missionary believes they have met their support goal, they should complete this form and send or fax it to Reliant. The Missionary Resources team will make the final determination of the missionarys eligibility to be released to assignment. Missionaries will be notified once a determination has been made.


Missionaries must not discontinue raising support as their primary job responsibility until they have received release to assignment approval.



Employee Name:                                         Date:                         FD#:          

Phone:                                      Email:                         


Support Goal Information:

Reliant approved support goal: $               

Total current monthly support: $               


Are there other considerations for Release?



Send Completed Form to hr@reliant.org or fax it to 407-671-9776


For office use only:

Verified Current Monthly Support:  $             Date:             Received By:                          

Missionary Resources Department Approval:                            Date:           

Email:                          Phone:                   FD:           

Effective Date of Release To Assignment:           

