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Policy Name:Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
Scope:All Reliant Employees and Associates
Revision Date: 6/1/2021
Last Review Date:4/12/2023


titleCourse Information



1. Summary

1.1 RELIANT MISSION (“RELIANT”) prohibits unlawful harassment or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, ancestry or national origin, pregnancy disability, physical or mental disability, age, genetic information, veteran or military status, or any other basis protected by applicable federal, state, or local law (all as defined and protected by applicable law). Such harassment or discrimination is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. RELIANT expects professional, respectful communication among its employees and volunteers and interaction that exemplifies courtesy and mutual consideration.


4.1 This policy prohibiting unlawful harassment and discrimination is not limited to relationships between and among employees and prospective employees and volunteers but also extends to interaction with those served by the ministry. RELIANT will not tolerate any form of unlawful harassment or discrimination against RELIANT employees or volunteers, whether by pastors, executives, managers, supervisors, co-workers, employees, or volunteers, or by vendors, suppliers, clients, customers, independent contractors, or others who do business with RELIANT. No employee or volunteer will be required to suffer unlawful harassment by any volunteer, vendor, supplier, client, customer, independent contractor, or others who do business with RELIANT. Any unwelcome unlawful harassment advanced by a volunteer, vendor, supplier, client, customer, independent contractor, or others who do business with RELIANT should be reported immediately to the HR Compliance Officer Director via email at notifyHR@reliant.org or by phone at 407-490-0141. 


6.2 Any employee or volunteer who feels that he or she is or has been the victim of or has observed unlawful harassment or discrimination in violation of this policy should immediately notify his or her supervisor AND also directly to the HR Compliance Officer at notifyHR@reliant.org or 407-490-0141Director or via Reliant's Employee Reporting Hotline. The reporting employee/volunteer has the option of remaining anonymous when using the Employee Reporting Hotline. Notification should be made preferably in writing. The complaint and related details should be specific and should include the names of the individuals involved as well as the names of any potential witnesses.

6.3 Reporting options:

6.4 RELIANT will fully investigate all complaints and will maintain appropriate confidentiality to the extent possible given RELIANT’s duty to investigate the complaint. Anyone who is found to have engaged in harassment or discrimination in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of his or her employment or volunteer service. Any employee or volunteer may be disciplined for making a knowingly false complaint or for providing knowingly false information in the course of an investigation.

6.3 5 RELIANT will appropriately document all matters related to complaints of alleged unlawful harassment or discrimination, including meetings, interviews, results of investigations, and other actions attendant to the allegation. Following an investigation and the completion of appropriate corrective measures, management will advise the complaining party that a thorough investigation has been conducted and that appropriate corrective action (if warranted) has been taken by management.


7.1 All levels of supervision and management are responsible for: (a) assuring all employees and volunteers that unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation are prohibited by RELIANT policy and that management will conduct an investigation of alleged incidents of unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, and take prompt and appropriate corrective action; and that such complaints, including all information and documents pertinent thereto, will be kept confidential to the extent possible given RELIANT’s duty to investigate the complaint; and (b) reporting all alleged incidents of unlawful harassment and/or discrimination to appropriate management. Any supervisor or manager who receives a complaint of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, or who learns about any conduct that potentially violates this policy, is required to promptly forward that information to the HR Compliance Officer, Director and will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, for failing to timely report.


7.3 RELIANT is strongly committed to maintaining a workplace free of unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation. All complaints will be taken seriously. If you have questions, please contact the HR Compliance Officer Director at notifyHR@reliant.org or 407-490-0141. 


8.1 RELIANT is exempt from certain claims of unlawful employment practices because of its status as a religious organization and/or other type of entity recognized as being provided such an exemption by various federal state, and/or local laws. To the fullest extent permitted, RELIANT expressly claims any and all exemptions available to it under applicable laws regarding and/or related to unlawful employment practices. Exemptions claimed by RELIANT include, but are not limited to, those exemptions available to it under: (1) the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; (2) the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, 42 U.S.C. §2000bb et seq.; (3) Section 702 of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-1(a); (4) applicable state constitutional provisions regarding religious freedom; (5) applicable state statutes regarding religious freedom; (6) any successor provisions to any of the foregoing laws; and (7) any and all other applicable federal and state laws, county and local codes and ordinances. Nothing contained in this policy is intended to, nor should it be interpreted as, waiving any exemption(s) or defense(s) that RELIANT may have, claim, and/or be entitled to claim either now or in the future. Anchorrelatedcoursesrelatedcourses

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Note that these training courses are completed based on one's role.


Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees

Required Audience: All Non-Supervisors

Length: 1.5 hours

Vendor: Telios Teaches





Topics Addressed

  • Do Religious Organizations Need to Worry?
  • Theology and the Secular Law
  • The Definition of Sexual Harassment
  • Organizational Policy & Procedure
  • Investigation & Discipline
  • Vignettes that cover actual situations

Also available (if applicable): California and New York Compliance Modules

Optional: Any non-supervisor level employee who would like to take the Manager & HR Level training in lieu of the Employee level training is able to do so.

UI Text Box
Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers

Required Audience: All Supervisors and Leaders

Length: 2.5 hours

Vendor: Telios Teaches


Specifically designed for Christian organizations and churches, this course will help the participant better understand sexual harassment, the harm it may cause, and how the organization will respond to claims of harassment.

Topics Addressed

  • Do Religious Organizations Need to Worry?
  • Theology and the Secular Law
  • Risks to Religious Organizations
  • How Laws Apply to Religious Organizations
  • The Definition of Sexual Harassment
  • Organizational Policy & Procedure
  • Policies and Reporting Mechanisms
  • Investigation & Discipline
  • Processing Compliants & Safety Plans
  • Preparing for Investigation
  • Internal Investigation Process
  • Considerations When Dealing with Sexual Harassment
  • Vignettes that cover actual situations

Also available (if applicable): California and New York Compliance Modules
