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Other allowable expenses:

UI Expand

If the event used participant allowance, then medicine should be bought using those funds.

However, if the event did not use participant allowance, then simple over-the-counter medicines that can be used by the entire team (such as stomach medicine or pain relievers) can technically be purchased using event funds, but are typically only purchased if they will be used by multiple team members so that it is not a personal expense.

Although medicines that need a prescription are not covered by the event fund, medicines requiring a prescription or doctor visits may possibly be covered by Reliant event's supplemental medical insurance. Please see the Reliant Events Department for guidance.

UI Expand

If the event used participant allowance, then laundry should be paid for using those funds.

However, if the event did not use participant allowance, and the event is long enough to warrant washing clothes during their stay, then laundry can be paid for by the event fund if all participants are given the opportunity to wash their clothes. 

UI Expand
titlePhone SIM cards

International phone SIM cards, or payment for a month of international phone service with a phone provider is approved for event leaders as this is a necessary expense for communication for event leaders for planning, finances, etc. during the event. For your receipt, for international phone service if you are paying for a month of added international plan (vs buying SIM cards) go online with your provider and take a picture of how much it costs for a month (or per day) for that plan and we will use that as the receipt. Typically a phone plan/SIM card is not necessary or needed for all the individual participants to have for the purpose of the event. Therefore, it would be considered a personal expense for the rest of the participants to also buy an international phone plan/SIM card and would not be reimbursed using event funds.  (The only exception to this would be the purpose and goal of the event directly correlates to each participant needing their phone to work in that country in order to accomplish their role during the event. Before purchasing international calling ability for each participant to be reimbursed by the event fund directly, please discuss with Reliant the purpose and reasoning for that need so that we can verify that it has a purpose for the event and not just a personal reason such as wanting to socialize with family and friends, etc.) If Reliant agrees with the decision that it is needed for all participants to also purchase using event funds an international plan for a month (or a few days, etc.) or buying a SIM card, we suggest allotting a specific amount that is the same for all participants to receive from the event. Please show us how you came to that amount (example show a picture of your international calling plan amount online) and say you decided to give all or a portion of that amount of the cost to each person to pay for their phone plan for the week then have everyone sign (either via paper or by replying to an email) that they have received $x amount on x day for that purpose. 


UI Expand

Mileage Reimbursements 


For summer programs, the event fund is not used to reimburse travel to and from the event. 

See the following for more details on why:

However, there may be a few times during a summer program where you need to reimburse mileage using event funds if it was budgeted by the event.

Examples include:

  • Missionary driving to the airport to pick up a main session speaker for the summer program.
  • The entire summer program is driving together to go to an event or location far away, etc. (Example: Winter Park LT participants are all going to Estes Park LT to have teaching session together.)


For domestic mission trips, the event fund is typically used for reimbursing travel to and from the event since the church travels together as a team to the event. (Make sure that Reliant is aware that this is happening so that proper liability insurance has been bought for the event.) 

The event will reimburse those that have driven based on the mileage reimbursement rate for the year. (2021 rate is $0.56/mile, Use the IRS standard business mileage rate ).  Or, your event may also choose to budget a lower flat rate agreed-upon amount for trips rather than following the yearly mileage rate. (You may give a lower rate, but you may not give a higher rate.) 

For those that are driving that own the car being driven:

For someone who is driving their own car, it is preferred that you calculate the cost using mileage rather than paying for specific gas receipts. This allows for equitable reimbursement for all drivers to account for both gas and wear and tear on the vehicle. Please ask each driver to track their odometer readings from their vehicles before and after the trip to substantiate the # of miles driven.

For documentation for your event advance receipts, you'll need a handwritten receipt from the driver saying they received X amount of dollars from the (event name) for driving their car to _____ for this purpose_____ and include their vehicle's starting and ending odometer readings. If you are giving less than the standard business mileage rate, then write the amount you used to calculate the total amount given.

Here's an example of a hand-written receipt for mileage reimbursement....  (If you are unable to get a handwritten receipt, then an email from the individual who received the funds can count as well.)

UI Text Box

I, Gabe Smith, received $69.55 from this event (ex. Estes ParkLT) for driving my vehicle 130 miles (starting odometer 85,000/ ending odometer 85,130) to transport this week's summer program main session speaker from the airport to the summer program housing.

Signed _(Gabe Smith)_

Date: 6/14/2021

For those that are driving that are borrowing the car being driven:

For those that are borrowing someone else's car to drive, there is reason to give compensation to both the driver who paid for gas and the owner of the vehicle for wear and tear on the car. 

In this situation, it makes sense for the event to pay for the specific gas receipt (rather than to use a mileage calculation) to reimburse the person who bought the gas. Then, it also makes sense for the event to compensate the owner of the vehicle for the use of their car towards the purpose of the event. Since you are not allowed to simply give someone cash or a gift card to say thank you for letting us borrow your car, we need to make it more official that this is a payment for the usage of a vehicle. In this situation, we would ask that you give the owner a copy of this invoice template and ask that they fill it out with a description that says why they are being paid. The amount they are paid should be agreed upon in advance (based on your budget) and all owners of the vehicles should receive the same amount across the board. This invoice will count as your receipt for your event advance. 

View file
nameBlank Invoice Template.dotx


UI Expand
titleFun events for participants

If you have any special outings planned for participants during the event that you'll incur fees to places such as tours/admission to national parks/ropes course, etc. (or outreach or fun events) there is a $20 per person limit amount for reimbursing using the event fundplease keep in mind the purpose of the event and the intent of the event fees or donations related to the mission of the event. We ask that you would budget this line item ahead of time and work with your church partner/network on an amount that seems reasonable and in line with the purpose of the trip. Ultimately, especially for trips with donations, we want to make sure that the participant is giving more than receiving and that the event is not perceived to be more beneficial to the participant than those that they are going to serve.

What is Not Allowed

Expenses not related to the direct purpose of the event are not allowed. This would include items meant to bless a local church in the middle of a trip just because it feels right or the church asks, but it was not part of the original objective of the event.
