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We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: your home assignment has the capacity, when properly understood and planned for, to breathe new life, courage, and conviction into your soul that enables years of fruitful work. On the flip side, because of poor expectations (dreading it or imagining America will be some new-creation utopia), it has the capacity to can disappoint, frustrate, and wear you down as you spend several months away from your new home, living like a nomad, becoming disoriented by how your friends and church have changed. We want the first narrative to be your story, and to that end, there are several resources you should check out:

This guide is intended to help you flourish in your upcoming Home Assignment by preparing you to prepare for and maximize the opportunities for MTD that your time stateside affords you.


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titleRenew Your Mind

Let’s face it: It’s been a while since you’ve really turned all your focus toward full-time MTD, and many of us, when we think of picking up that phone, have a few buried (or maybe not-so-buried) fears. They are, in some ways, the same fears we faced when we raised our initial support. Yet they also have the potential to be more insidious , because now they might be compounded by the memories of our past experienceexperiences.

If you’re here, you’re not alone. We’ve spoken to full-time missionaries workers who have lived on financial support for twenty years who years but still find themselves with unfounded fears floating in their hearts that have been unconfronted while their focus was focusing on full-time ministry elsewhere.

Even if that’s not you, and you’re feeling full of confidence, it behooves us to return to some of the basics and re-assess our foundation. Consider some of these questions:

  • There are many godly vocations. Can I reaffirm that God has called me to this ministry, at this time, and in this place?
  • There are many biblical models of obtaining financial resources. Do I believe that God has called me to Ministry Team Development — living in dependence on the greater body of Christ?

