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The existence of and the working together of these four entities provides a valuable foundation for the health and effectiveness of a Goer. Below we will give an overview of important responsibilities for each partner, that are fleshed out further in our Reliant International MOU. Let’s look at the roles of each, including the roles of a Reliant Goer:

Table of Contents

The Sending Church

The Sending Church is the constant entity in the life of a Goer. The Church is there long before a Goer applies to Reliant, and will be there long after a Goer leaves their field of service to return to the US. We strive to equip the church in that great task of mobilization and care. Below are the roles the Sending Church will play in the life of our international Goers.

  1. Identification and Assessment - You are likely the first to recognize or identify that a member of your Body is interested in cross-culturally work. You have the closest relationship with them, so we invite you into the assessment process by filling out reference forms and participating in hiring conversations and development plans for workers.
  2. Affirmation and Development - We heavily rely on your affirmation of Goers, since you know them best! After the assessment process, we may suggest specific areas of development and ask you to walk alongside the Goer in those areas.
  3. On-going Care - The spiritual and pastoral care of a committed Sending Church can be the defining difference in the life and ministry of an International worker. This may take many forms, including regular check-ins, regular prayer for the Goer, etc. The sending church also plays an important role during home assignments and the re-entry process will help your Goer walk through difficult transitions with the support network they need.
  4. Maturing Relationship with Goer - We encourage you to continually be growing in your calling as a sending church, especially if you are new to this type of partnership in missions. Get feedback from your Goers on how you can be supporting them in new ways.


Reliant exists to mobilize workers for the Great Commission by partnering with gospel-centered churches and non-profits. We provide structures and processes that can take a huge burden off churches and ministries, allowing them to do what they do best - the ministry itself!

  1. Employment and Benefits - We will be the direct employer of the Goer, providing a steady paycheck, health insurance, retirement savings, and HR resources.
  2. Giving Platform and Donor Care - Reliant provides a safe and secure giving platform that your donors can use with confidence and peace of mind. We assist donors personally who need help with the giving process. We also provide Goers with training and coaching specific to the support-raising process.
  3. Connect Goers to Resources - While the needs of International workers are great, there are also a wide array of resources to help and support them through their journey. We can help the Goers and their leadership find the resources they need in areas like Cross-cultural training, Parenting TCKs, Crisis Management Planning, etc.
  4. Facilitate Healthy Sending and Supervision - We seek to create spaces of collaboration between sending and receiving partners, by inviting both into important conversations and decisions. We can also provide tools and resources to the sending church and field ministries to equip them in their roles.

Field Leadership

The on-the-ground field leadership is usually the leader of a team, organization, or local church that is physically present with the worker on the ground. They will have the best understanding of the local context and will have the most interaction with the Goer.

  1. Provide Vision and Strategy - We entrust you with both the vision and decision-making regarding ministry in your context. You will create the job description and objectives for the Goers. It is also your responsibility to help him or her maintain a legal presence in the country.
  2. Supervision and Development - Field leadership provides on-field accountability and should be the first to identify areas where a Goer might need further training or support, and if needed, working with the sending church or Reliant to access resources.
  3. Healthy Working Environment - It is vital that field leadership ensures that the worker is able to flourish in a healthy ministry setting, by being on-guard against any abuses of power, addressing conflict or disunity among team members in a Biblical way, and encouraging the worker to practice good work/life rhythms by providing regular times of rest.
  4. Evaluate Effectiveness - Each year, field leadership will be asked to submit an evaluation on the Goer, highlighting areas of strengths and weaknesses, with the goal of helping the worker to continually grow and mature in his or her role. We also ask for open communication throughout the year if a significant issue arises that hinders the worker's ability to carry out normal ministry responsibilities.

The Goer

The Reliant worker who has been affirmed by leadership in their calling and invited to work in an overseas ministry setting.

  1. Execute Ministry Strategy - The Goer will carry out the ministry and his or her specific responsibilities as detailed in the job description.
  2. Submission to Leadership - We expect all International to humbly come under the guidance and authority of their leadership, seeking accountability, feedback, and direction.
  3. Relate to Sending Church - The Goer should make an effort to communicate back to their sending church and to be open about needs and struggles. Although not required, it is encouraged for a Goer to spend significant time on Home Assignment building and strengthing relationships within their home church, for mutual encouragement.
  4. Cultivate Ministry Partners - It is the job of the Goer to build and maintain a team of ministry partners who are financially supporting the ministry. Apart from the initial support-raising time, Goers should foster true partnership by maintaining regular rhythms of communication with those who have invested in the ministry.


While this is the ideal, we understand every situation does not fit in a box. Here are some thoughts on our most frequently asked questions.


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titleWhat if I am the Team Leader?

There are certainly times many situations where a Reliant Goer is either the leader of a team, or starting a work in a new location that is without local leadership. In these cases, we would look to the Sending Church to play an even greater role in the life of the Goer, especially in the area of member care. When that is not possible, Reliant may fill in gaps where needed. We never want our Goers . This may mean a stateside leader from your Sending Church, or Network, assumes the role of a supervisor. It may also look like putting together an Advisory Board of trusted individuals that can speak into your life and ministry. Reliant can help you figure out what that looks like in your unique situation. We never want field leaders to feel alone or be without proper support systems , especially if they are leading as they lead others.

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titleWhat if I don't have a Sending Churchsending church?

Every Reliant Goer should have some sort of connection to a church where they have attended before serving overseas, even if this church doesn't see itself as the "sending" church. Making an effort to maintain a connection with them while overseas and on Home Assignment will likely open up opportunities for deeper partnership. Reliant may request a "point-person" of contact, whether a pastor or mentor, so that we know who to involve stateside if a crisis were to arise on the field. We are also here to support and equip churches that have a desire to grow as a sending church. They may just need to know they are invited into that space! Check out the article by Upstream called, "A Healthy Posture Towards a Sending Church" for more on this topic.

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titleWhat if my Supervisor doesn't speak English?

Even in cases where a supervisor does not speak English, we desire to connect with your field leadership and make a pathway for open and honest communication. We have translation services available for various forms and documents and can seek verbal translation services when needed. Additionally, we have several Reliant Office staff who are fluent in Spanish and have a working knowledge of other languages.
