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Church/Ministry Honorarium

If you would like to give a monetary gift to say thank you to a church or ministry (ex. for the use of their space, etc.) you can request a honorarium check be sent from Reliant directly (NOT from event advance).

You can fill out a check request and share it with events@reliant.org or for collegiate events share with collegiate.program@reliant.org

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Speaker Compensation Honorariums/Stipends


If your summer program includes guest speakers and your program wants to contribute financially to help offset their travel costs to the summer program, please provide the Reliant summer program coordinator with a list of speakers, the dates they are coming, and how much you would like to contribute towards their travel expenses by filling out a speaker payment request form.   You can send this list in advance either all at once at the beginning of the summer or each month, etc.  If you send the list in advance, Reliant will email to confirm that the speakers did in fact come and speak before processing The term for a speaker transfer payment to a Reliant employee is called a stipend, for non-Reliant employees we will send an honorarium check. 

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You can send this form at the beginning of the program with a list of all the speaker information. You will need to add a comment to confirm when the speakers do in fact arrive before Reliant will process the request. 

In most cases, if the speaker is a Reliant missionary, Reliant will then transfer the pre-determined honorarium stipend amount into the MTD account the speaker is responsible with Reliant. The transfer will occur the month after they speak at the summer program.  If the speaker is speaking at the beginning of a month, a special request can be made to have the honorarium stipend transferred at the end of that current month, rather than waiting until the next month. It is our preference that all transfers be made after they speak to ensure the need for the transfer.

If the speaker is not a Reliant missionary, they will be required to submit a W-9 form to Reliant.  After they have spoken at the summer program and have submitted the completed W-9 form, they will then receive a an honorarium check payable to them (or their ministry if that is indicated on the check request form). Payments in excess of the allowable IRS limit (currently the limit is $600) All payments to non-Reliant employees will result in the speaker receiving a 1099 for the amount they received, which they will be required to report on their taxes as income.




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Submitting reimbursements for speaker travel costs.

  • Reliant missionaries who have healthy balances (no backpay) in the MTD account they are responsible for with Reliant will see the pre-determined transfer amount increase the available funds (in the MTD account) to be used towards paying their reimbursements.  They can then submit a reimbursement for their travel costs (payable out of the MTD fund they are responsible for) for ministry expenses they incur for their role as a summer program speaker.  The reimbursement submitted to the MTD fund they are responsible for can be more, less, or equal to the provided honorarium amount given.  However, any reimbursement amount above the given honorarium transfer will be reimbursed from the Reliant missionary account they are responsible for (from MTD funds raised by the missionary ) as there will not be an additional transfer from the summer program account. 

  • For those Reliant missionary s missionaries who have unpaid backpay, the transfer will increase the available funds to be used for their payroll expenses, including any unpaid backpay. In this scenario it is still recommended that the missionary submit a reimbursement for their costs incurred to speak at the summer program.  However, the reimbursement will not be eligible for payment until the missionary has been paid all their outstanding backpay.  Reliant keeps reimbursements on file for the current year plus 2 previous calendar years so there is time for the missionary to raise the extra support for the reimbursement to be paid at a later date when funds are available.

Exception for requesting a speaker flight to be paid for from the summer program fund directly:

  • If a Reliant missionary who serves as a speaker at a summer program would prefer their flight cost to be paid out of the summer program fund directly that is an option. However, the flight amount may not exceed the amount of an equivalent transfer.  In this scenario the LT Finance Director will make arrangements for Reliant to book the speaker's flight and charge the flight to a Reliant credit card, to be expensed directly to the summer program fund.  This payment option is only available for flights and cannot be utilized for mileage or other transportation expenses.  This option must be chosen in advance and communicated to the Reliant summer program coordinator prior to any flights being purchased and will negate the ability of the missionary to submit a reimbursement for the flight. 

Speaker Gifts

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Speaker Meals


Speaker meals during their time at the event may be paid by event funds (this would be in addition to receiving their honorarium/stipend) if it was a budgeted expense.  See specific instructions below. 

It is allowable for the event to use event funds to reimburse groceries purchased for the speaker’s meals during their time at the event.

It is also allowable to include the speaker (and the speaker’s family) in event group meals in which participants and Reliant missionaries are all dining together.



In the case of the summer programs that are located at a YMCA, event funds can be used for paying for speaker and speaker family meals at the cafeteria. Our assumption is payment is being made to the cafeteria directly at the time of the meal, so no invoice is being received from the YMCA for these particular meals.  Therefore, maintaining an internal tracking system providing the necessary information is required, as this will be your receipt.  Please keep a log that lists the speaker's name, dates they attended LT, the # of meals the speaker/wives/family had (ex. broken down for breakfast/lunch/dinner) and the total amount paid for the speaker meals during their time at LT.

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It is also allowable for event funds to be used for the Event Director (or other missionary attending the event with approval from the Director) to take a speaker out to eat for a single meal at a nice restaurant as a thank you. Please keep these meals to less than $40 per person and remember that alcohol cannot be purchased using petty cash funds.




